What can you use potato peelings for? We will show you practical tips for more sustainability in everyday life

Peeling potatoes is a common routine for preparing many dishes. This type of vegetable is very popular due to its high vitamin, fiber, mineral, protein and starch content. The leftovers that remain after peeling can be used for other purposes instead of throwing them into the organic waste bin. We'll show you a few practical tips on how to best use potato peelings.

Use potato peels creatively – our top tips

What could be better than reusing the waste leftovers that have formed after cooking? As already mentioned, potato peels are ideal for this. They can be usefully used in several areas.

Conjure up crispy, delicious potato chips

If you make a recipe with peeled potatoes, you can reuse the peels to make your own crispy homemade potato chips. And this is how it works:

First, wet the already washed potato peels with a little vegetable oil and season to your liking and taste. We recommend using salt, chili or rosemary for the ultimate taste experience.
Now roast the whole thing in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 15 minutes - ideally on a baking tray. Please note, however, justfresh potatoesto use whose shells have no germs or green spots. This is often a sign of the formation of solanine, which is very toxic. If you keep this in mind, you will also have a delicious snack forcozy TV eveningson the sofa at home.

Refined cleanliness for stainless steel

If pots, dishes or the sink are dirty again, potato peelings can help you with this too. The starch it contains has a strong cleansing effect. For this purpose, rub the dirty areas with the damp side. To increase the cleaning effect, also add a little vinegar. Then let everything take effect briefly. After a few minutes, rinse with hot water. However, if this seems insufficiently cleaning to you, you have the option of mixing a dishwashing detergent from the potato peels.

To do this, place the potato peels in a container and pour boiling water over them. To achieve a stronger cleaning effect and increase the degreasing power of the detergent, add a teaspoon of washing soda to the mixture. Close the container for about 45 minutes and shake the potato peel and water mixture vigorously at regular intervals so that foam forms. Then wait for the container to cool completely before placing it in the refrigerator overnight. After 12 hours, remove the peels from the liquid using a sieve. Then fill the liquid into a bottle. Now it is ready for use.

Since this is a purely natural product, we recommend rinsing dishes and other surfaces with clear, hot water after cleaning. You should also make sure that there is no sour smell, as this is a sign of fermentation. If you notice anything like this, we recommend that you dispose of the product immediately. To extend the shelf life of natural dishwashing detergent, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator. It is worth mentioning that such a natural cleaning product has a shelf life of approximately eight days.

Use potato peels against soot deposits

To remove soot deposits, you can also use potato peelings. First of all, you should dry the bowls, then simply light them in the fireplace and let them burn. So the soot deposits are cleaned quickly and thoroughly. It's also worth mentioning that you can use the leftover potatoes for the fireplace. They burn slowly and glow for a comparatively long time. As a lighting aid, simply place the bowls between the wood. This means you can use the potato peelings twice in one go.

Streak-free, shiny mirrors

Streaks on the mirror are always annoying. They hinder the clear view of the reflection in the mirror. To clean the mirror without leaving streaks, you can also use potato peelings. For this purpose, rub the mirror surface with the damp side and then polish with a velvety-soft, dry cloth. What's interesting is that if you use it to clean the mirror surfaces in the bathroom, they won't fog up after showering, even with strong steam.

Stains in the leather

Unpleasant stains often form on the leather of coaches, shoes or other objects. To clean these, you can use potato peelings. To do this, rub the dirty areas with the damp side of the bowl until the stain fades or even disappears completely. Then wipe thoroughly with a damp cloth or suitable leather care product. This means you can enjoy the shine and cleanliness of the leather again and have made excellent use of your organic waste.

Use potato peels for gorgeous hair

Another useful purpose to use potato peels is for hair treatments. Potatoes contain many vitamins, minerals and nutrients and are therefore an inexpensive and good beauty product. You can create this yourself with little effort. For this purpose, let the leftover potatoes simmer for 30 minutes. You should then let the infusion cool down well.

Then water themthe potato peel and water mixturethrough a sieve into a bottle. Store the whole thing in the fridge.

The next time you wash your hair, rinse your hair with the potato water. After just a few weeks, your scalp will look healthier and your hair will look stronger. With regular use and a little patience, you will soon have a breathtaking head of hair.