Tis the season for sunbathing in the garden, picnics in the park and relaxing on the beach. As we all know, sunscreen is essential to prevent sunburn and reduce the risk of skin cancer - even when it's cloudy. But while sunscreen is good for your skin, it's not so good for your clothes. It contains oils that make it moisture resistant. So if it gets on the fabric, it can leave oily stains on dark clothing or yellow stains on white clothing. These are very difficult to remove and become darker over time. Follow our tips to help you remove sunscreen stains quickly and easily!
Remove yellow sunscreen stains from clothing
Get rid of yellow stains with home remedies: baking soda
As always with stains, the most important thing is to act quickly. Then follow the advice below depending on what material the stain is on.
As previously mentioned, the oils, colors and active ingredients in sunscreen cause stains on clothing that often only become visible after the item is washed. Ideally, you should apply sunscreen and let it dry completely before getting dressed. If you still use sunscreenon your clothesTo get it, you should do the following. First, remove excess liquid with a spatula, dull knife or spoon. If any liquid remains, blot it with a dry cloth.Sprinkle the stain with baking sodaor cornmeal to absorb excess oils and leave for 30 minutes.
Brush off any excess powder, then rub the stain with a colorless dishwashing detergent. Let this sit for five minutes. Soak the stain in a mixture of dishwashing detergent and water as hot as the fabric will allow for 30 minutes. Rinse the stain well with hot water and wash your laundry as usual.
For stubborn or old sunscreen stains, mix baking soda and water, let the mixture dry, brush off, and wash as usual.
Removing sunscreen stains on the beach
If you've noticed the stain on the beach, you might be in luck. Put some sand on the stain and rub it vigorously, this should remove at least some of the substance.
Apply stain remover
Once you're home, apply stain remover to the stain and let it sit for several hours. Only then can you put the garment in the wash. If you receive the garment directlyput in the laundry, the stain will most likely be deeply embedded and difficult to remove. In this case, try soaking the stain in bleach (if the fabric can tolerate it) before washing it again. Do not try lemon juice cleaning or hanging the garment in the sun, as these methods could worsen the stain.
How do you get stains out of swimwear? With vinegar
Sunscreen stains on swimwear can be even more stubborn than on regular clothing. Therefore, it is important to emphasize that the opportunitiesto remove stain, are greater if you start treatment immediately after the spot appears. If you see yellowing, the stain is old and will take a lot of effort to remove. You can either try applying a stain remover with an old toothbrush or soaking the swimsuit in a solution of white vinegar and lukewarm water (followed by hand washing with your regular laundry detergent).
Car interior and furniture - how to remove sunscreen stains
It's not just your family's clothing that you have to worry about. Sunscreen also often ends up on car seats and furniture like the living room couch.
When it comes to fabric
Mix 1 teaspoon dishwashing detergent, 1 tablespoon white vinegar, and 8 ounces warm water in a small spray bottle. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and quickly screw the cap onto the spray bottle. Spray a white cloth with the cleaning solution and gently blot and rub the stains on the fabric. Alternatively, you can also wipe the entire piece of furniture with the solution,to achieve a thorough cleaning. Allow the fabric to dry.
Leather car seats and leather furniture
Make a cleaning solution by mixing equal parts water and white vinegar in a small bucket. Dip a microfiber cloth into the solution so that it is damp but not wet. Wipe the leather and rinse the cloth regularly. Dry the leather furniture with a clean, dry microfiber cloth.
How to get your carpet clean again
Using a dull knife or spatula, scrape off as much excess sunscreen as possible. Sprinkle the stain generously with baking soda or talcum powder. Leave the powder on overnight and then vacuum it up. Repeat these steps if necessary. Stubborn stains may then need to be treated with carpet cleaner.
Wipe up the sunscreen with a cloth or sponge dipped in warm, sudsy water. Also add a few drops of ammonia. Rinse the plastic item well to remove the ammonia and wipe it dry.