Could you maintain hygiene in the bathroom by, for example, trying to clean the bathtub with dishwasher tabs? Make your cleaning job easier with the following alternative methods!
It might actually be worth cleaning the shower area or bathtub with dishwasher tabs instead of traditional cleaning products. Deep cleaning these frequently used areas can otherwise be quite a tedious task for most people. Not only does it require more effort, but also time to remove all limescale, dirt buildup and soap residue. Luckily, alternative methods like these offer an easy way to clean wet rooms quickly. All you need is a dishwashing tablet that can be used to easily clean the bathroom. Here are some simple steps you can follow to do this.
Would cleaning the bathroom and bathtub be possible with dishwasher tabs?
It may surprise you, but if you use dishwashing tablets, they could also help ensure sparkling clean results. Shiny surfaces in the bathroom are otherwise difficult to obtain, even in theToilet bowl stubborn residuecondition. Shower cubicles and such areas often contain annoying dirt that can only be removed with diligent scrubbing. Follow the steps below to try out the clever cleaning methods in your tub, sink or shower stall:
- First, fill two-thirds of your bathtub with hot, but not boiling, water.
- Then, depending on how dirty the drain and surfaces are, add one or two dishwashing tablets to the water.
- Wait about 15 to 20 minutes for the tablet(s) to completely dissolve and release their active ingredients. When doing this, try not to agitate the water so that an effective cleaning solution can form. Otherwise, air pumps connected to some bathtubs or hot tubs can suck in or stir the water.
- Now put on rubber gloves and agitate the water in the bathtub so that once dissolved, the cleaning chemicals can spread throughout the tub. This way, they can reach every area when you clean your bathtub with dishwasher tablets. This will allow you to more effectively remove dirt and soap scum, as well as buildup in pipes and other hard-to-reach areas.
- Then let the cleaning solution sit for another 15 minutes and empty the bathtub to easily scrub the surfaces and unclog any clogs.
- After you've removed any remaining debris and cleared the drain of any buildup, it's time to rinse everything off with clean water.
- This simple method allows you to quickly get rid of residues such as soap scum, although you could do the same procedure in your sink.
Using another method, clean the shower area or bathtub with dishwasher tabs
There is also another option for cleaning such surfaces, but it requires a little more effort. However, this can also prove to be an effective cleaning hack in any bathroom space. Originally, a lady from Australia who shared her experiences on social media showed how you can clean the bathtub with dishwasher tabs.
To do this, she combined two common products to create her own amazing cleaning method. All you need is a so-called dirt eraser, or magic sponge, and a cleaning tablet for dishwashers. This is how the trick works:
- First try to hollow out the sponge and place the dishwasher tablet in it to fit snugly.
- Next, wet the miracle sponge and rub it in circular motions on surfaces such as glass walls, tiles or even shower curtains.
- Then rinse everything off with warm water and you'll have sparkling surfaces in the bathroom.
- You can of course try this method with a regular cleaning sponge, but you may need to scrub more with it. Additionally, you can also use a microfiber cloth to hold the tablet and scrub various surfaces with it.
What else and how often should I clean the bathroom with dishwashing tablets?
No matter how diligently and thoroughly you brush your toilet bowl, stubborn residues such as urine scale or other deposits often remain. Such layers of dirt can also be removed using the methods described above with a normal dishwasher tablet. After all, it is about a cleaning agent that is compressed in such a way that it can even be used to clean washing machines.
If you attempt to clean your shower area or bathtub with dishwasher tablets, you should do so at least twice a month. This will ensure that any buildup of dirt or limescale is removed before it causes more serious problems or costly repairs.
In principle, dishwasher tablets are good for dissolving soap scum, limescale deposits and other dirt residues in wet rooms such as bathrooms, which can easily accumulate in the pipe system over time. The best thing about it is that you can achieve good results with just a few tabs and get dirty areas and surfaces in the bathroom clean again without much effort. However, remember to always clean with gloves as dishwashing tablets are chemical-based cleaning products that could cause skin problems when cleaning with bare hands.