As a fertilizer, cleaning agent, for drinking or for clogged drains: potato water is considered the new oneMiracle cure in the householdtouted. But does it actually deliver what it promises? We take a closer look at the question and explain what you can use the potato water for.
Potato water refers to the cooking water from potatoes. The potatoes are first cleaned and washed thoroughly, then possibly peeled and then cooked. After cooking, the broth is poured into a bowl and can be used for various purposes. Popularly, potato juice is sometimes called potato water made from raw potatoes.
Potato water for watering flowers
You can boil the potatoes with their skins on (be sure to remove any green spots and “eyes”) and use the water to water the houseplants and balcony flowers. The peels of potatoes are rich in minerals andvaluable nutrients. Spring is the right time to supply the flowers with iron, magnesium and phosphorus and to promote flower formation.
Use potato water as fertilizer for orchids and cacti
Exotic plants such as orchids and succulents can benefit from regular fertilization. Pour the broth into a spray bottle and spray the orchid leaves with it. You can also mix the potato water with distilled water in a 1 to 1 ratio, pour it into a container and submerge the orchid. For succulents, you should fill the water into the saucer.
Potato water against weeds:If you have noticed weeds in the flower bed, you can destroy them with potato water. Pour the hot broth directly onto the plants.
Potato water against aphids:First let the potato water cool down and then wet all parts of the plant with it.
Home remedies with potato water
Clean the drain:Pour the hot potato water down the drain. Potatoes contain starch, which can bind fat residues. Then pour hot tap water down the drain to rinse away the dissolved grease residue.
Potato water as an all-purpose cleaner:You can use potato water to remove grease stains from plastic surfaces. You can use it to clean the windows and glass doors. You can also use the water to remove burnt food from pans and pots.
Use potato water: make your own beauty products
The potato water strengthens the hair:Boil the potatoes including their skins. Pour the broth into a spray bottle and spray your hair with it. Then massage the homemade hair treatment into the roots using gentle circular movements. Leave it on for 5 minutes and then rinse it off.
Potato water for dry skin:Spread the decoction on dry areas (face, shins, hands) and leave it on for half an hour before going out.
Potato water for drinking and cooking: Is the broth poisonous or healthy?
Is potato water poisonous?The potato peels contain the natural toxins glycoalkaloids, which are released during cooking. The levels of glycoalkaloids are particularly high in potatoes with green spots, sprouting potatoes or potatoes with damaged skins. If these toxins are consumed in large quantities through food, poisoning can occur. According to theConsumer protection in Saxony-AnhaltThe content of toxic substances must not exceed the limit of 100 mg per kilogram of potatoes.
Can you drink potato water?If the potatoes were boiled with their skins on, you should not drink the potato water. However, if the potatoes are peeled before cooking, then drinking potato water is considered harmless to health. However, since potato peels contain most of the vitamins, trace elements and minerals, drinking potato water in this case will not bring any health benefits.
Can you use potato water for soup?If you have peeled the potatoes first and then boiled them, then you can use the potato water for cooking. For example, for thickening sauces or soups.
Use potato water as a substitute for cornstarch:You can use potato water in small amounts as a substitute for cornstarch. Perfect for anyone on a gluten-free diet.
Potato water for heartburn and stomach problems:You've probably heard from your grandparents that potato water helps with heartburn. “Potato water” does not mean the water from boiled potatoes, but rather the freshly squeezed juice from raw potatoes.A study, carried out in 2005 by researchers from Freiburg, demonstrated the effectiveness of potato juice in 42 patients with dyspepsia. Two thirds of the test subjects reported relief of symptoms. Nevertheless, you should always consult your family doctor first before resorting to home remedies for heartburn.
Potato water for dogs:The positive effect of potato water (be sure to peel the potatoes and cook them without salt) on dogs has not been scientifically proven. Some breeders and dog owners swear by it and give potato waterto the food. However, we advise against this because there are currently no studies available.