Clean the bathroom: With these ingenious tips and tricks, your bathroom will be clean again quickly

As one of the most used rooms in your home, it's no wonder the bathroom needs cleaning so often. Cleaning your bathroom doesn't have to take all day. With these short cleaning routes, you can quickly clean all surfaces, including the toilet, faucet, tub and shower. Next time you need to clean your bathroom, try these tips and tricks to get the room sparkling again in no time.

Clean your toilet with vodka

Grab a cheap bottle of vodka and use it to make your toilet sparkle. Pour 150 ml of vodka into your toilet bowl at least once a month to prevent brown deposits and make the toilet white again. You can even use the alcohol to disinfect the toilet seat and lid.

Clean the bathroom: Remove limescale and urine scale deposits with baking soda

Looking for a safe way to keep your toilet bowl sparkling white between cleanings? Keep a shaker of baking soda in your bathroom. Baking soda absorbs odors and has a slightly abrasive effect. If you do it before rinsingSprinkle generously into the toilet bowl, you don't have to use the toilet brush as often.

Disinfect your toilet brush holder

To prevent germs from accumulating and spreading, you can clean your toilet brush in this easy way. Pour a small amount of disinfectant into the toilet brush holder after each use. This means your toilet brush is disinfected every time you put it back in the holder - without any additional effort.

Clean the bathroom properly: dry the toilet brush

A wet toilet brush in its holder is a recipe for mold and bacteria in the bathroom. Whether you've just used the brush to wipe the toilet bowl or rinsed it with hot water and disinfectant, putting a wet toilet brush back in the holder is a big no-no. To ensure the brush is completely dry after each use, clip the wet brush under the toilet seat and allow it to drip into the bowl before putting it away.

Clean windows and mirrors with lemon and mineral water

Use the natural cleaning and bleaching properties of lemon to make your own fresh-smelling glass cleaner. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to a spray bottle of sparkling water.

Clean bathroom: Prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up

The glycerin in shaving cream can create a protective layer for your bathroom mirror to keep it from fogging up. To prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up after your next shower, apply a thin layer of shaving cream and then wipe it off. It's even better if you use the shaving cream tooon your shower doorsApply so that they remain fog-free.

Clean and polish taps again with lemon, baking soda or baby oil

If your faucets have become dull from water stains, rub them with the cut half of a lemon, rinse and polish them. You can also moisten an old toothbrush with water and sprinkle baking soda directly on the bristles to scrub the problem areas. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse and polish. It's that simple.

If your chrome faucets are looking dull, you can also use baby oil. Use a few drops of baby oil on a microfiber cloth to polish the faucets back to a shine. Take this measure into accountYour weekly cleaning listto avoid fingerprints, water stains and dirt.

Clean the bathroom – quickly and easily with vinegar all-purpose cleaner

Save money on commercial cleaning products and make your own all-purpose cleaner with an ingredient you probably have at home: apple cider vinegar. Fill a spray bottle with one part apple cider vinegar and one part water. The natural cleaner is a non-toxic way to disinfect almost all surfaces in your bathroom, including shower tilesand sink, and leaves a streak-free shine.

Clean shower with aspirin

The salicylic acid contained in aspirin makes it soan effective cleaning agent. If you run out of cleaner in the middle of your routine, simply add two aspirin tablets to water and use it like any other cleaner to remove soap scum in the sink and shower.

Removing mold in the shower – tips

If you have mold in the shower and around the bathtub, you can make a DIY mold spray that will eliminate mold and prevent it from coming back. Mix 250 ml of white vinegar, 20 drops of clove oil and 20 drops of tea tree oil. Spray this mixture on the affected area, wait 20 minutes and then wipe everything off with hot water. You can also use this mixture for tiles and grout.

Clean the bathroom: Get the bathtub white again with grapefruit and baking soda

If your bath has gotten really dirty, you can use this “scrub”: just take half a grapefruit (other citrus fruits work too, but the size of a grapefruit makes it a good choice), sprinkle the cut half of the fruit and the bottom of the tub with salt or baking soda, wet the tub and scrub it with the grapefruit. After rinsing, the bathroom shines – and smells wonderful.

Also read:Shower drain stinks: How you can successfully eliminate the unpleasant smell in the bathroom!