If the coffee machine suddenly makes strange noises and the water only comes out of the device in drops, then the time has come for cleaning. We explain how you can descale the coffee machine. Which home remedies are suitable and which should it be better not to use?
Descaling the coffee machine: step-by-step instructions
Hard tap water contains magnesium and calcium salts. In regions with hard water, limescale can therefore build up on the pipes and walls of the device. These deposits quickly become noticeable. ThePreparation of coffeetakes longer and the process is significantly louder. In addition, the device cannot heat the water properly. The cup is filled drop by drop and often remains half full. The milk frother no longer works properly. In the worst case, a hose becomes blocked and the water can no longer flow through. This can happen even if you clean the coffee machine regularly, as cleaning alone cannot remove stubborn limescale deposits. When cleaning, the coffee powder residue is removed and the water tank is disinfected.
How often do you need to descale the coffee machine? Orientate yourself on the hardness range:
- Soft water: Up to 7 degrees of German hardness. You can descale the coffee machine once a year.
- Medium hard water: Between 8 and 13 degrees of German hardness. Remove limescale at least three, preferably 5 times a year.
- Hard water: From 14 degrees of German hardness. Descale the device once a month.
Proceed as follows:
- First read and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
- Then, unless otherwise specified, you canHome remedies for removalof the deposits.
- Empty the water tank of the coffee machine and clean the coffee grounds container.
- Prepare the cleaning solution. Below we list several home remedies that you can use.
- In the water tank, mix the cleaning agent with water in a ratio of 1 to 2.
- Place an empty bowl that can collect the water from the water tank under the coffee outlet.
- Start the brewing process and let the hot water run until the water tank is empty.
- Fill the water tank with fresh drinking water and repeat the process to rinse the coffee maker. You have to start a total of three flushing processes one after the other.
- Then the coffee machine is clean and you can brew coffee.
Which home remedies help against limescale in the coffee machine?
- Vinegar solution made from white wine or apple cider vinegarand water (mix them in a ratio of 1 to 2). Pour the vinegar solution into the water tank of your coffee machine. Place the coffee pot or an empty bowl under the coffee outlet and start the brewing process. Allow only half of the vinegar solution to run through, then stop the coffee maker. Wait half an hour and restart the brewing process. Then run clear water through the machine three times to rinse off any vinegar residue.
- You can also use vinegarVinegar essencesubstitute. In this case, mix vinegar essence and water in a ratio of 1 to 8.
- AlsoCitric acid can cause limescale depositsremove quickly. However, since it can attack certain surfaces, you should dilute it carefully. Citric acid is sold as a powder, so you need to dissolve about 2 tablespoons of powder in 1.5 liters of water. First fill the water tank with cold water (hot water can react with the citric acid and damage your coffee machine). Then add the citric acid to the water and stir slowly until it dissolves completely. Only use citric acid after consulting the manufacturer because it is really aggressive and can damage certain parts.
- Dishwasher tabs or denture cleanerscan not only descale the coffee machine, but also disinfect it.
- Baking powder or baking soda:Baking powder and baking soda can also dissolve limescale deposits quickly and reliably. To do this, you must first fill the water tank and then add a sachet of baking soda.
If the water doesn't flow properly
If the water doesn't flow through, you should buy a suitable descaler. Experiments with home remedies can successfully descale the coffee machine... or go wrong and damage it. Better safe than sorry and to avoid damage, you should follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the descaler recommended by them.
However, if the water does not flow through but rather flows out, then the device should be repaired. Contact the manufacturer to clarify the procedure.
Coffee machine is clogged after descaling: why is that?
Sometimes it can happen that the coffee machine is working smoothly before descaling and then suddenly becomes clogged after descaling. If you haven't cleaned it for a long time, large pieces of limescale may have come off the walls and clogged the hose. In this case, you can try the following:
- Contact the manufacturer first.
- For older coffee machines, you may want to blow through it with a straw.
- Look at the nozzle. If the nozzle is clogged, vinegar can help.
Descaling a coffee machine is not a difficult task. All you need is descaler and water. In some cases, home remedies also prove to be particularly helpful. Vinegar and vinegar essence are very effective, but have astrong smelland can change the taste of the coffee. Citric acid can quickly dissolve limescale, but you should definitely dilute it with cold water. Otherwise it can attack the materials in the coffee machine or make them brittle. Baking powder or baking soda are harmless and leave no smell. Denture cleaners and detergent tabs are also effective.