Jeans stain: Helpful tips on what to do about it and how to fix the color!

You have purchased a beautiful pair of dark jeans that, despite their casual appearance, give the impression that you are well dressed. But you have the uneasy feeling that the shade of denim you feel and look most comfortable in won't be around for much longer. You think about the alternatives available to you to prevent your favorite piece from losing its color. Jeans stain? Don't worry, here are tips on how to fix the color!

Jeans rub off on shoes and leather bags – causes

When a piece of fabric gets wet, the dye in the fabric seeps into the water, causing the color to bleed. This is when a red sock discolors a stack of white underpants, turning them pink. Dye loss can be a problem, especially if a garment was over-dyed to make it look better in the store and if the dyes were not set well or if the wrong type of dye was used on the fabric. All of these factors contribute to the problem. When rubbed on another surface, some dyes transfer their color to that surface.

Blue denim jeans are a timeless addition to any wardrobe and are suitable for both the workplace and an evening date. However, the indigo dye used in the production of jeans is notorious for its tendency to bleed. Finding that your new favorite pair of jeans has stained your white furniture, light-colored clothing, and even your skin can be a very annoying and unpleasant experience. Although indigo dye can often be rinsed out, it can be annoying to deal with bleeding. Bleeding can occur even after multiple washes, even with high-quality designer jeans. You're in luck because there are a few things you can do to prevent the color of your jeans from rubbing off. If you want to stop your jeans from bleeding, trythe following solutions.

Jeans stain - wash after purchase

When you pick up your new, dark jeans from the store and bring them home, the first thing you should do is wash them. You should not wear them or keep them in the closet, but start treatment as soon as possible. Many jeans come with a label stating that the indigo dyeing technique used to make the jeans may cause bleeding. In addition, the label recommends washing the pants as soon as possible.

Important tip: If you want to avoid your dark jeans from bleeding onto your light clothing and bleeding, it is best to wear dark clothing with your jeans.

How to wash jeans properly – tips

Turn your jeans inside out and wash them in cold water. Do not wash your jeans in hot water as this could cause them to stain. Additionally, cold water is much gentler on the colors than hot water. Make sure the jeans are washed separately and without other items of clothing. This will prevent the color released during the wash cycle from transferring to other items of clothing.

Fix the color with home remedies – vinegar and salt

Add 250 ml of white vinegar to a wash bowl of cold water in which you are rinsing laundry. The vinegar will help stop the paint from flowing further out of the fabric as it seals the paint inside the fabric. At the very least, using vinegar should cause the indigo dye to bleed less andfewer stainsleaves on other materials. If you hand wash your jeans, you can also soak them in a solution of cold water and vinegar. You can try soaking your denim pants in a mixture of cold water and vinegar overnight. If you prefer, you can simply wash your jeans in cold water the next morning. Then hang them up to dry.

Make sure you only use white household vinegar!

To keep the colors after washing, you can also add 1 kg of salt to the rinse cycle. Another option: Use dye catcher cloths, which prevent bleeding by catching excess dye during the wash cycle.

Dry jeans properly

If you want your jeans to keep their original shape, you shoulddo not put in the dryer. Instead, you should hang the pants up to dry in the fresh air.

By following the procedures outlined above, you should be able to prevent your blue denim pants from bleeding or at least reduce the amount of dye that spreads across your body when you wear the jeans.