Remove the mole hill: With this trick your lawn looks good again

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In advance in the video: How to distribute moles from your garden

A mole has been up to mischief in your garden? We reveal how to get rid of the unsightly mounds quickly.

With the first sunny days, the desire to spend more time in your own garden increases. In addition to flower beds and the like, the lawn must also be maintained and mowed. It is all the more annoying when there are loud hills on the beautiful green - here is or was a mole.

Basically, this is a good sign: Moles are an indicator that the earth is very good, they would not settle in inferior soil. Of course, this is only a small consolation for all hobby gardeners whose lawns were defaced by the hills.

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Before the earth hills in the lawn go to the collar in the lawn, you have to move the culprit, who is responsible for it, to move. Because it is of no use to only remove the hills from the lawn - if the mole has chosen your garden as its new home, it will simply create new hills. Like you oneyou can read here.

Because to say it again in all clarity: moles are under species protection. Killing or injuring the animals is strictly forbidden. With our home remedies from Grandma you will definitely manage to stimulate her to relocate.

Refill mole mounds quickly and easily

If you have successfully driven out the mole and there are no new hills, you can finally devote yourself to lawn care. You have the following options:

Remove the earth

First shovels away the churned earth with a spade or a shovel. You can use the loose soil to fill flower pots!

Distribute the other outdoors with a rake until nothing can be seen from the hill. Advantage: The surrounding lawn is supplied with a new substrate at the same time.

Mulwurfhlight Scores

Alternatively, you can also easily use the hill with a spadeScoresAnd press the earth into the aisles of the mole.

At Lidl you will find everything you need for a well -groomed lawn and garden*:

Tip: Remove molehill with water

The hill can also be includedWaterremove. For this purpose, wash away the pile of earth with a garden hose or watering can. So the earth is flooded back into the holes. This method is not the cleanest, but the fastest.

You can also do the.

What about the lawnmower?

Some people would like to go to the lawn mower at mole hills to make a compliance. But that'sNot a good idea.

Because mole hills are not only made of earth, there are often small stones. If they hit the cutter's cutting knife, you can do considerable damage.

Also read:

Not only moles can do a lot of damage in the garden. Click through the gallery for more tips against pests in the garden: