Remove yellow stains from the pillow: It's easy to get rid of yellowed stains

Yellowed pillows sound more like a nightmare than a cozy place where we retreat to sleep in the evening. But is it possible to get them sparkling white again? We have collected tips for you on how to easily remove yellow stains from your pillow and sleep comfortably and with a feeling of purity again.

Remove yellow stains from the pillow: How do you get the pillow sparkling white again?

Of course, the best protection against yellow stains is to use a pillowcase. However, this doesn't always help. Pillows also need to be washed regularly, after all we use them every day. You should first look at the label because not all pillows can be put in the washing machine. Some, such as B. down pillows must be washed by hand. Fortunately, there are various techniques that can make it easier for you. For machine washing it is worthspecific cleaning productsto use, like our suggestion, which contains white vinegar to get the pillows white again.

Remove yellow stains from the pillow: In the washing machine

For machine washing pillows, but also for cleaning mattresses, we have the following vinegar-based detergent recipe for you. Mix the following products in a small bowl:

  • 60 ml hand dishwashing liquid
  • 30 ml white vinegar
  • 30 g Hausnatron
  • 1 tbsp liquid detergent

Put the mixture directly into the washing machine and start a wash cycle following the instructions on the label. Therethe detergentnormallyIf it is very thick, it will still stick to the fabric of the cushion after one wash cycle and therefore requires another wash cycle. You can also use this mixture for white T-shirts. If you use a dryer after the second wash, add a few tennis balls. These make the pillow fluffy again during the drying process.

Proper handwashing for pillows

To hand wash pillows, fill a large wash bowl with hot, not boiling, water. The temperature should still allow you to put your hands in it. Add 30 ml of liquid detergent and place the pillow in the soapy water. Now knead and wash the pillow piece by piece, working your way through the material. If you come across a stain or yellowing, treat it with ateaspoon of baking soda. After you have gone through the entire pillow, rinse it generously with warm water to completely remove any loose dirt and soap residue. Then wring the pillownototherwise you run the risk of damaging the material. Gently squeeze out the water and check the washing instructions on the label of your pillow to find out if it is suitable for tumble drying. If so, put it in the dryer with a few tennis balls and dry it. If it is not intended to be dried in the washer-dryer, place it on a drying rack, preferably in the sun on the balcony or in the garden. Don't forget to turn it over every few hours.

Remove yellow stains from the pillow: By hand

Pillows with down filling or molded foam are generally not suitable for machine washing. If you have stubborn stains there, you will have to work on them by hand. To get stains out in places, please use the following items and means:

  • some white vinegar or lemon
  • Backnatron
  • an old toothbrush
  • a soft cloth

If possible, take the pillow out into the garden into the sunlight or onto the balcony. Sunlight has a disinfecting effect. Sit down with the pillow and sprinkle any stain or yellowing with baking soda. Now dip the toothbrush in the vinegar and use the vinegar-soaked toothbrush to work on the baking soda-sprinkled stain. Then wipe off the residue with the soft cloth. Alternatively, you can also put the vinegar in a spray bottle and then apply it to the area that was sprinkled with baking soda, then let the mixture fizz a little on the fabric and work it again with the toothbrush. The combination of baking soda and vinegar is like a real miracle cure that can be used in a variety of ways to remove contamination from various materials and surfaces.

How to prevent stains

Pillows need to be washed from time to time. However, to prevent excessive contamination, there are several things you can do. In addition to the bed linen, use a pillow protector for your pillow. Change and wash bedding weekly. If necessary even twice a week. Once you have removed the pillow protector and pillowcase, use a laundry spray.

This brings a fresh scent and disinfects the material at the same time. Tip: Make your own laundry spray in the spray bottle and use some lavender essential oil. This gives you a disinfectant effect combined with a nice scent that promotes your sleep.