Spring is planting time – which flowers to plant in balcony boxes?

Spring is the best season for planting, when balconies and gardens are decorated with colorful flowers. You can plant the first flowers in balcony boxes as early as the end of March, when the danger of frost has already passed.Choosing the right plants and the right location are particularly important. Not every flower can thrive on a shady balcony. For example, petunias, geraniums and oleanders are suitable for a sunny or partially shaded balcony, while begonias, fuchsias and primroses are suitable for shady balconies. Which flowers can you plant on the balcony in spring? Just read on.

With the first warm rays of sunshine in spring, daffodils and tulips sprout,Hyacinthsand other bulbous plants. They still have to be planted in autumn and overwintered in the cellar. If cared for properly, these can sprout from the ground in the last weeks of winter.

Balcony plants in April: Ring in spring with Mediterranean herbs and plants

If you want to have a fragrant and blooming container garden on your balcony at the beginning of the summer season, then you should start gardening at the end of March/beginning of April at the latest. Bring the flair of the south to your own balcony garden by planting herbs from the Mediterranean region. Ointment, thyme, spiced fennel and lavender are a real treat not only for the nose but also for the eyes.

The Mediterranean herbs have similar soil and location requirements and can therefore be planted separately in flower pots or together in flower boxes. A slightly permeable soil with sand content offers the best conditions for their rapid growth. The herbs feel particularly comfortable in a sunny location, so a south or west-facing balcony is particularly suitable. At the beginning of spring you can use several stonesplace in the planter box– They store heat on sunny spring days and then release it on gloomy days. This way the herbs stay warm even in frosty conditions.

Which bulbless plants should be planted as flowers in balcony boxes?

With the beginning of the frost-free period, you can find various balcony plants and ready-made young plants in stores and plant them directly in the boxes. Fuchsias, begonias and busy lilies thrive well on a shady north-facing balcony. They display a particularly large number of flowers and will make your balcony beautiful. Geraniums are particularly well-known flowers that can be seen in window boxes. They are extremely robust and easy to care for and are therefore perfect for beginners. In spring you can buy the first geraniums and put them in boxes straight away.

Which balcony plants to plant in April? Exotics and Mediterranean potted plants are allowed outdoors

Mediterranean potted plants such as olives and exotic plants such as orange trees, bergamots or lemons, which you have overwintered in a mini greenhouse or in a cool room during the cold season, are usually allowed outside from April onwards. They do not require pruning or special care unless the roots are overgrown. In this case, you can repot the plants first and then fertilize them. Leave newly repotted plants in a cool place for a week to allow them to recover. Only then are you allowed on the balcony. If there is frost at night, you have to protect the exotics from it. Simply put a fleece film over the plants in the evening. At the end of April, provide the plants with fertilizer again. This will encourage rapid growth.

Planting balcony flowers in April: This is how you ensure blooms on the balcony

The best time to plant flowers that bloom from late summer and into fall is April and May. So if you want to enjoy a display of flowers on the balcony in a few months, then now is the right time to plant the balcony. The flowers are divided into three groups. The first group consists of the frost-resistant summer bloomers, which can be planted in flower boxes from the end of March/beginning of April. The second group consists of autumn and summer bloomers, which you should plant at home in early March. The third group includes frost-sensitive flowers that you can only plant outside after the permanent frost period has ended.

1. The first group includes cyclamen, love grove, chrysanthemums, amaranth, bell vine, lupins, fried egg flower, Montbretia, blue rattle, common flax, soapwort. They can be planted in the planters from the beginning of April and bloom in August, September and October.

2. Flowers that you have to grow at home from March and then plant the young plants outside from mid to late April are, for example: aster, chrysanthemum, snapdragon, marigolds, bell vine, mimosa (although mimosa takes much longer takes time until you prefer the young flowers and you can only plant them in June), petunia, ice begonia, sweet pea, slipper flower, bearded carnation, hollyhock, Forget-me-nots and elf mirrors.

3. Frost-sensitive flowers that you can usually plant from April, as soon as the permanent frost has passed, include: geraniums, some begonia varieties, fuchsias and dahlias.

Planting the balcony: gardening in April

If you want to plant your balcony in April, then you have a lot to do at the beginning of spring. Especially at the start of the outdoor season, you should not only think about the summer and autumn garden, but also take care of the early bloomers. Magnolias, clematis, bluebells and horned violets provide a splendor of flowers from April onwards. You can extend the flowering period with a few tricks:

  • Supply the spring flowers with important nutrients every 14 days. Simply apply liquid fertilizer to extend the flowering period. Cut off any dead stems.
  • Care for hardy potted plants that have survived the winter outside. Cut off any frozen plant parts such as leaves or stems, repot them if necessary and fertilize them.
  • If you have espaliered fruit or miniature fruit trees, you should check them regularly from April onwards for pests such as aphids. Most columnar fruit trees bloom in spring and then produce fruit in summer. Difficulties with pollination may occur and you may need to help. Spring flowers and fragrant herbs like lavender can attract bees.
  • You can also attract bees by creating a small garden pond or purchasing a garden fountain.
  • A vegetable garden can also be created on the balcony. However, since most vegetables are sensitive to cold, you should consider the orientation of the balcony when planning. A north-facing balcony is not very suitable for this, but the south, west or east balcony offers everything that crops such as tomatoes, peppers and hot peppers need. Pre-grown young plants are available in garden centers from March, and you can start planting the kitchen garden from April. Don't forget to provide the plants with fertilizer.

Flowers in window boxes – daffodils, tulips, hyacinths decorated with moss

Daffodils, tulips and pansies beautifully arranged in a flower pot

Beautify the balcony with flower pots

Flowers in balcony boxes – plant pansies in spring

Grow finished young plant begonias

Flowers in window boxes on the window – daffodil

Flowers of purple geraniums on the balcony

Petunias and busy lilies in window boxes

Red geraniums in window boxes

Natural-looking ensemble of spring flowers

Dainty spring flowers in flowerpots on the balcony

Grow herbs and flowers on the balcony