Rainwater collect for the garden or balcony: So easy to design sustainable systems yourself!

At a time when the fight against climate change is gaining in importance, water protection is undeniable for a sustainable environment. Under the conditions of climate change, it is very important to act sustainably and save water. A good option for this is to collect rainwater to save it for a later use. There are different methods of how you can catch rainwater and use in the garden or private household. Rainwater is better for watering than drinking water because it does not contain a lime. Here we show you the most common methods of collecting rainwater.

Rainwater collect with a simple regent barrel system

Regent barrel systems are the most common method for collecting rainwater for a garden. The simple rain barrier system is that rainwater is collected from your roof in containers. It is very simple and effective, and so you can have water for watering at any time, without costs and effort. How to make your house, your garden or farm sustainably.Here you will find tipshow you can catch rainwater.

Trincheras and gabions for rainwater collection

Trincheras are made of stone retention trees for rainwater collection. These are freely flowing structures and the most important part of the building is a stable base. When planning your Trinchera, you must design the structure so that the lowest point of the site is in the middle of the building.

The gabion methodis a larger form of the Trinchena. Gabions are baskets filled with stones, which consist of a network of dam structures made of galvanized wire. These dam structures are innovativeConcepts for rainwater use. A gabion is not freely fluid. The stones with which a gabion is made are smaller stones that are used in cages or wire baskets. How do you design a gabion? Here are the steps:

  • Buy gabion bundle. Open the gabion bundle and remove the folds.
  • Lift the side parts.
  • Fill the gabions 1/3 with stones.
  • Install the connecting wires.
  • Overfill the gabion by 2-5 cm.
  • Close and secure the lid on the gabion.
  • Add layers by using cross anchors at each end.
  • Place a geotextile between the fillage and the gabions.

You can create a depression in your garden to collect rainwater. Choose a suitable location in the garden, for example along a meadow. It is very easy to dig a sink and here we show you how to proceed.

How to make a sink yourself:

  • First plan the location. The location for the sink should be slightly uphill.
  • With a stake, mark the limits of your depression. A good depression is wide enough so that you can go in and dig.
  • Grab the sink on the contour. It can run diagonally over the slope, but make sure that the drain cannot pass. The entire loose earth is piled up on the downhill side of the depression into a so -called “Berme”. This holds back the rainwater that fills the sink.
  • Fill your sink with gravel or stones on the floor. Add razing wood and straw. Then wait for your depression to be filled by the rainwater.

Plastic canon for collecting rainwater on the balcony

If you have a balcony, you can do thatCatch rainwater with a plastic canister. You can design a very simple system based on these instructions, try it!

What you need:

  • a plastic canister
  • a bin
  • a hose
  • Bands or brackets.

This is how you can do it:

Cut off the bottom of the canister to open it and turn the plastic canister upside down. Simply attach it to the balcony railing. You can tie it or fasten it with brackets. Then attach the hose to the opening of the canister and put the other end directlyin die Regentonne. So you can easily collect water on your balcony and use it for your plants or other domestic activities. In this way, they contribute to a water -saving and sustainable lifestyle.

Catch rainwater with a sun sail in the garden or on the balcony

A sun sail is actually intended as a shadow dispenser, but can be used very well in summer to collect rainwater. It is sufficient to set the sun sail slightly slanted and place a ton underneath to catch the rainwater. You can do this method both on thebalconyas well as apply in the garden. You can also use different containers from your household to save rainwater. Bucket, bowl, old pans that you no longer use for cooking. Be creative and design your own rainwater systems that you can use in the garden or household! Hopefully these methods and tips were helpful!