Setting the window to winter mode: How to do it correctly and whether the measure is really worth it

Everyone knows that the temperature inside and the heating costs also depend on the quality of the window frames. But did you also know that there is a winter setting for PVC window frames? Today we would like to explain to you what this is and how exactly you can set the windows to winter mode in order to spend a cozy, warm winter with lower heating costs.

Seal windows with the right setting

The seals on the window frames are extremely important in reducing heat loss. Because the more heat is lost, the less we have to reheat. Of course, this also has a positive effect on heating costs, regardless of whether you heat with wood, gas or electricity. You can adjust how tightly an opening window frame is closed using its mechanism and we will explain to you how this works.

Set windows to winter mode

You can do this by correctly setting the so-called rolling pinInsulate windows. This simply reduces the space between the seal and the profile, which means that the windows are closed more tightly due to the greater contact pressure, so that there is less or no desire to get through. How to proceed:

Test the pull

First of all, check whether the windows are as leaky as you think. To do this, with the window closed, hold any fine object near the seals (a down feather, a lit match or lighter). If the selected object moves, air will come through and the window will logically leak. But that doesn't necessarily have to be because the mechanism is too loose. Therefore, check the rubber seals first. If these are damaged, it is better to replace them (contact the landlord for rented apartments).

How you can seal out draftsfind out here.

Prepare the profiles

Before you winterize the window and tinker with the mechanism of the window, you should window andClean frame well, because dirt can also affect the seal and even damage it in the long term.

  • Thoroughly wipe away all dust, sand and other dirt.
  • Wipe immovable metal parts clean with a soft cloth.
  • Oil moving metal parts such as hinges.

Switch windows to winter – regulate the mechanisms

  • Open the window and you will find the so-called roller pin.
  • Chooseathis roller pin and turn it one turn tighter.
  • Close the window and check whether the window is now tight.
  • If not, you can turn the next roller pin and test again.

Important: Never change several roller pins at once, as this can quickly lead to you no longer being able to close the window at all. Then getting it back to its original setting becomes very difficult so you would need to hire a professional.

Test whether the window sash is closed sufficiently tightly

To test whether your window sash is really well closed after you have set the window to winter mode, clip a piece of paper into the vertical side and close it. You shouldn't be able to pull the paper out without tearing it. It is also important that you do not hear any noise or friction when opening and closing.

Windows on winter mode – is the process really worth it?

Setting the windows to winter is a new Tik Tok trend. But does it really do that much and should you, as a layperson, even tinker with the mechanisms? Although experts say that the risk of causing harm is not very great, they still advise against it. In any case, the result would not be a remarkably large difference that would make the effort worthwhile.