In this rainy June 2024, we in Germany had an average of 91 liters of precipitation per square meter - 6 liters more than the long-term average. Since rain is forecast to continue in the near future, it is worth using the valuable rainwater instead of letting it run unused into the sewer system. There are creative solutions to collect rainwater, especially on balconies in urban areas. We present you two clever DIY ideas to efficiently collect rainwater on your balcony.
Detergent bottle as a rain catcher
This method is simple, cost-effective and flexible to use. Instead of a detergent bottle, you can also use a 5 liter plastic canister.
Materials and tools
- Empty detergent bottle
- Scissors or cutter knife
- cotton threads
- Drill or pointed tool
Steps for implementation
- Cut the bottom of the detergent bottle diagonally.
- Drill three holes in the plastic cap and thread cotton thread through them. Tie a knot on the inside and screw the cap back on.
- Attach the upside down bottle so that it points diagonally outwards over the balcony railing. The bottle's handle is ideal as it can be easily attached to the railing with gaffer tape or wire.
- The collected water flows over the threads into a container below.
From detergent bottlesYou can also create other interesting crafts.
Inverted umbrella as a rainwater collector
An interesting YouTube video shows how an inverted umbrella can be used as a rainwater collector. The umbrella is open and attached to a balcony guard with a cord. The rainwater is collected in the umbrella and directed into a plastic bottle, which then transfers it to a rain barrel or large container.
Adaptation to German balconies
In Germany, balconies usually do not have such a metal grille, as shown in the video. You should therefore consider what suits your type of balcony railing and use appropriate fastening materials. Examples include attachment to the awning, a metal pole or other fixed structures using cord and S-hooks.
Additional tips and tricks
Regular maintenance
Make sure to clean the collection systems regularly to prevent blockages and mold growth. Debris and leaves can build up in the collection containers and reduce the efficiency of water absorption.
Security aspects
Make sure structures are stable and securely attached to avoid accidents. An improperly secured bottle or umbrella could be dangerous in strong winds.
DieUse of rainwateris a sustainable and practical method to conserve resources. You can efficiently collect and use rainwater on the balcony with simple means such as plastic bottles or an umbrella.