Onions are an indispensable part of many dishes and we like to stock them up. But what do you do if mold forms on the shell? Can you still eat the onion or should it be disposed of directly in the trash? Here you will find all the important information about it.
You've chosen the perfect recipe for dinner and are already looking forward to the culinary experience. You have gathered all the ingredients for your favorite recipe. The stove is prepared, the pan is already sizzling. But suddenly an unpleasant surprise: mold on the onion peel! Now you may be wondering whether you can still use the onion or whether you should throw it away. Don't worry, we'll explain it to you!
Black mold or dirt?
If you discover dark spots on the shell, there is no reason to panic. Not every onion with spots needs to be thrown away. Do the pressure test: Does the onion feel firm and turgid? Then it's usually still good.
But if the stains are soft and rub off easily, it's probably mold.
Also interesting:Eat or avoid sprouting onions?
Are onions with moldy skins still edible?
The good news first
You can trim the mold from the onion and still eat the rest as long as the onion itself feels firm and plump and is not compromised.
DieFederal Agency for Agriculture and Foodconfirms that spotty outer skins are fine as long as they are dry and the bulb isn't spoiled.
What you should pay attention to
- Mushy consistency:If the onion is mushy, it is advisable to discard it.
- Mold under the shell:If there are mold spots on both the shell and under the shell, it should be thrown away.
Why generously cutting off moldy areas is not enough
If the onion is mushy or has mold under the peel, generously cutting off the affected part is not enough, as mold spores may have already spread and can leave toxic substances behind even after cooking.
Tips for storing onions properly
To ensure that onions stay fresh for as long as possible and prevent mold from forming, they should be stored correctly:
- dryness: To prevent mold formation, dry, cool and airy storage is required. Store them cool, but not in the refrigerator. Discover how you can hereStore vegetables in the refrigeratorand keep it fresh.
- Air circulation: Avoid moisture accumulation by storing the tubers in a net or basket, for example. Some people swear by hanging onions in tights. More on this further in the article.
- Separation of potatoes:It is also important to store onions separately from potatoes, as they influence each other in the ripening process and can accelerate spoilage. Find out more about how youStore onions optimally.
It is advisable to discard rotten onions immediately to prevent the mold from spreading to others.
Should you throw away all onions if any of them have mold?If one of them shows signs of mold but the other bulbs are firm and dry, they can usually still be used.
Shelf life of onions
The shelf life of onions varies depending on the variety:
- White onionsusually last a few weeks.
- Brown onionshave a shelf life of several months.
- Red onionsShould be used within a week and stored in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator.
- Sliced onionscan be stored in the refrigerator for 4 to 5 days.
Freezing onions is a great way to extend their shelf life up to a year. Just cut them into small pieces (or slices),freeze them in a freezer bagand use them when necessary. This way you can ensure you always have fresh onions on hand.
As strange as it may sound, storing onions in clean, transparent tights is the best method. It's cheap and the onions last for months. It is best if you tie a knot between each bulb. This keeps them separated and allows air to circulate around them, keeping them dry. Whenever you want to use an onion, cut above the nearest node and take one out. Store them in a cool, dry and dark place.
By storing them correctly and paying attention to shelf life, onions can stay fresh longer and prevent mold from forming.