Sitting in front of the computer for hours every day, too little exercise and incorrect posture - back pain is one of the most common complaints and one in five Germans suffers from it at least once a year. But fortunately in around 90% of cases the causes are not threatening to health. While bed rest was always recommended to those affected, it has now been confirmed that this is the wrong approach. Because the symptoms can worsen after just 2 days in bed. Therefore, it would make sense to help yourself through exercise and sportrelieve the painand strengthen the back muscles. You can find out which are the most effective back pain exercises to relieve tension in our article.
According to a scientific study conducted by the “Internal Medicine” newspaper, sport and exercise are the best way to relieve or prevent back pain. But which exercises should you choose for back pain? This mainly depends on how severe the pain is and what is causing it. While every person is different, muscle tension, lack of exercise, stress and obesity are some of the most common causes of back pain. If the symptoms last longer than 1 week and nothing helps you, you should definitely consult a doctor.
Back pain – where does it hurt?
Sometimes it pulls in the neck and sometimes it presses in the small of the back - back pain is very diverse and for this reason we will explain to you below the 3 parts of the body that are most often affected.
- Lower back painare the most common complaint among people. This is mainly because the lumbar spine is more susceptible to damage and injury. Possible causes include overexertion of the muscles or a herniated disc.
- Back pain upper backcan be chronic or acute. They mainly occur in the spine in the neck area and can also lead to tension in the shoulders, back of the head or arms. The most common triggers are incorrect posture or a herniated disc.
- Middle back painare usually triggered either by dysfunction of the rib-vertebral joints or by irritation of large muscle groups.
What are the best back pain exercises?
If you want to help yourself and relieve this nagging pain, then you should take 15 to 20 minutes a day and do some of the following back pain exercises. To ensure that you use all areas and strengthen all of your muscles, we recommend that you redesign your training program every 4 to 5 weeks. In addition, this way you will find out which movements work best for you and which do not. A combination of strengthening exercises and yoga exercises is the best possible option to relieve or prevent back pain. Aim to complete 3 to 5 sets of each exercise, resting for about 40 seconds between rounds.
- Plank exercise –Whether high, low or sideways - the plank exercise and the many plank variations are one of the best ways to strengthen the entire back with a single exercise. It activates the core muscles and this in turn helps to relieve muscle tension. But in order to prevent possible injuries, you should definitely ensure that it is carried out cleanly and correctly. Try to hold the position for about 60 seconds.
- The bridge -Also known as the pelvic raise, the bridge is one of the most efficient back pain lower back exercises. This not only strengthens the lumbar vertebrae, but also trains the buttocks and leg muscles. It is therefore a good option for oneStomach legs butt training plan. Lie on your back and bend your legs. Place your feet hip-width apart and place your arms next to your body. Then lift your pelvis, making sure that your body forms a straight line. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps each.
- Bird-Dog Exercise –Different yoga exercises for back pain are another good option to strengthen not only the muscles but also our mind. The bird-dog exercise is also ideal for improving coordination. Start in the classic all-fours position, making sure your hands are directly under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips. The spine is in a neutral position and the body forms a straight line. Inhale deeply, tense your stomach and stretch out one leg along with the opposite arm. Hold the position for about 5 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. Do 3 sets of 10 reps per side.
Abdominal exercises for a strong and healthy back
- Crunches –In order to strengthen the spine and stabilize the entire back muscles, you should not only do back pain exercises, but alsotrain your stomach regularly. Abdominal exercises such as crunches support the muscles in the lower back and thus counteract pain. To relieve pressure on your spine, lie on the floor with your knees bent and hold your hands at the back of your head. Now slowly lift your upper body a few centimeters off the floor so that your shoulder blades are in the air, but your back does not form a hollow back.
- Superman exerciseis a very efficient movement that is often used in physiotherapy or physiotherapy. Lie on your stomach and stretch your arms forward. Keep your legs close together and then lift both arms and legs slightly off the floor at the same time. To further activate your core muscles, try pulling in and lifting your belly button. Look downwards to avoid neck injuries. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat a total of 13 times.
- Side leg raises –Building muscle in the lower body with targetedExercises for the inner thighsis one of the most effective methods to relieve or prevent back pain. Weakened hip muscles can not only cause pain, but can also worsen existing symptoms. Side leg raises are one of the simplest yet most effective movements to strengthen your back. Lie sideways on a mat and keep your body straight. Then lift the top leg up, repeat 10 times and switch sides.
- Deep squat –No equipment required and can be done anywhere - the squat primarily stretches the lower back and is perfect for anyone who needs some ideas for exercises for back pain in the office. Place your feet hip-width apart and go down as low as possible until your bottom is slightly above the ground. Round your back and push your knees outwards with your elbows. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds and then slowly increase the time.
Yoga exercises for back pain
- Position of the child –Also known as the child's position, it is one of the classic and most effective yoga exercises for back pain. It stretches all the back muscles and is also very good for tension in the neck. Kneel down and keep your legs close together. Place your arms at your sides and then slowly bend your upper body forward and touch the floor with your forehead. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds, breathing deeply in and out.
- The cat exercisehelps to relieve tension and is not considered one of the best back pain exercises for nothing. Begin in the classic all-fours position, with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees at hip level. Now exhale deeply and arch your back. Pull in your belly button and point your head downwards. Hold the position for 3-5 seconds and return to neutral position.
Further exercises for back pain and tension
- Supine Twist –This exercise opens the shoulders and not only helps relieve lower back pain, but also stretches the glutes. Lie on your back and bend your legs. Now grab your knee with your right hand and stretch your left hand out to the side. Then slowly tilt your knee to the right side and turn your head to the left. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg for a total of 10 reps on each side.
- Knee to chest stretchis undoubtedly one of the simplest back pain exercises that is great for beginners. This improves the flexibility of the joints and stimulates the blood supply to the brain. Lie on the floor with your knees and feet bent and your back facing down. Cross your hands directly under your knees and slowly pull them towards your chest. Make sure that your back does not form a hollow back and remains firmly on the floor. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat a total of 15 times.
- Pick applesis a very simple exercise and is ideal for strengthening and stretching the lateral back muscles and the spine. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and look forward. Stretch your arms towards the sky and reach up as far as possible with one hand. Do the exercise alternately with both arms for at least 1 minute.
- Shoulder circlesespecially ensure relaxation in the upper back area. The exercise is pretty easy and can be done anywhere and at any time. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and make small circles backwards with your shoulders. Repeat the movement for at least 30 seconds and 3 sets.