Life hacks with rubber bands: 10 cool tricks for everyday life that make life easier

The zipper on their favorite jeans is broken, the child can't find the glue or scissors again, the last minute French manicure has gone wrong. A solution urgently needs to be found! Thenext lifehackswith rubber bands offer such a quick solution. Because sometimes it's the little things that ensure a good start to the day and make our everyday lives more pleasant.

The rubber bands are a true all-rounder. With the help of a rubber band, you can, among other things, open mason jars, prevent clothes from slipping off hangers, and mark guests' drinks. The possible applications are simply endless, because there is always onenew idea comes up.

Life hacks with rubber bands: Mark guests' wine glasses

You have planned a family celebration or would like to celebrate with friendsto celebrate birthdayand have guests invited home? In the hustle and bustle of the party there is always a mess. Which glass belongs to which guest should definitely be clear in Corona times. Stickers offer a way to mark the glasses, they can then be easily removed and leave no adhesive residue. It is much easier to mark the glasses with colored rubber bands.

Life hacks with rubber bands: tidy your desk

There's a mess on the desk and the children can't find the glue, scissors and their favorite ballpoint pen again? Take a hardcover notebook and wrap several rubber bands around the cover. Then slide the accessories (skull, scissors, etc.) between the rubber bands and the lid.

Life hacks with elastic bands: repairing your favorite jeans

Do your favorite jeans need repairing? The next hacks save time and effort and can be done without sewing:

1. Make the jeans waistband wider: Take an elastic band and pass it through the buttonhole. Then pass the part you are holding through the loop to secure the elastic. Now all that's left is to wrap the loose part around the button.

2. If the zipper on your jeans keeps coming undone, an elastic band can come to the rescue. Insert the elastic halfway through the hole on the zipper handle and then make a loop. Then pass the other end over the button. In order for the trick to work, the rubber band should be of a suitable length.

The jeans fit at the waist, but the legs are too long? Then you can turn them inside out and secure them with an elastic band. This way you are guaranteed not to slip again.

Life hacks for everyday life: How to achieve a French manicure

With a rubber band, you can do a French manicure even if you are a complete beginner and don't have an experienced hand. It offers a quick last-minute solution for those trendy French nails. With this hack, you don't need stencils to paint the tips of your nails. Place a flat rubber band on the finger in the desired position, apply the white polish and let it dry. Then you can carefully remove the rubber band and apply the base coat.

Life hacks for everyday life: Make clothes hangers non-slip

Does the satin blouse or dress with spaghetti straps keep slipping off the hanger? A simple trick can help: Wrap long rubber bands around the two ends of the hanger to prevent it from constantly slipping.

Use rubber bands to prevent the front door from closing

There are many reasons why you might want to leave your front door open during a certain period of time. For example, when you bring groceries, furniture or other larger items into the house and don't want to search for the key every time. Then a homemade doorstop can help. Stretch a long rubber band between the two door handles. Pull the elastic band over the door catch so that it holds it back.

Use elastic band as a bookmark

You carry your favorite book or a study book in your bag, but keep losing the page because the bookmark slips. Wrap the page and the book cover with a long elastic band.

Household hacks: Keep pot lids in place

If the constant rattling of the lid bothers you while cooking, you can fix it with two rubber bands. And if the spoon you use to stir keeps slipping into the soup, wrap a rubber band around the end of the handle.

Life hacks for everyday life: What you can do to prevent splashes

No matter how much you pay attention: WhenPainting the wallsor the window frame, the paint drips all over the floor. A simple solution is to use a long rubber band stretched vertically over the can. Dip the brush into the paint and then swipe it over the rubber band and the excess paint will run back into the container.