Folds according to Marie Kondo: The KonMari method guarantees you more space and functionality in your wardrobe

Tidying queen Marie Kondo has revolutionized the way we keep things tidy. Thanks to the incredible success of her Netflix series “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” and her bestselling books “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and “Spark Joy,” her advice continues to motivate dramatic decluttering efforts. How to fold your clothes according to Marie Kondo, using the so-called KonMari method, is the topic of this article.

Tidying up according to Marie Kondo – where should you start?

Starting a closet cleanout may seem daunting, but Marie Kondo offers an easy-to-follow guide that anyone can use to completely transform their home. Their formula is essentially a two-step system for getting rid of excess stuff. First, you should touch everything you own and ask yourself whether it brings you joy. Once you're left with only things that bring joy, create categories and find a visible and easily accessible place to store each item. The goal is to arrange the contents so that you can see each item at a glance, just as you can see the spines of books on a bookshelf.

This is where Marie Kondo's famous folding routine comes into play. Their space-saving techniques are so popular because they simply work. When you're done, you'll see something you like everywhere. A functional space makes life easier, and when you surround yourself with the things you love, Kondo promises that your home will become your very own paradise.

Here are Kondo's best tips and tricks for creating an organized closet.

Folding T-shirts to save space – this is how it works

How to fold t-shirts according to Marie Kondo: If you have a t-shirt with a graphic or logo, you should fold the front side out so that you can recognize it at first glance. This means that you should lay your t-shirt face down. You'd like to fold it in half, but doing so creates a crease in the middle. Instead, take one side and fold it toward the center, then fold the sleeve back the other way. Repeat the process on the other side.

Once you have a long rectangle, fold the top of the t-shirt over towards the hem, leaving a small gap at the bottom. Fold it in half again (depending on the length of the t-shirt, you may need to fold it in thirds) to reinforce the shape. The result should be a nice little package. If it collapses, it needs to be adjusted (the rectangle might be too wide or the height of the folds might be too low or too high). Experiment until your top can stand upright on its own—a feat Kondo calls the "golden point of folding."

Another folding commandment from Marie Kondo: After each fold, run your hand over the entire garment before moving on to the next step. This helps the garment retain its shape in the long term. Plus, it reinforces the idea behind their strategy: folding properly lets the air out of clothes and maximizes the amount you can store.

How to fold a long sleeve shirt

This folding technique begins by laying your shirt on a flat surface and spreading the sleeves out to the sides. Follow the basic procedure for folding a t-shirt by bringing the edges together toward the center to form a rectangle. The trick is to fold the sleeve away from the center of the shirt (around the armpit area) and then fold it down again, following the line of the garment (it should look like an upside-down L). Repeat the process with the opposite side, but not all the way to the edge.

The goal is for the sleeves not to overlap as this would take up too much space. If you run your hand over the finished garment, you will notice that there are hardly any bumps where the sleeve is located. Once you have the rectangle, fold it in half from top to bottom, leaving a little space between the neckline and the bottom. Fold it into thirds again, flatten it and you're done!

How to fold a sweater

When it comes to knitwear for winter weather, the KonMari method doesn't fit all. It's the only time Kondo suggests a storage method that involves stacking items on top of each other. To begin, lay your sweater flat on a surface face up. Imagine a line running down the middle. Then fold both sides of the sweater inward so that they meet this center line.

Fold the sleeves together like you would with a long-sleeved shirt (over and down to form a triangle). The two sides of the sweater should meet in the middle and the cuffs of the sleeves should touch the hem of the sweater. Starting at the top, fold the sweater down into thirds. If it is very bulky, you may only need to fold it in half.

Pro tip: If you're storing multiple knits, fold in the sides so all sweaters are the same width - this makes them easier to stack.

How to fold pants

Marie Kondo folds: Fold all cotton pants (e.g. jeans) together, but hang anything that is more formal. Start by laying the pants flat, with the front facing up. Fold the pants in half lengthwise, placing one pant leg over the other (the zipper should be on the inside). If the bottom of the pants protrudes, you can fold the excess piece back so that you now have a straight line.

Next, fold the trouser legs up towards the waistband, leaving about 2 cm of space. Then fold them in three again until you have a neat little package. With the waistband facing down, line them up like soldiers in a drawer for easy access.

Fold socks according to Marie Kondo

Never roll up your socks. When they are rolled up or knotted, they are always in a “state of tension,” their fabric is stretched and the elastic is pulled. Organizing your sock drawer is actually quite easy. Start by placing one sock over the other and placing both flat. For low-cut socks that only cover the feet, it is enough to cross them once in the middle.

For ankle socks, fold the toes inward about 2 cm from the top edge. Fold them towards the middle again and in half again so that they stand upright.

Knee-highs and over-the-knee styles get the same treatment, folding them four to six times depending on their length. You can adjust the number of folds to achieve the height that best fits the drawer. Just remember that Marie Kondo folds always aim to form a simple rectangle.

How can you optimally organize your living space using the Marie Kondo method? Theyou can find out here!