Your washing machine provides you with the best help. Your clothes will shine like new after every wash and you will simply be grateful for this effort- and time-saving invention. But suddenly the big shock comes - your favorite blouse appears freshly washed with gray streaks. A closer look into the drum can quickly reveal the cause: slime in the washing machine! We understand your anger, because you are not alone. Many have already had this experience. Where do these deposits come from and what can you do about it, including as a preventive measure? We have a few tips.
Where does this muddy substance even come from?
Have you ever heard the term “fat lice”? Make no mistake, this is not a type of lice. Rather, it describes the accumulation of fat in the machine, which is made up of, among other things, the dead skin cells and skin fat that have gotten into our clothes. And that's exactly what turns into slime in the washing machine over time. The development is also facilitated by:
- using too little detergent
- temperatures that are too low during the washing process
- frequent use of greasy products such as lotion or ointments
Of course, the best way to get rid of deposits in the washing machine, such as mud, is to use onethorough cleaningcarries out. The slime usually collects in the rubber ring, so this should be your first target. But in order to really remove all traces of the annoying stain maker, you should then continue with the rest.
Clean the rubber ring
It's only logical that the slime created by skin oil and flakes can be found in the washing machine, where the clothes are washed. If you have ever taken a closer look at your drum, you know that the rubber ring in the front area can be pushed apart. Many small parts such as coins and, last but not least, the slimy substance collect in this cavity. So start cleaning the washing machine there.
Depending on the amount and how long this mucus has been present, it may be enough to wipe the rubber well with a cloth. Also pay attention to the groove between the rubber and the drum, as there may also be deposits there. Avoid using cleaners in this step, even if it is a vinegar solution. All of them could damage the material and make the original problem a much bigger one.
Clean the washing machine compartment
Since you're already cleaning the inside of the washing machine, you might as well join inthe detergent compartmentKeep going, because gray mucus quickly collects there too, albeit of a different origin. Detergent and fabric softener residues collect here, combined with the moisturesooner or later moldyif the compartment is not cleaned regularly. If you see black slime in this part of the washing machine, then that is certainly a sign.
You can remove the detergent compartment and then conveniently clean it thoroughly in the sink, a wash bowl or in the tub. Using a brush and soap, scrub all corners until there are no residues left. You can then disinfect and disinfect with a vinegar solutionunpleasant smellsneutralize.
Get rid of slime in the washing machine – clean the washing drum
Finally, give the drum a thorough cleaning - without the laundry, detergent and low temperatures that cause it. This way you will remove any residue left over from wiping with the rag. Proceed as follows:
- Add the amount of detergent intended for heavily soiled laundry to the compartment.
- Set the program for cotton laundry (95 degrees).
- Let the machine run its program while idling.
Avoid grease lice in the washing machine
To ensure you never have to take a favorite stained item out of the machine again, you can take preventive measures and prevent slime in the washing machine in the future. This is what you can do:
Leave compartment open to dry
The detergent compartment can dry faster if you leave it open for some time after using the machine. However, it should not be left open for too long because dust could then collect. It is also advisable to remove the compartment regularly and clean it thoroughly.
Carry out washing processes with hot water
Of course, that doesn't mean that you should wash your delicate 30 degree laundry items at 65 degrees and ruin them. But there are items of laundry that should be washed hotter for hygiene reasons anyway. This includes towels and bed linen, for example. Alternatively, idling is also possible, as with the drum cleaning described above. The heat is much better at dissolving fats.
Use the right detergent to prevent slime in the washing machine
Liquid detergent itself has a slimy texture. Therefore, at low temperatures, it tends to form a greasy, gray slime film together with skin oils. Therefore, it is recommended toWashing powder insteadto use or at least to alternate the means from time to time.
If the cleaning described does not solve the problemStains on clothingIf the problem occurs, we recommend consulting a technician or contacting the manufacturer.