The 10 best yoga exercises for two for beginners

Training with a partner or friend is a lot of fun and a great way to strengthen your relationship or friendship. It is often even more effective than individual training and has numerous benefits. Partner yoga, also known as couple yoga, is a special form of yoga in which the exercises are performed in pairs. When even more acrobatic fun is involved, it's called AcroYoga. The focus is on teamwork, because both partners do everything together, support each other (in the truest sense) and give each other support. Here we show 10 simple yoga exercises for two that are also suitable for beginners.

Yoga exercises for two: This is what you should pay attention to

Yoga partner exercises improve flexibility, balance and posture. Other benefits of partner yoga include reduced stress, increased muscle tone and improved breathing. Anyone whoBenefits of YogA person who wants to experience physical and mental connection with a partner should try these yoga poses for two. However, to avoid injury, you should always warm up well before yoga and practice proper communication with your partner to ensure both feel comfortable and confident. There is a lot of confidence involved with these poses!

Here are a few more important things to consider before doing yoga with a partner:

  • Leave that aloneEgogo. You work not only with your own body, but also with someone else's. It's not about who is more flexible or stronger - you work with what you have, right here, right now - it's a great practice for being present!
  • Release your fearCloseness and physical contactbehind you, because during yoga exercises for two you will share movements and touches with your partner.
  • Be clear in yoursCommunicationand precise in the execution of the poses. This makes the process a lot easier and reduces a lot of frustration.
  • Pay attention to yoursHygiene. You work very closely physically with the person you are practicing with. So be considerate - make sure you've showered, brushed your teeth and put on fresh clothes. And don't wear strong perfumes (many people are sensitive or allergic to them).
  • Avoid moisturizing productsSkin care, such as coconut oil or hand cream, before practicing partner yoga. Once you start sweating, you will have less grip and start to slip.
  • Don't take it too muchernst. The first time you won't be able to "fly" or do heavy yoga figures (this is completely normal, by the way). The whole purpose is to have fun. Take a deep breath, let go and just have fun! These 10 yoga exercises are super easy to keep you motivated.

Which yoga exercises can you do as a couple?

1. Die Baum-Pose (Vrksasana)

Many yoga exercises for two people are modified versions of the classic asanas or combine two solo exercises that complement each other perfectly. Double Tree is a variation of Tree Pose (Vrksasana). This is a great exercise suitable for beginners. It improves balance, strengthens the legs and opens the inner thighs.

In this standing pose, each partner balances on one leg. Partners hold onto each other with one or both arms, which improves stability. Hold the pose for several seconds to find balance with each other.

2. Standing forward bend (Uttanasana) in pairs

This yoga pose stretches the hamstrings and relieves tension. When performed by two people, both stand back to back, butt to butt. They lean forward, stretching their arms back to hold onto each other. This deepens the stretch as partners work together to improve their flexibility.

3. Der Drehsitz (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Half Twist Seat (Ardha Matsyendrasana) is a seated pose that stretches the side, back, and neck. If you sit at a desk all day, this pose can relieve tension in your spine.

Two partners sit cross-legged with their backs to each other (Sukhasana). Each partner grabs one side and the other's knee or hand. This will slightly turn your back and stretch your sides.

4. Boat pose for two

Boat Pose (Navasana) intensively strengthens the core and stretches the hamstrings. Both partners initially sit with their legs bent and knees facing each other towards their chest, their toes touching. Then they grab their partner's hands or wrists. Without letting go of their hands, lean back as far as possible and lift their legs to create an inverted V shape.

This exercise can be difficult for beginners as it requires a lot of flexibility in the legs. To modify the pose and make it more beginner-friendly, you can bend your knees to a 90 degree angle and do half boat (Ardha Navasana).

5. Seated forward bend

The seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana) is a simple stretch for beginners and works the hamstrings, calves, and back. Performing this pose with a partner can intensify the stretch.

Both partners sit in staff pose (Dandasana) with their legs stretched out towards each other. Then, partners grab each other's arms and take turns bending forward to deepen the hamstring stretch.

To make this exercise more difficult, spread your legs to create a diamond shape between the two partners. This stretches the inner thigh and improves flexibility.

6. The chair position for two

The Chair (Utkatasana) is one of the best yoga exercises to strengthen thighs, buttocks and hips. And this is a modified version for two people. The knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle and directly above the ankles. Even if your thighs burn and your abs shake, try holding the pose for five breaths or longer.

7. Standing backbend

The standing back bend (Anuvittasana) is a good starting point for achieving a full backbend. This pose stretches the back and opens the chest. It is also considered a heart-opening yoga pose.

In couples yoga, two partners stand opposite each other and lock each other's arms. Then they tilt their head back so that their chin points to the sky.

8. Child's pose and supported backbend

This is another great exercise for two people to stretch the back and open the chest and shoulders. The partners begin in staff pose (Sukhasana), back to back. One partner leans forward while the other leans back. The partner leaning forward stretches the back and receives gentle support deeper into the forward fold, while the partner leaning back stretches the chest and shoulder.

Hold the pose for 3 to 5 breaths and then slowly return to the starting position. Switch roles and repeat.

And here is another variation of this yoga exercise for two that invites you to relax a little more. One partner relaxes in child's pose and the other lies on his back with his legs and hands outstretched.

9. Camel pose for two

Camel Pose (Ustrasana) is a moderate yoga pose that works the core and quadriceps while opening the chest. It can also be used to improve back flexibility.

In partner yoga, partners can do several variations of the camel pose. Typically, this pose promotes balance and flexibility as partners stand on their knees facing each other and lean back while holding each other's arms at chest height.

To make this pose more beginner-friendly, partners can stand with their backs to each other, stretch their arms overhead, and hold each other's hands.

10. Double dancers

Horizontal Dancer (Natarajasana) is a good exercise that improves balance and stretches the shoulders and chest. When done in pairs, the partners help each other balance. Because their arms are intertwined, they can even stay in the pose for longer than 30 seconds.

In the classic version of the pose, you grab the outside of your foot with your hand and lift your leg far back so that your thigh is horizontal. If this is too difficult for you, you can try an easier version and simply lift your leg as high as possible.

Yoga exercises for two: safety and precautions

A widespread oneMyth about yogais that you have to be flexible before you start. However, there are also many yoga poses that are also suitable for beginners.

The best way to safely perform a yoga pose that is beyond your level of experience is to first adapt it to your abilities. Modifying yoga postures prevents strain and injuries. Over time, your flexibility will improve and you may be able to progress to the more advanced version of the pose.

Plus, warming up before every workout is an absolute must. A round of sun salutations is also wonderful here.

If you are pregnant or have back pain, you should practice partner yoga with caution. If you recently had surgery, ask your doctor if and when you can do yoga again.

When doing yoga exercises for two, communication with your partner is crucial. One of you may be more advanced than the other, so listen to the other's instructions so no one gets hurt. Partner yoga is not a competition, but rather a shared experience that can help deepen your personal relationship and your yoga experience.

Once you feel confident doing partner yoga, you can try out more difficult yoga figures