With these 6 tips you apologize correctly in a relationship

With these 6 tips you apologize correctly in a relationship

What a good onematters? To apologize after the dispute. Often, however, a simple “sorry, I'm sorry” is not enough. Especially when it really crashed, it is all the more important to think well about how you can ask the other person for forgiveness and how you take responsibility for your behavior. Sure, conflicts are part of every relationship and are important to communicate with your partner: in what is wrong for you or even hurt you. But what does arguing do if you don't apologize afterwards?

To ask honestly and sincerely to apologize, not only can give yourself relief, but also your partner: In show that you are a strong person with whom you would like to be together and who can also admit mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

Excuses are not easy

Sounds to be easy at first, you think. But when it really comes to the argument, not only you (but also many other stubborn heads) that are not as easy to ask for forgiveness as you imagined. Perhaps you are just missing the right words or you are afraid that your apology will not be accepted or the person will not forgive you? Psychologist Melanie Badalie says in an interview with Inverse: “If you want your apology to be well received and the other person is forgiving you, then be honest and show the other person that you understand who the mistake was and who was injured and show 'responsibility for your actions.” So far so good.

1. Be honest

Of course it sounds, but it is not. Often you try to find excuses for your behavior after the argument or justifications that were not the real reason for what happened. So better, you don't think of anything that is not true anyway, but are just honest. Say how you felt the situation, explain your point of view and honestly explain what the other person has contributed to escalating the situation. So you can create a base for both of you, which is based on trust and do not apologize for something you don't mean.

2. Take your time

Try not to want to settle the argument right away and apologize, sometimes not only your counterpart, but also yourself takes time to process what has just happened. Please your: n partner: best for a little freedom and take a walk, go outdoors or meet with friends. After that, you may see that not everything was just the fault of your counterpart, but also contributed to your behavior to the dispute situation. After that, it will be easier for you to apologize.

3. Show yourself to act

If you apologize, then not only talk, but offer solutions for the future. This shows your partner: In that you really reflected on what happened and are also ready to change something in the future and admit mistakes. It is best to speak in detail in detail how to change things so that they do not happen again and possibly lead to the same argument.

4. I'm sorry, but ...

If you start your apology like this, you can also leave it again. To apologize to the other person just to make your point clear and not even want to admit that you have made a mistake or you are sorry. Either you mean it honestly if you say that you are sorry or you let it stay. Nobody wants to hear a “but” at the end of a sentence that has just been explained that you want to reconcile again. The only thing you get from it may be a dispute. So rather wait and say at the right moment what you hurt with your dispute and instead take responsibility for your own mistakes.

5. Do not expect immediate forgiveness

Even if you would like the other person to give you again when you apologize, don't expect it. Not everyone can forgive them quickly and maybe your counterpart just needs more time than you to process what happened. Therefore, be not immediately snapped, but respect the space and the time that yours: e partner: in need.

6. Agree to Disagree

With reconciliation, it can happen that you start arguing again when it is a sensitive topic. Sometimes it is therefore simply better to see that you are different opinions. If you are aware of this before the reconciling conversation, then you can also prevent the dispute right away by not getting into any further discussions. Give your partner: In understand that the thing is ticked off for you and you probably will probably no longer agree.