This is inevitable. Over time, limescale builds up in your toilet bowl and other parts of your home and you need to find a way to remove it. There are countless bleaches and toilet cleaners that promise to remove limescale and keep your bathroom looking spotless. But what is the best method to accomplish this task? We'll tell you how you can descale your toilet! With these home remedies and cleaning tips, your toilet bowl and cistern will be effortlessly white again.
What is limescale?
The hard, brown substance found in bathroomand kitchendeposited is called lime. You can detect this substance on faucets, toilet bowls, cisterns, bathtubs, pipes and any water surface you come into contact with on a daily basis.
Descaling the toilet: How do I get rid of the limescale in my toilet bowl?
In areas with “hard water”, limescale builds up in the toilet bowl and toilet tank after every flush and leads to unsightly discoloration over time.
Get the toilet bowl white again with white vinegar
You have several options with white vinegar. If the area to be cleaned is small, mix water and vinegar (a 1:1 amount is sufficient) and use a spray bottle to hit the area in the toilet bowl before scrubbing with the toilet brush.
For larger scale deposits, you can simply pour the white vinegar over the entire area, making sure everything is covered. It's a good idea to do this last thing in the evening so that the vinegar can thoroughly penetrate and remove the limescale. When you go to the toilet again, use the toilet brush to remove any remaining limescale before flushing the toilet.
Whiten the toilet bowl and descale the toilet drain pipe with vinegar and baking soda
Another popular method for removing brown limescale deposits from your toilet isthe use of vinegar and baking soda. Pour about 250ml of white vinegar into the toilet bowl, followed by about 200g of baking soda, then let it sit for about 10 minutes. It is advisable to wear gloves when using this toilet cleaner.
Run the brush around to make sure the toilet limescale is covered and let the solution sit for another 25 minutes before flushing. This should allow you to thoroughly clean the bowl and remove all deposits from the calcified toilet.
Descaling the toilet: Does Cola remove limescale deposits in the toilet?
There are a few methods to remove limescale in the toilet and using cola seems to be the strangest of all. But perhaps even stranger is that cleaning with cola is also one of the methods that works. The reason for this lies in the slightly acidic properties of the drink. You will be surprised at how effective a cola is at removing limescale stains. Follow these steps:
- Pour Coca-Cola onto the edge of the toilet and let it soak in, preferably overnight.
- Flush the toilet the next morning and the acid in the cola will dissolve the limescale in the toilet bowl. Most of it should then be washed away with the water jet.
- You can repeat this process until the toilet is as clean as you desire. For more stubborn limescale deposits, you can scrub the limescale off with a brush before rinsing.
Descale the toilet with home remedies: Lemon juice is a good descaler
An equally cost-effective method for removing limescale is the combination of lemon juiceand white vinegar. Combining lemon juice and white vinegar as a natural cleaning agent is a far more environmentally friendly way to remove limescale. Pour the mixture in, then let it sit for anywhere from a few hours to a full night, depending on how stubborn the stains are.
Make a calcified toilet bowl white again with citric acid
Citric acid is even more effective than vinegar or lemon juice in removing the brown stain in the toilet. Simply pour a bowl of almost boiling water into the toilet bowl, add 250ml of citric acid and leave for a few hours - preferably overnight. Scrub and flush the toilet the next day.
Get rid of toilet calcification with dishwasher tablets
What's good for burnt pots and pans after cooking is also good for removing a brown stain on the bottom of the toilet bowl. So throw a dishwasher tablet into the toilet and let it dissolve. Help a little with the toilet brush, let it work for as long as your patience allows, scrub, rinse and inspect the (hopefully gone) calcification.
Descale toilet cisterns effortlessly
Soaking with vinegar is one of the easiest methods you can use to clean your water tank. However, you must have another bathroom available for this.
- Drain the water from the toilet cistern.
- Fill the water tank with white vinegar up to the overflow pipe. Make sure you cover any limescale, rust, mold or algae that may be in the cistern.
- Allow the vinegar to sit in the toilet tank for 12 to 13 hours.
- Drain the vinegar by rinsing.
- Use the scrub brush to remove any residue.Add a little baking sodato increase the washing power.
- Turn the water back on. Flush the cistern a few times by filling and flushing.
Also read:Shower drain stinks: How you can successfully eliminate the unpleasant smell in the bathroom!