There are some control methods and home remedies that have proven to be effective against ants in the kitchen. If the six-legged insects have taken over your kitchen area, you should act quickly to prevent a worse insect infestation. Otherwise, the unwelcome guests will settle in your cooking area, which could lead to more serious problems. Although they are tiny creatures that can invade almost anywhere like in the movie Ant-Man, they can be repelled. To do this, try the methods and tricks described below.
Where do the ants in the kitchen come from?
Even if you notice just one ant crawling around aimlessly in your kitchen, there is a high chance of an insect infestation. The tiny ants also tend the warmer monthsto move into the living spaces. However, why do some species prefer the kitchen over other areas? Most ants are equipped with odor detectors that allow them to quickly and efficiently sniff out potential food sources.
If the insects sense food that has accumulated on your kitchen counter or kitchen floor, move quickly. This could, for example, be the case with spilled juice, crumbs, or food leftovers that have not been thrown away in the trash canunder the kitchen sinkhappen. The ants can take all of this as an invitation to raid your kitchen. This often leads to the insects quickly becoming a colony that struts around your kitchen without a care in the world. However, don't panic right away as you can definitely do something about it to show them who's boss. Here are some simple steps you can take.
Remove food sources for ants from the kitchen area
The first preventive measure you should take is to clean up leftover food and spills. Most often, ants set up camp in a home to look for food. So try to ensure that your food stays in tightly sealed containers or plastic bags. Ants in the kitchen are usually attracted to starchy and sweet things like honey, cornmeal, and sugar. Therefore, be careful not to leave any splashes or spills of such food sources in the kitchen area. You should also remove food crumbs around your devices and in trash cans as quickly as possible. Keep your kitchen area as clean as possible so you can reduce the chances of an ant infestation.
Make entry points inaccessible to ants in the kitchen
The second important step is to keep ants away from the kitchen area by blocking their entry points. At first glance, it may seem impossible to seal every kitchen cabinet or slot. However, try to seal as many cracks, gaps and holes in walls, radiators and floorboards as possible. The trick is to follow the ants' trail to find their entry point. Look around and also check window frames and doors. If you live in a separate house, you can also inspect the nearby outdoor area to detect any traces of ants.
Use potentially effective home remedies against ant infestations
Even if you have blocked their entry points, ants can still invade your kitchen. This might prompt you to use some common repellents against it. In such cases, you can try using home remedies that repel ants, such as pepper, cinnamon, curry powder, salt or chalk. However, you should also keep in mind that some of these products can irritate the eyes, nose, mouth or skin of children or pets. Therefore, it is advisable to take appropriate protective measures when using it. Additionally, you can also soak cotton balls in essential oils like peppermint oil and place them in the corners of your kitchen cabinets and drawers. Also try lining doors and windows with talcum powder. Vaseline could also prove effective if you want to get rid of ants in the kitchen.
Use humane remedies against ants in the kitchen
If an insect infestation already exists, using natural solutions could prove to be a humane means of ant control. You can easily fill spray bottles with a variety of readily available products and essential oils such as lemon, peppermint oil, vinegar, and others. To do this, mix equal parts vinegar or lemon juice with warm water and shake the bottle well to increase the effectiveness of the solution. This means that areas such as kitchen floors, kitchen worktops, corners and many other surfaces can be sprayed without having to use chemicals to deal with ants in the kitchen. The best strategy in this case is to follow the trail and spray where the ants have founded their colony.
Use additional control agents for insect infestations
If annoying ants invade your kitchen, other methods can also help to repel them. Additionally, there are various products and home remedies that you can use to help you get rid of ants in the kitchen. If you look in your own pantry, you may already have some of these products right in your kitchen. Most of them are also suitable as home remedies for other purposes. However, it is up to you whether you want to use these substances against an insect infestation.
- Diatomaceous earth is effective as a repellent against various pests and also works on ants. The so-called diatomaceous earth is a type of silica that contains fossil remains of aquatic organisms. Simply apply this around the ant colonies and let the silica work for a few days. The substance absorbs the oils from the insects.
- You can also use boiling water to kill ants in the kitchen. This is an equally effective method to get rid of the insects. First, identify the ant holes in your kitchen and pour boiling water into them.
- Liquid soap is another household product that could also be useful in fighting ants in the kitchen. Use it to make soapy water that you can distribute around your kitchen area. It eliminates the smell of ant pheromones, which they use to follow trails. Without the smell, they cannot communicate with each other and scatter to different places.
- Coffee grounds are suitable for fertilizing plants as well as repelling ants. Simply sprinkle dried coffee grounds on the areas where the insects stay or move. Many people believe it is the smell that repels ants. Others claim that the insects don't like the feel of the ground beneath their feet.
- You can even use sugar or such foods as a diversionary tactic to drive the ants in the kitchen outside.