Does it seem difficult at first glance to be able to properly light a fireplace? With these practical tips and tricks you can do it without much effort!
Many people use traditional methods of lighting their fireplaces using newspaper rolled up into a bundle. However, successfully lighting the fireplace is not always guaranteed in this way. Additionally, the condition of firewood stored outdoors can complicate the situation. This can turn this important source of heat into a more decorative element of the interior design during the heating season. Therefore, it would make sense to learn the practical steps to light the fireplace and use it as intended. Below you will find some useful information and advice.
How to determine the moisture content of wood and light the fireplace correctly?
Before you start lighting a fireplace, you should inspect and prepare the fuel you will need. In order for you to succeed in the task, this should be the caseFirewood drybe enough to burn longer and more intensely. For example, if you bring the firewood from outside, it would be better to let it dry indoors for at least 24 hours. This way you can improve its usability.
Additionally, you can recognize wet firewood because it hisses and crackles as it burns. The material also releases soot and black smoke. Another sign of the high moisture content is the low amount of heat, which affects the efficiency of the firewood. Therefore, try to use naturally dried firewood. This should have matured for at least six months in a well-ventilated place such as a shed or barn. You can also use a moisture meter for this, although the values should not exceed 20%.
How to choose firewood and stack it correctly?
Another important step that you should follow in order to properly light a fireplace is the arrangement of the logs. First, it's best to choose medium-sized logs and avoid birch wood when lighting. This is more difficult to light and emits soot when burned, although softwood is also not suitable as a match.
Otherwise, when stacking the logs, it would be practical to first place a few large ones in the first layer. Then arrange smaller logs on top, placing each additional layer perpendicular to the previous one. Place the smallest, thinnest pieces of wood at the top of your wood pile to allow better access to kindling.
Also read:Fireplace without a chimney: Create a cozy and warm home for the cold days in winter!
Make ignition easier and light the fireplace properly
If you don't have ignition materials such as dry alcohol on hand, you can use a longer wooden stick. This would make the process much easier, although you should first light the top layer of wood chips and paper. Otherwise, you can follow the steps below and use some tricks along the way.
- Remove firstalready burned wood ashwith the matching fireplace accessories.
- If you don't have an open fireplace, you should first open the air flaps.
- Then take two larger split logs and arrange them in a row, parallel to each other, first in the firebox. The logs should be on both sides of the fireplace.
- Then use crumpled up scrap paper and place it between the two logs. Avoid using glossy paper.
- Next, collect some dry kindling from your woodpile and place it on top of the paper. Add some smaller pieces of wood on top.
- Finally, light the paper with a pilot burner or special lighter and leave the air dampers open before closing the door to properly light the fireplace.
How do you keep the fireplace burning longer?
Once you fire up your stove properly, it would also be practical to be able to keep the fire burning longer. To achieve this without constantly adding firewood, you should stack larger logs close together. You should be careful not to let the flame go out. To make the wood burn more intensively, you can arrange two large logs with some space between them if there are already embers. Then place two more logs crossed over it so that you can heat your living room and the fireplace more quickly.