Reduce humidity – The best tips for a better indoor climate at home

Help! Mold is forming in the bathroom and there is constant mold in the living roomCondensation on the window panes? Then perhaps the humidity in your apartment is simply too high. However, this can not only lead to mold formation, but can also have negative health consequences. In the article we reveal what the causes are and how you can effectively reduce the humidity.

Interesting facts about humidity

Humidity refers to the proportion of water vapor in the air. It is not visible, but you can notice too much of it, for example on the bathroom mirror after onewarm shower. Low humidity can also be felt as it can dry out both the skin and the throat.

When measuring air humidity, a distinction is made between relative and absolute values. Relative humidity gives the percentage of water in the air compared to the amount that could be in the air. It depends on the temperature. Absolute humidity means the actual amount of water in the air. Relative humidity is used to determine the air humidity indoors and outdoors.

What is the ideal humidity at home?

Both too high and too low humidity are harmful to health. The low humidity can lead to a dry throat, frequent colds, itchy eyes, headaches, difficulty sleeping and nosebleeds. However, if the relative humidity is too high, mold forms, which not only has a negative impact on the building structure, but can also trigger allergies and make you sick. Many people also feel under the weather in humid weather.

And is there actually an ideal humidity level for work and living spaces, where we spend the majority of our time during the day? The recommended value for living spaces is an average of 45 percent. Anything below 30 percent is considered too low and above 60 percent is considered too high. In the table you can see the ideal values ​​for each room in the apartment.

In order to feel comfortable at home, it is important to ensure that the humidity in each room is appropriate. As the table shows, the requirements for the appropriate air humidity differ in the individual rooms. Please note that temperature also plays an important role.

For example, higher humidity is normal in the bathroom than in the bedroom or living room. But you should take certain measures in the bathroom to prevent mold from forming. Regular ventilation or a bathroom fan are possible solutions to this problem. You can read more about the topic further down in the article.

How can you measure humidity?

The hygrometer determines whether the humidity in a room is high or low. This device measures the relative humidity in the room. You can choose between an analog and a digital hygrometer. There are many variants available on the market that measure the humidity and temperature in the room at the same time. This also allows you to determine the actual water content in the air. If the relative humidity is above the recommended level, then you need to do something to reduce it.

This way the humidity can be reduced

Because of the large temperature differences between inside and outside, there is a risk that moisture will remain trapped inside the house in winter. This can be observed, for example, in the form of small drops of water on the inside of the window pane. In most cases, mold formation is also associated with excessive humidity in the home and can be another sign of unhealthy water vapor levels in the air. To prevent mold, it is important to take the necessary measures before it forms.

First you have to determine how the high humidity occurs. Common causes for this are laundry hanging up indoors, too many house plants, room temperature that is too low, cooking for a long time in the kitchen and a hot shower in the bathroom. Only when you find the cause of the poor indoor climate can you properly deal with the problem. Below we have collected the best tips for lowering the humidity for you.

Ventilate the apartment regularly, even in winter

Proper ventilation is the be-all and end-all when it comes to the indoor climate in closed rooms. Even 5-10 minutes of airing in the morning, midday and evening are enough to reduce the humidity in the apartment. You should open the windows as wide as possible to remove excess water from the house. This method is still known as shock ventilation and ensures optimal moisture exchange. Even on a cold, rainy day, burst ventilation can reduce humidity.

Heat the entire apartment in winter

Since the relative humidity is closely related to the room temperature, the degrees in the room play a crucial role. You should try to keep the room temperature within the recommended range. In the table above you can see the appropriate temperature limits for each room in the home.

If you want to reduce the humidity in winter, it is usually enough to simply turn up the heating. The heat reduces the water content in the air and dries it. It is also important to heat not just individual rooms, but the entire apartment. In this way, there are no cold bridges, the walls become warm and no condensation forms.

Extra tip: Always turn off the heating before ventilating. This saves unnecessary costs.

Never hang up laundry in the house

In apartments without a terrace or balcony and in winter, laundry is often hung on a drying rack in the room. However, the evaporation of water can increase the humidity and affect the overall indoor climate. In this case areTumble dryer is the better option. The dryer may cost a lot more money, but it is a good long-term investment, especially for the cold season.

Reduce humidity with salt and rice

Some household tricks can also be effective in reducing the humidity at home. Salt and rice are known for their ability to absorb and bind moisture. In an environment that is too humid, these foods soak up water. A bowl of rice or salt should therefore absorb the excess moisture in the room. However, you should not forget to replace the rice or salt regularly.

Quickly reduce the humidity with a dehumidifier

The dehumidifier is a special device that can quickly and effectively reduce the humidity in the home. This not only creates a better indoor climate, but also prevents the formation of mold.

Basically, there are three different types of dehumidifiers: granular dehumidifiers, adsorption dryers and condensation dehumidifiers. The granulate dehumidifiers work without electricity and contain special granules that absorb and collect moisture from the room. These types of dehumidifiers are inexpensive, but have lower performance compared to the electric versions and are only suitable for small rooms.

Adsorption dryers can quickly reduce air humidity and return it to the room in the form of warm air. Since these devices are very expensive, they are usually installed in industrial halls.

The condensation dehumidifier is considered the preferred variant for private households because, compared to the granulate dehumidifier, it is also suitable for larger rooms. This is an electrical device that has a compressor, a cooling element and a water tank. And how does it work? The moist air is sucked in, passed over the cooler, whereby the water contained in the air is condensed and collected in the water tank. The disadvantage of this type of dehumidifier is the noise, which is similar to a refrigerator.

How to reduce the humidity in the bathroom?

Since the bathroom is usually affected by high humidity, many people ask themselves how the humidity in wet rooms can be reduced and mold formation prevented. If the bathroom has no windows, the first thing you need to do is install a bathroom fan. Since long showers with hot water can quickly increase the humidity, you should try to reduce the shower time and not set the water too hot. After showering, it is recommended to ventilate the bathroom well, but the bathroom door should remain closed after showering. Otherwise the water vapor will spread throughout the entire apartment and influence the indoor climate in other rooms as well.

Can the humidity be reduced or increased with plants?

If you want to reduce the humidity, you should move the houseplants indoors. Plants tend to increase the moisture content of the air and are a good solution when the indoor air is too dry. It is also important to note that not all plants work as humidifiers. Plants that require a lot of water in particular release more water vapor into the air.

Solve problems with high humidity in the basement

Nowadays, the basement not only serves as a storage room, but can also become oneLiving room, hobby room or even study convertedbecome. There are often connections for gas, electricity or water in the basement. The ideal humidity in the basement depends on what function the basement fulfills.

Regardless of its function, the cellar must be ventilated regularly to avoid mold infestation. If the storage room is converted into a living space, the most effective way to regulate the humidity is with a dehumidifier. Since this room is not too large in most cases, cheaper variants such as the granulate dehumidifier are quite suitable. The same applies to the garage.