A lot of stuff accumulates over the course of a lifetime. The average Western European is said to own around 10,000 items. For many people, getting rid of unnecessary baggage is not that easy. If you want to properly clean out your home, you should plan the process carefully. The following five tips will make tidying up easier.
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We are already in the hamster wheel of consumption. Work to consume, work even harder to pay off consumer debt. More and more people are currently discovering that they only need a fraction of what they own. Possessions rarely make you happy. They are often a burden. Separating yourself from her can be liberating. The following five tips for decluttering make the first step much easier.
1. Set realistic goals
Once we have decided to declutter, we often brim with motivation. But disillusionment usually sets in within the first few minutes. The masses are overwhelming and leave no light at the end of the tunnel. The plan to clear out the entire apartment this weekend comes to a halt before the tidying up has even begun.
To avoid this, it helps to set realistic goals. Instead of trying to clear out everything that has been accumulated over decades in just one weekend, it often makes more sense to tackle a cupboard, a drawer or something similar every day. Time units of 15 minutes also work well. These little milestones are much less intimidating. However, it is important to remain consistent.
2. Start with the simple
If you start cleaning out with your beloved cuddly toy collection, you'll ruin your mood and ruin your motivation. However, if you start with the simpler things, you will experience quick success and stay motivated. A feeling of inner satisfaction quickly arises, so that it suddenly no longer seems so dramatic to part with some of the possessions that were originally touted as indispensable.
3. Develop disposal strategies and clear out properly
Anyone who already finds it difficult to part with things finds it even more difficult to do so when they know that their “collected works” will end up in the trash. Especially since this is anything but sustainable and minimalist. Anyone who carelessly throws away things that can still be used destroys valuable resources and does not appreciate their value.
It is better to leave dispensable things in good hands. New products and goods that are still in good condition can be sold via eBay classifieds, for example. So you even get something out of it. If no buyer can be found, you can still give away the discarded items. In this way you make someone else happy and save yourself the hassle of having to dispose of it. Ultimately, anything is better than disposal in the landfill.
4. Question purpose
If you pick up an object while clearing out, it helps to ask yourself again and again what purpose the product serves. Do I even remember why I bought it? Do I use it regularly? Do I have several of the same products? Does the item make me happy orhe robs me of time? If this question cannot be answered satisfactorily, the subject matter is obviously unnecessary.
5. Clear out properly using the 4-box method
In order not to lose track when clearing out, the four-box method has proven to be helpful. Everything you want to keep goes into the first box. The things you want to give away go into the second box. Things that can no longer be expected of anyone else go into the third box and are therefore finally disposed of. And the fourth box is for everything where you are still undecided and want to accept the decision.