Dust and dirt are not only unsightly - they can also negatively affect the performance of the heater. We'll tell you some tricks and home remedies you can use to clean your radiators at the start of the heating season. This way you can optimize them and save as much energy as possible.
Cleaning radiators: How to remove dust and dirt
The first step to improving radiator performance is to remove dust and dirt. Even a little bit of dust can have a significant impact on them. Because once the heating is running, it is stirred up in the room and in the heating by the air circulation. So it's no wonder that allergy sufferers and asthma sufferers have more breathing problems in winter. It also becomes problematic if the humidity in the room increases. A damp layer of dust on and in the radiators can then only be removed with difficulty.
That doesn't have to be the case. With a few simple cleaning tips you can save energy and ensure the system functions smoothly. Just forStart of the heating seasonis the right time for it.
Before yourHowever, clean the heater, you should be aware of how your radiators work. Convectors use electricity to heat the air and then distribute it evenly throughout the room. They have heating elements that could be damaged by water and other liquids. Therefore, they should only be wiped on the outside with a damp, but never wet or dripping, cleaning cloth. You should contact a specialist to clean the interior of the device. This takes place every few years according to the manufacturer's instructions.
But things are different with radiators that are filled with water. There are different models: In old buildings you can often find sectional radiators, but in new houses they are replaced by panel and tube radiators. No matter what type it is, to be on the safe side, ask the manufacturer how best to clean and care for these radiators. As long as he allows it, you can do the following:
1. First, clean the outside of the radiators thoroughly. Wipe them with microfiber cloths and brush the gaps. For this purpose, you do not need any preparations or special cleaning agents for the first time. Use dry and clean cleaning rags.
2. Then remove the grid and wash them thoroughly in the kitchen sink. You can dissolve a dab of mild detergent in 1 liter and use it to clean the grille.
3. If necessary, you can unscrew the thermostat knob and clean it thoroughly under running water.
4. Wipe the grille, thermostat knob, etc. dry before reassembling them. However, first you have to clean the inside of the radiators.
Use a hairdryer to remove dust from the inside of the radiators
The second step is to dust off the inside of the radiators. You can of course use a vacuum cleaner for this purpose (it's best to use a flat attachment). However, the quickest way to do this is with a hairdryer. First, line the area under the radiators with damp cleaning rags. Then use the vacuum cleaner to remove the coarse dust. Then dust off the radiator with the hairdryer (set to cold air). The cleaning rags will catch the dust. You just have to wash them then.
Remove dirt and grease with detergent
In rooms such as living rooms, children's rooms and bedrooms, cleaning with water is sufficient. You should use detergent in wet areas such as bathrooms, laundry rooms and in the kitchen, where cooking can cause grease to get into the radiators. To remove these, take one large and two smaller containers, a long-handled brush and a clean and dry microfiber cloth. NB: Not all radiators can be wet cleaned inside. This cleaning is not possible for convectors and can cause major damage. For other radiators, it is best to ask the manufacturer. As a rule, most models that are filled with water can be cleaned with water.
First add 2-3 dollops of liquid detergent to the large container. Then fill the bucket with water and stir the detergent until it is completely dissolved.
The smaller containers will collect the dirty cleaning water under the heater. So you have to choose them so that they fit in that area and arrange them so that they can really catch the water.
So gradually shake the soapy water over the radiator (important, the manufacturer should allow such wet cleaning!). Scrub dirty areas with the soft brush.
Then you can rinse the large container and fill it with tap water. Now all you have to do is rinse the heater and wipe it with the dry microfiber cloth.
Let the heater dry overnight, ventilate the room more often and install the grille and thermostat knob the next day. Then you can bleed the radiators.
Option:Some radiators can also be easily cleaned with a steam cleaner. But you should have a spot jet nozzle because that will workcleaning is best. However, some materials can be damaged by the steam.