Remove stickers: How to get glue residues from metal, glass, wood and plastic!

Whether a etiquette, A sticker on the car plate or sticker on the cot: to get adhesive residues of wood, glass or plastic, can be a difficult task. We would be happy to help with a few useful tips and explain how you can remove a sticker. With these tricks there are no ugly spots on the surface.

Use WD 40

The crawl oil WD 40 is produced in the USA. The product has different applications and can protect against corrosion, among other things, used as a lubricant orClean the surfaces. It is often used when, for example, rusty screws have to be solved. But the crawl oil is also suitable for cleaning adhesive residues on glass, tiles or metal. However, since it is a chemical product, you should take a lot into account when it comes to handling. It is best to work outside or, if that is not possible, in a well -ventilated room. Protect your eyes with special safety glasses. Under no circumstances should the crawl oil come into contact with heat, sparks and other ignition sources. Keep the crawl oil out of the reach of children and pets, because the product is fatal when it is swallowed.

Allergy sufferers, asthmatics, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases and those who do not want to use a chemical remedy can opt for a home remedy.

Use home remedies

There are numerous home remedies that can remove adhesive residues from labels and stickers. Which one you choose is closely related to the surface. We first list the most common home remedies that have proven to be effective:

1.Lukewarm's soapy water.Simply mix in water and detergent in a ratio of 4 to 1. Mix everything well until the detergent dissolves completely in the water. Then dip a soft sponge into the solution and moisten the surface you want to clean. If you label of mason jars,Glasses or ceramic dishesWant to remove, then you can fill the soap water into a bucket and immerse yourself in it. Let them soak there overnight and rinse them under running water the next day. You can also use soap water on wallpaper, fabric, plastic and even alloyed metal. Not suitable for wood!

2.Base oil(Olive oil and coconut oil are very suitable, you can also use sunflower oil for larger stickers) is perfect for removing stickers to wood (if you paint or paint the wood afterwards!), Plastic or glass. Do not apply wallpaper and fabrics, because it leaves grease stains.

3.Hand creamAlso works quite well on metal, glass and plastic. Proceed as follows: Remove as much as possible from the sticker or the etiquette. For this purpose you can use a credit card. Grate a little hand cream directly into the adhesive residue and let them take effect for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then remove the adhesive residue with a credit card.

4.Hot air pistol or hair dryeruse. Most hot air pistols have a temperature level that can only be removedAdhesive films for kitchensand adhesive remnants. However, you have to handle it very carefully, because a hot air gun can also remove color and paint and make small plastic details melt. The hair dryer offers itself as a gentle alternative for bike or car, but you should also handle this carefully. Work as soon as possible and try to heat a larger surface to heat the etiquette. Then the sticker can be easily removed by hand.

5.Steering spiritsYou can also use glass, chrome or tiles cleaning. Test for safety at an invisible location for fabrics and wallpapers. If you don't have a stone spirit at home, try it with schnapps. It is not suitable for wood, laminate and parquet!

These home remedies are suitable for glass

If you want to remove stickers or adhesive residues from glass, you can choose between several variants. As already mentioned, glasses, vases and smaller objects can dive into soap water and soak for 2-3 hours. ForLarger stickersAnd for stickers on the car plate you can mix 2 tl backsoda with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and 1 teaspoon of orange oil (a fragrance oil) in a small bowl. Mix until a homogeneous paste is created. With a glass ceramic scraper, remove as much adhesive residues as possible. Put the paste on a soft, dry cloth and rub it into the glass. Rinse the glass with lukewarm water and let it dry.

For wood, these home remedies come into question

If you want to remove stickers from wood, you can use these three home remedies.

  1. If you are labels fromuntreated woodWant to remove, then use a hot air pistol or a hair dryer. Hold the hot air gun and hair dryer at least 8 cm from the wooden surface and do not heat the wood for more than 12 seconds. Carefully remove the label with a glass ceramic scraper and then remove the sticker with tweezers.
  2. You can remove stickers on painted furniture using a damp cloth. Simply moisten a cloth with lukewarm water and then place on the adhesive residues or the etiquette. Let it soak for several minutes and then gently stick on the etiquette. Dry the area with another soft cloth.
  3. Remove adhesive residues with nail polish remover. For this purpose, put 4-5 drops of nail polish remover on a cotton pad and rub directly onto the label. The nail polish remover can discolor the wooden surface, so apply the sticker. If necessary, wipe the wood with a soft dry cloth. Leave the nail polish remover for three minutes and then remove the etiquette with a glass ceramic scraper.

Metal represents a challenge

It is a little more complicated to remove remnants of metal stickers. Regardless of whether it is a etiquette on the new stove or sticker on the shower battery, these home remedies can help. But you first have to remove as much as possible from the etiquette. Then you can proceed as follows:

  1. Put the food oil or white wine vinegar on a damp cloth and apply to the adhesive residues. Let it take effect about half an hour and then carefully remove the adhesive residues with a soft cloth. If there are any adhesive residues, moisten a clean cloth with soap water and clean the area with it. Then moisten a third cloth with water and remove soap remains.
  2. You can also use burner alcohol or schnapps for stainless steel cookware. However, patience is required in this case, because you have to repeat the process several times. Finally, you can polish the surface with vinegar.


Removing stickers from a plastic container can quickly prove to be a difficult task. So that no adhesive residues remain, several tricks help. You can:

  1. Pour the water into the kitchen sink and dissolve 1/3 backsoda in it. Soak the plastic containers in the sink for half an hour and then wash with detergent.
  2. You can apply a thick layer of peanut butter, orange oil or mayonnaise to the sticker and let it work for about an hour. Then moisten a cloth and remove the mayonnaise or peanut butter. Wash the container thoroughly and let it dry.
  3. Remove large sticker residues by heating the area with a hair dryer. The hair dryer at least 8 cm from the sticker and do not last for more than 30 seconds at lower and 15 seconds at high level. Then you can easily remove the etiquette.
  4. You can also remove the sticker with a large eraser. Incidentally, this also works well on glass.
  5. Alternatively, you can prepare a mixture of coconut oil and backsoda. Simply mix the two ingredients in a ratio of 3 to 1. Stir the mass until a homogeneous paste is created. Then put the paste on a soft sponge and rub the plastic with it.

Remove the sticker on the car and car plate

Anyone who once had a sticker on their car knows the problem. How to remove the sticker without damaging the paint? Here comes a guide on how you can quickly do it.

  1. Wash the car with soap water and let it dry.
  2. Use a hair dryer to heat the surface around the sticker and the sticker yourself. A hot air gun is not suitable because it is too strong and can damage the paint.
  3. After thirty seconds you can start sticking the sticker. For this purpose you can use an old credit card because knives can damage the paint.
  4. With a solution made of vinegar and hot water (vinegar and water in ratio 1 to 1) you can then fill in a watering can, shake the watering can and thus pour the place where the sticker was.
  5. Rinse the car with water.
  6. Apply a protective layer of car wax. It will protect the paint from weather -related influences.

Next time you want to attach a sticker to your car, you can use several simple tricks that can make it easier to accept. Bring the sticker on a car plate or use magnets to attach the sticker. Alternatively, you can wash your car thoroughly and apply an extra protective layer of car wax before attaching the sticker.

Clean the bike

If you want to remove a sticker from your bike, you can do it in a similar way to the car. Wash the bicycle frame with a sponge and soap water and let it dry. Then you can first try to remove the stickers with a glass ceramic scraper. If you can only partially succeed, you can dissolve the remnants with vinegar.

Remove stickers from fabrics

If you want to remove adhesive residues from fabric, you should proceed as follows. First read the care label to find out whether and at what temperature the clothing or the fabric can be washed. You can put smaller parts, such as T-shirts, in the freezer for an hour. After that, the sticker should be loosened without any problems. With sensitive clothing, you can try to cut out the sticker with a cutter knife. All adhesive residues will completely disappear after two washes at the latest.