How to get healthy teeth for a beautiful smile

Follow these tips and enjoy healthy teeth and a beautiful smile!

1. Floss your teeth

Using dental floss guarantees you healthy teeth. Clean your teeth with dental floss every evening. It removes food residue between the teeth where the toothbrush cannot reach. Don't worry about your gums bleeding initially. When you floss regularly, your gums become stronger and your teeth are protected from tooth decay.

2. Change your toothbrush regularly

Old toothbrushes don't clean well and also collect bacteria. That's why you should buy a new one every 3 months. Some dentists even recommend changing your toothbrush after you've had the flu or cold.

Get a beautiful smile

3. Don't overdo whitening

Don't overdo it with whitening. In excess, it damages tooth enamel and makes teeth brittle. It can also make the color of your teeth appear unnatural. You need to be especially careful when using such products at home. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions after consulting with your dentist.

4. The toothbrush must not be too hard

Brushing your teeth should be done at an angle of 45 degrees. Make sure the toothbrush is not too hard as there is a risk of pushing up the gums. This in turn leads to theTooth roots are exposedand your teeth become more vulnerable and sensitive.