Do you often have to deal with a lot of condensation on the inside of the windows when temperatures are low in winter? The following measures and tips can help solve the problem!
Nowadays, in many households, drops of water form on the window glass due to stark temperature differences between the outside and inside. This mainly happens in well-insulated rooms that are equipped with modern plastic window frames. There are also some influencing factors that promote this process, but are often overlooked. As a result, not only can harmful mold form, but water damage to walls and floors that is difficult to repair can also occur. Fortunately, all of this can be avoided by taking the appropriate preventive measures. Here is some useful information and the recommended steps you can take in such situations.
What causes condensation on windows in cold weather?
Condensation occurs especially when the humidity in the room is high and the glass surfaces usually cool down during the night. The living spaces most affected by this are the bedrooms at night and the kitchens during the day. Also the laundry spread out on tumble dryers as wellHouseplants in the roomcan cause a lot of condensation on the windows. The resulting moist air then reaches the cold window glass and condenses. As already written, the problem can also occur with opaque window frames. Old wooden window frames conduct moisture to the outside, but unfortunately do not seal well, which leads to heat loss and increasing heating costs. The new variants are heat-insulating, but can promote the formation of condensation.
The situation can become more difficult if you keep your interior doors closed or rarely ventilate the rooms. This means that the excess moisture has nowhere to escape, which is why you have to do something effective to prevent condensation on the windows. Before you do this, it is also important to understand the consequences of condensation and prevent future complications. Here are some of the most likely ones.
What damage can condensation cause?
- Condensation on windows does not pose a danger in itself, but if you do nothing it creates an ideal oneEnvironment for mold growthand damaging moisture to surrounding surfaces.
- It is also important to know that inhaled or touched fungal spores could cause various allergic reactions in allergy sufferers. Examples include itchy red eyes, sneezing, runny nose and skin rashes.
- Mold can even trigger asthma attacks with serious consequences in people who are susceptible to it. This particularly affects older people, small children or babies, as well as those with weakened immune systems and existing skin or respiratory problems.
- It should be noted that mold can also cause damage through condensation in wet rooms such as bathrooms. If you notice this, you should first identify the main source and the necessary measures such as installing a bathroom fan.
- Although this is not always easy, you can do it yourselfEliminate mold in the bathroom, when it comes to small areas. Otherwise, there are a few ways to combat annoying indoor condensation by trying the following methods and tricks.
What is the best way to deal with condensation on windows?
Energy-efficient glazing costs more, but significantly reduces heat loss through the window pane, which can be a great advantage during longer cold periods. In addition, there are special window frames with vents, as you probably already know. However, if your home is not yet equipped with one, you can use the alternative preventative measures and hacks described below.
- You can first try to prevent sweating window panes by adding a dehumidifier to the affected room. However, you should also ventilate from time to time to allow the moist air to escape while the device draws warm air currents into its coils. This way, the warm air contracts as it passes through the cooling coils, leaving condensation inside.
- Another option is to get window film about 0.5 millimeters thick and double-sided adhesive tape. This means you can first cover the plastic window frame and then stick the PET film on the pane. Typically, such products have a protective layer that you must remove in order for the window film to become completely transparent. This way you don't have to worry about the light transmission of the window and at the same time you can stop the formation of condensation.
- You can also prevent condensation on windows with a very simple and practical trick. You can use either vodka or pure alcohol for this if you don't want to waste the spirit. First clean your windows as usual with soapy water or window cleaner and a microfiber cloth before letting the panes dry thoroughly. Then pour vodka or rubbing alcohol onto a clean cloth and wipe the window panes thoroughly. This acts like a kind of polish, and you can use the hack once a week in high humidity. For even better results, you can add glycerin in a 1:10 ratio and enjoy clear window glass.
What to do to quickly get rid of condensation on car windows?
If you've ever parked your vehicle in the cold, you've probably noticed your windshield sweating in the morning. This can be a nuisance in stressful everyday life when you have to get to work quickly. You're in a hurry and wondering which key combination would work best to prevent condensation on windows. Many people simply blow hot air on their car windows, but how about using cold air instead? In this situation, is it better to use the outside air or the recirculated air in the car? There is a proven method to speed up the removal of condensation by combining air conditioning and opening the windows. This way you can expect clear vision for half the time. To do this, follow these steps:
- Immediately after getting into the vehicle, leave the heating on at full speed.
- The next step is to turn on the air conditioner.
- Immediately afterwards, you should turn off the internal air circulation setting.
- Finally, you can simply open the car windows halfway and watch as condensation quickly disappears.