If you've ever spilled fruit juice on the counter and didn't wipe it up immediately, forgotten overripe fruit in the fruit bowl, or waited an extra day to take out the trash, then you're familiar with this scenario. One simple mistake and your house suddenly seems full of bugs. In this article you will find out how you can get rid of small mosquitoes in your apartment with home remedies.
What exactly are mosquitoes?
The mosquitoes are different types of small flies. In Germany, the most common mosquitoes are fungus gnats, drain flies or fruit flies.
Fruit flies are attracted to overripe or rotten fruits and vegetables and therefore usually buzz around fruit bowls. They also like smelly trash cans as well as open alcohol bottles. These small brown mosquitoes are more common in the summer, but you can also see them in the cold months.
Fungus gnats are a nightmare for houseplant lovers. These disgusting little flies lay their eggs in wet soil and are often found in nurseries. This means you can easily bring them home without even knowing it. These midges are black and silver in color, and you will usually see them on the soil of your plants or hanging on the edges of planters. If you shake your plant a little they will start flying around the plant.
It's not that easy with drain flies. Because they prefer bacteria, sewage and dirt in the drain, garbage disposal or infrequently used toilets, it is important to clean these plumbing lines often, especially in hot, humid weather.
How to prevent mosquitoes
It's not hard to get rid of the mosquitoes, but the tricky part is keeping them from coming back. The cleaner you keep your home, the less likely you are to get mosquitoes. This means storing food in sealed containers and discarding overripe produce. You should also invest in a tightly sealed trash can and your sink and yourClean drains regularly.
For fungus gnats, allowing the plants to dry out between watering can help prevent the gnats from laying eggs. It is also recommended to sprinkle a layer of diatomaceous earth on the soil to kill them.
With these 6 tips you can get rid of the little mosquitoes in your apartment
Before killing the mosquitoes, you must first identify what type of mosquitoes they are. Once you've properly identified which mosquitoes are bothering you, you can begin taking the necessary steps.
Make a trap with apple cider vinegar
The sweet smell of apple cider vinegar attracts mosquitoes, so you can use it to create a simple trap - a thirst trap. Pour a few tablespoons into a bowl or glass, then stir in a few drops of dish soap. The mosquitoes are attracted to the sweet smell and the sticky soap prevents them from flying away. Feel free to add a little sugar to really boost the sweetness. Simply place the bowl of solution in the areas where you noticed the most mosquitoes and wait for the results.
Set up a candle trap
Make surea tall candleinto a candle holder and then place it in a small pan filled with water. Turn off all lights, then light the candle and wait for the mosquitoes to find their way to the flame. They either hit the flame itself or fall into the water below. However, as with any burning candle, you must remain in the room and carefully watch the flame until it is time to blow it out.
Trap with rotting fruit for small mosquitoes in the apartment
Traps can also be made from rotting fruit. Mash the fruit and place it in a container with plastic wrap over it. Then pierce the film so that the mosquitoes can fly in and be caught.
Pour boiling water down the drain
Drains and kitchen sinks are common places where mosquitoes lay eggs. They love the warm, moist environment and any accumulation of food and bacteria that occurs there. Kill any eggs in the drain by pouring boiling water down the sink.
Try a diluted bleach solution for the drain flies
If you have noticed that the small mosquitoes in the apartment congregate around the sink drains, they may actually be drain flies. They are best treated with bleach. Properly protect yourself and your lungs, then dilute 1/2 cup of bleach with about 1 gallon of water and pour it down the affected drain.
Get rid of small mosquitoes in the apartment with sticky traps
If you have a particularly bad mosquito infestation around your plants, resort to sticky traps to capture the dozens of mosquitoes flying around. They stick to the yellow sticker.