In order for a flat stomach to become a reality in 4 weeks, in addition to a suitable diet, certain training sessions are also very important. So-called high-intensity interval training can help you burn belly fat faster because it increases your oxygen intake after you finish working. In addition, resistance exercises allow you to get rid of fat deposits in the abdominal area in the shortest possible time. This also tones the abdominal muscles in a moderate way without building excessive muscle mass. Below you will find an example fitness program with exercises for a month that can easily be done at home.
What should you consider before a flat stomach becomes possible in 4 weeks?
If you want to optimize muscle strength in your core while losing weight, there are a few important factors to consider. At theHIIT TrainingIt is crucial to prevent injuries and improve the body's balance. It is possible to tone the abdominal muscles in a month by precisely performing specific higher intensity exercises on weekdays.
You should also stay hydrated and strong by drinking lots of water andeat a balanced diet. To do this, consume healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains and fibrous vegetables such as broccoli. You should also increase your protein intake by eating lean meats or plant-based proteins like quinoa and healthy fats like avocado, salmon and coconut oil.
Consuming teas such as peppermint or chamomile also contribute to weight loss as these are natural diuretics. Eating natural yogurt that contains probiotics can also be very helpful during the training phase. Without further ado, here are some effective workouts you can try to get the results you want.
Train intensively and increase the strength of your abdominal muscles
If you stretch your core in as many directions as possible, a flat stomach in 4 weeks would be a realistic goal. To do this, you should start with moderate intensity and fewer repetitions and then gradually increase them for a visible effect. Such regular exercises are also suitable for beginners who want to get in shape quickly without necessarily working out in the gym. So incorporate these easy-to-follow moves into your weekly workout routine to boost your overall fitness level andLose fat in the abdominal region.
Flat stomach in 4 weeks – HIIT workout for the first week
With the first circuit of high-intensity interval training, you can push your metabolism to its highest rate for burning fat. It's important to be disciplined and get up to speed during the initial stages by pushing your abdominal muscles as hard as possible. In this workout plan, you do different workouts every week for a short period of time to tone your abs, while also resting for two days. Start with the following exercises in the first week.
Planks on forearms with squats:
- First, you should get into a forearm support position.
- First, make sure your shoulders are square over your elbows and your palms are pressed together.
- Then keep your entire body in one line with your feet together.
- Now gently bend your knees to tap the floor.
- Be careful not to move your hips.
- Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the second knees.
- Then continue performing the exercise with alternating knees.
Simple abdominal crunches
- First, lie straight on your back and bend your knees.
- Then place your hands behind your head and extend your elbows to the sides.
- Start by exhaling and slowly lift your head and shoulder off the floor until your chest bends slightly.
- Press your lower back into the floor as you perform the full movement.
- Then you can take a deep breath and release this position to return to normal body position.
- Do the reps for one minute.
High squats
- Bend your elbows 90 degrees while standing, extended forward and palm down.
- Raise your left and right knees one at a time to touch your hands.
- Continue like this with light hops.
Build deeper abs in week 2
In the second week, start activating the deeper abdominal muscles as this improves the body's balance and is the key to better posture. This is an important part of the training plan that makes a flat stomach more achievable in 4 weeks.
Alternate leg raises with plank on forearms
- First, stand in a plank position with all fours on the floor.
- Then keep your elbows stable under your shoulders while your entire body remains in a straight line.
- Now lift your right heel into the air as far as possible.
- Then immediately switch the position of your heels while keeping your hips stable.
- Repeat the movements for a minute.
Perform mountain climber exercise
- First, stand again in a plank position with your palms pressed to the floor at shoulder distance.
- Then try to keep your body in a straight line from top to bottom.
- After that, move your right knee towards your chest and quickly return to the starting position.
- Repeat with opposite sides for 60 seconds, alternating knees.
Stretching exercise with raised legs
- First, sit on the floor with your knees slightly bent and lift your legs halfway into the air.
- Then bring your palms together at chest level and keep your lower body stable.
- Rotate your torso from the waist to stretch your upper body to the left or right.
- Now repeat the opposite position and continue for 1 minute.
Increase the level in the third week for a flat stomach in 4 weeks
In week number 3 you should focus on the often neglected abdominal muscles in the lower abdomen. Activating these abdominal muscles can improve your overall shape and tone your stomach. In addition, you should prepare to strain abdominal areas that you don't normally use very much in everyday life.
Stretch your hip flexors in a plank position
- First, position your body in plank while keeping your forearms on the floor.
- Then extend your feet wide apart to allow for optimal hip extension.
- Now engage your abdominal muscles and move your hips toward your spine, keeping them away from the floor.
- Stay in this position while pressing your palms together.
- Rotate your body from the waist and come back to center.
- Repeat the same with the opposite side.
- Continue like this for 60 seconds, alternating sides.
Abdominal press with arm raises
- First, lie on your back with your legs extended and your arms on the floor at your sides.
- Then try to keep your legs straight while pressing your butt against the floor.
- Now tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your feet about 45 degrees off the floor.
- After that, slowly start lifting your shoulder, head, and neck off the floor while also raising your arms parallel to the floor.
- Stay in this position for a minute while moving your arms as directed.
Touch heels while standing
- First, position your feet hip-width apart in a standing body position.
- Then activate your abdominal muscles and slightly bend your knees to touch your two heels with your left and right hands in alternating movements.
- Now switch sides as often as possible for 60 seconds.
Tone your abdominal muscles with HIIT exercises in the last week 4
Move into the final training phase of the plan if a flat stomach in 4 weeks remains your main goal. Introduce an element of flexibility to this circuit with some intense workouts. This will help you achieve top shape, allowing you to achieve a slim and well-shaped stomach.
Intense jackknife exercise
- First, lie on your back and stretch your legs.
- Then engage your abdominal muscles while simultaneously lifting your legs and torso 45 degrees off the floor.
- Stretch your arms forward while lifting your upper body slightly forward.
- Return to the starting position and repeat the so-called jackknife exercise for 60 seconds.
Back abdominal presses with hip and leg raises
- First, lie on your back with your legs extended and feet together.
- Then bring your arms to your sides and press your palms against the floor.
- Now begin to use the muscles in your upper body to lift your feet straight above your hips.
- As you do this, lift your hips off the floor to point your toes toward the ceiling.
- Then lower your hips in a controlled manner and your legs back to the starting position.
- Repeat for a minute with your abdominal muscles engaged as you lower your legs down.
Side plank with arm raises and switching sides
- First, stand in a plank position with forearm support while keeping your body in a straight line.
- Then shift your body weight onto your left forearm as you stack your right hip over your left and roll onto the outside of your left foot as you stack your right foot over it.
- As you do this, stretch your upper arm and leg towards the sky.
- After that, bring your lower limbs back down and return to the starting position.
- Switch sides as often as possible within a minute to make reps even more efficient.