Remove verdigris with home remedies: These simple methods can help you clean copper surfaces!

Copper is by far a very popular material and is increasingly being used for decorative applications such as sinks and bathtubs. It can also be found in cookware. When exposed to air and water, copper loses its shine and can become affected by verdigris. Then you should try to eliminate the problem so that your copper items look shiny again! There are some simple methods and materials that you probably have at home that can help you restore the beauty of your beloved copper items. How to remove verdigris with home remedies, read on!

What is verdigris?

Verdigris is a green deposit that is often found on copper or brass parts and is caused by a reaction between air and acetic acid. He is poisonous.In the garden you canalso find verdigris, e.g. B. on surfaces such as wood, stone or terracotta. Here we are talking about microorganisms such as mosses, lichens and algae. Such deposits in the garden or on the terrace are not toxic, but they do not make the surfaces look nice and they can also make the floor slippery. Therefore, it would be advisable to eliminate them.

If you want to clean your copper surfaces so they look new again, try the following materials.

Apply lemon juice and salt

Lemon juice is a common remedy for many types of household messes. To remove verdigris from your copper surfaces, make a paste of lemon juice (lime or orange juice also works) and salt in a 3:1 ratio. You should definitely dissolve the salt or it can scratch the copper. You only need to apply a small amount of the paste to the copper object with a soft cloth until the verdigris begins to come off. Rinse with water and dry immediately. You can replace the salt with baking soda and follow the same steps as above.

Ketchup helps against verdigris

Yes, ketchup. You read that right: Ketchup can work wonders on copper due to its acidic properties. All you need is to rub it on the area, then rinse thoroughly with water and dry immediately with a soft cloth.

Salt and vinegar – a tried and tested method

This method is perfect for your sink. Here's how to do it: Sprinkle an amount of salt over the copper item you want to clean. Then pour a small amount of vinegar directly over the salt. You will see that it starts working immediately! Then scrub in circular motions with a cloth or pad. If necessary, add more vinegar. Repeat the process until the object reaches the desired shine. Alternatively, you can simply soak a clean cloth in vinegar and use it to scrub the item. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

Another way to clean copper with these two ingredients is to mix salt with vinegar to make a solution. Using a clean, soft cloth, apply the solution to the item you want to clean and polish until the copper begins to shine. Fordifficult to clean areasyou can use an old toothbrush. For cracks, corners and dents, this would be a good way to clean all areas.

Remove verdigris with home remedies: sodium bicarbonate

If you have particularly stubborn areas that you want to clean (such as the bottoms of copper cookware that see a lot of wear and tear), then you can sprinkle baking soda directly onto the dirty areas. Then apply warm water with a cloth or sponge and lightly buff the area. Be careful - too much pressure can easily scratch copper.