We all want to be loved and respected by the people around us. We want to impress her as much as possible, and good looks are a perfect tool to achieve this goal. A dazzling white smile is a sure-fire way to capture (or perhaps win!) a partner's heart. The last thing we want to see in our conversation partners is yellow or dirty teeth. Teeth whitening at home is possible with a few simple methods and rules.
There are many factors that play into this process, such as:
– Excessive consumption of acidic foods
- Smoke
– Excessive consumption of tea and coffee
– very high fluoride intake
– increased consumption of refined sugar,
– Drinking liquids that are too warm or too cold
– excessive consumption of chocolate and confectionery.
How can you whiten teeth naturally?
Teeth whitening products do a great job, especially those for removing stains, but they can also be harmful to our teeth and gums. There are also natural methods of cleaning teeth through which we can regain their natural whiteness and beauty. Here are the most effective of them:
– The consumption ofStrawberries– the small fruits are considered a natural remedy for teeth whitening. Rub your teeth with strawberries and this will remove the surface stains.
– The friction with the inside of theOrange peelalso helps with teeth whitening. Make sure you rinse your mouth properly after using the orange peel.
–Crunchy fruits and vegetablessuch as celery, carrots, apples, pears act as natural abrasives that help remove sticky residue on teeth. Eating these vegetables releases a large amount of saliva, which is what causes stains on teeth to be removed.
–baking powder– an ideal remedy for removing stains and it also has strong antibacterial properties. It also works against the accumulation of dental plaque. Many toothpastes also contain baking soda. To prepare your own bleaching soda, you need to mix 1 pinch of baking soda with salt. The mixture is also used when brushing and whitening teeth.
– You can achieve cool bleaching performance with a combination of a few dropsmustard oil and a pinch of salt.
– The chewing ofsugar-free chewing gumhelps clean teeth by removing various waste materials. Chewing also stimulates saliva production, which helps remove tooth stains. Saliva also neutralizes the acids that cause tooth decay.
What measures can we take to prevent yellowing of teeth?
– When brushing your teeth, use a soft toothbrush. It is recommended that we brush our teeth with toothpaste at least twice a day and floss them at least once a day.
– Certain foods contribute to yellowing of teeth –Coffee, tea, red wine, cranberry juice, grape juice, carbonated drinks. That's why you should rinse your mouth thoroughly after eating similar products.
–Avoid mouthwashto clean the mouth and oral cavity. It contains alcohol and other chemical substances that cause the appearance of stains or discoloration of teeth.
–Drinks that are too hot and too coldshould be avoided.
– If you smoke, try to reduce this habit as much as possible. Smoking is not only harmful to your health, the nicotine in tobacco is also a cause of the appearance of brown spots. They occur when nicotine penetrates the pits of the teeth. Typically, removing these stains with a toothbrush is not enough. Then you need a dentist!
Visit your dentist for a teeth cleaning at least once a year. This will help you maintain the natural color of your teeth for a longer period of time.
Now you're probably convinced that teeth whitening is possible using natural remedies and methods, but you don't have to expect positive results right away. The key is to show a lot of perseverance and patience.