Get rid of moths in the wardrobe: Use these home remedies and tricks against annoying clothes moths

Are you dealing with moths in your closet at home? With some tried-and-tested natural products and tried-and-tested methods, you can keep the pests away from your clothes!

Foto: Tatiana Foxy / shutterstock

When it comes to insect infestations in the home, moths are some of the most common pests that are often difficult to get rid of. On the other hand, there are various sprays or moth traps available on the market in the form of strips. Mothballs are also traditional control methods, but there are also alternative control methods using products that can be inexpensive and just as effective. These not only help you ward off the pests, but also make wardrobes smell more pleasant. You can also use this to put together different mixtures depending on your personal preferences. However, it is also important to take preventive measures to prevent a new infestation. Below you will find some simple and effective ways to do this.

How to recognize a moth infestation in the wardrobe and what to do about it?

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The history of the butterfly's cousin is ancient, with scientists estimating that there are at least 160,000 species of moths. It's easy to get lost in this diversity of species, but clothes moths are very commonfavorable conditions in cupboardson. For this reason, it is important in the first place to identify the affected areas and prevent future problems. However, when it comes to such insects, it is not adults but their larvae that pose the main threat to your clothing. The following factors must be taken into account in such a situation:

  • Moth larvae usually eat through cotton or wool fibers, causing gaps in knitted sweaters or coats.
  • For allergy sufferers, contact with the skin can cause redness, itching and sometimes even more serious allergic reactions.
  • If you find moths in the wardrobe, it could also be due to the high humidity in a rarely ventilated interior of the piece of furniture.
Photo: D. Kucharski K. Kucharska / shutterstock

To stop the insects from spreading, your first step should be to find the nest and destroy it. To do this, you can remove all clothing, bed linen and other textiles from your wardrobes, clean the interior thoroughly and also wash rarely worn items. But other measures are also needed to address this effectively, and here are some of the most important of them.

Follow simple tips and steps to prevent moth infestation

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If you do nothing or react too late, it can be difficult to remove the moths. Therefore, taking a few preventative steps can save you a lot of headaches when fighting the pests.

  • Adult insects reach approximately 4 to 8 mm, with their larvae also feeding on dead skin cells. Washing clothes at high temperatures and airing them in the cold and in the sun can eliminate eggs and larvae.
  • It would be most effective first to create an unfavorable environment for moths in the wardrobe. Therefore, try to regularly ventilate not only your closets, but also the living rooms in your home.
  • Before and during the winter season, a thorough cleaning of the cupboards would also be one of the most effective preventative measures.
  • Every now and then, make sure to lower the temperature in your indoor spaces so that the insects cannot thrive in your living rooms or bedrooms.
  • Since the moth also loves darkness, you should not constantly keep your windows covered with curtains or blinds. In addition, you should regularly let in light by opening the wardrobes.
  • You should also avoid storing damp clothes in the closet as moths prefer damp environments. Always make sure your clothes are dry.
  • Dirty clothing also attracts pests because it gives off odors and traps sweat, skin cells and other particles. This creates a nourishing environment for them, especially in confined spaces. Therefore, you should always put clean clothes in your closets.
  • Another trick is to store clothes in vacuum bags. This also keeps clothes that you won't wear until next season fresh and clean. You can also put infected clothes in the freezer for a short time to get rid of eggs or larvae.
  • Wipe the interior walls and compartments regularly with soapy water, let everything dry thoroughly and do not stick wallpaper or films with textile fibers on the surfaces.

Which natural methods and home remedies can you use to get rid of moths in your wardrobe?

Photo: Danilova Janna / shutterstock

As you probably already know, some pleasant smells can be a deterrent to moths in the wardrobe. The classic for such cases would of course be lavender in the form of fragrant flowers or as an essential oil. You can place these in fabric bags between items of clothing and bed linen or hang them directly on the clothes rail. If you don't like the lavender scent, you can also use other combinations.

  • For example, cedar oil can be another ally in the fight against pests. If you don't have cedar wood, you can make cologne with the oil in a 1:10 ratio and use it in an aerator or with a spray bottle.
  • If you don't like the scent of lavender flowers, you can also try peppercorns or ground pepper. Fill a few bags with this and distribute them in different corners of your cupboard before leaving them for 2-3 days and replacing them with new ones. The smell of pepper will keep the insects away from your clothes and other textiles.
  • You can also keep pests away from your clothes with plant parts such as the leaves of thyme, rosemary, laurel, eucalyptus or cypress yarrow. If you have determined that clothes moths are in your closet, you can place dried leaves in bags in the appropriate area.
  • Another home remedy that helps repel insects is vinegar. By combining it with water in a 1:10 ratio, you can make a homemade solution and treat the affected areas in your closet with it.
  • Carnations in the pockets of trousers, jackets and coats will also repel moths in the closet. Their strong smell ensures that the insects stay away.
  • You can also use a mixture of all these natural products and home remedies to achieve the desired effect.
  • Store-bought pheromone strips work just as well on adult closet moths and prevent future offspring.