Cleaning and maintaining soapstone – instructions and tips for cleaning non-porous surfaces

If you unknowingly clean your soapstone bathroom or kitchen countertops, the cleaning process can sometimes leave scratches or dents. As one of the best materials with heat-resistant and stain-resistant properties, natural stone is suitable for a range of daily household activities. However, its rather soft and non-porous structure requires special care when cleaning. The disadvantage of soapstone is that it is not as hard as other stones. Such surfaces are therefore easier to scratch and damage. If you want to prevent this, we'll tell you below which cleaning methods are best for this and how you can repair any damage yourself.

Avoid common mistakes and clean soapstone countertops

This building material consists mainly of the mineral talc, which has a unique texture. It is non-porous but heat resistant, making it ideal for kitchen countertops where heat is often present. Soapstone is also low maintenance, making it a great choice for people who aren't comfortable with theCaring for stones like graniteor marble. Other minerals in soapstone include amphibole, carbonite, chlorite, mica and pyroxene. The stone occurs naturally in a variety of colors, including gray, brown, and greenish and bluish hues, although all soapstone tends to darken over time. Its silky-smooth appearance and soapy texture give soapstone its name.

There is a lot of conflicting information online about how people bestClean soapstone surfacesshould. It is just as important to understand the wrong cleaning methods as the right ones. One of the most common recommendations for cleaning soapstone countertops is to use mineral oil. While many people use this method, it will almost immediately result in such surfaces darkening as a result. The first application can also be quite strenuous because it takes a lot of effort for the mineral oil to penetrate the soapstone. Additionally, some types of mineral oil may not be food safe because they are derived from petroleum products. They can also leave your countertops with a greasy mark.

Not recommended cleaning tools and agents

It's also not a good idea to use harsh abrasives or sharp tools when cleaning soapstone countertops. Although the natural stone is chemically inert and can therefore withstand acids, it can be scratched and nicked by strong abrasives. Additionally, it is never a good idea to use household cleaners that contain toxic chemicals in your kitchen as the residual chemicals could come into contact with your food. If you want to keep your kitchen countertops clean, it's best to find a safe and non-toxic product to seal and protect them. This is not intended to darken or discolor surfaces like mineral oil does, nor to leave a greasy residue on your countertops. So use the following cleaning tips to keep your soapstone countertops looking great for years to come.

Follow simple steps and clean soapstone

Cleaning soapstone isn't too difficult, but it's important to know how to treat it properly. The following cleaning method is best suited for regular cleaning:

  • Add a few drops of dish soap to a bucket of warm water.
  • Then wipe the soapstone surface completely with a clean sponge or microfiber cloth.
  • Afterwards, rinse the cloth thoroughly or use another clean cloth to wipe excess soapy water from the countertop.
  • Finally, allow the cleaned surface to dry.

Polish and maintain soapstone

Once your countertop or other soapstone surface is clean and dry, you can treat it with a polishing agent. However, they should be specially developed for such stone countertops. This ensures that it does not damage the surface and contains non-toxic ingredients. You should apply the product with a clean cloth and then wipe away the excess - it's that simple.

Although soapstone is naturally nonporous, it benefits from a beautifying sealer to make the colors pop and protect it from stains. Water, oil and greasy substances can cause discoloration and stains. You can apply the polishing agent as often as necessary to maintain the beautiful appearance of your soapstone worktops. Such maintenance and care will minimize the chances of your countertops discoloring between uses for 3-6 months depending on use.

How to repair scratches or dents

Because soapstone is non-porous, food and acids do not stain the surface. However, if scratches occur, rubbing the area with mineral oil will help hide such damage and discoloration from hard water stains. As already mentioned above, mineral oil can also have a negative effect. However, you can still follow the steps below to eliminate any damage. For this process you will need fine sandpaper, warm water, sponge, soft clothing and mineral oil.

  • If the surface of your soapstone becomes scratched, gently go over the scratch with a piece of fine sandpaper using gentle, circular motions.
  • Then wet the sandpaper and sand the scratch again using a smooth, circular motion.
  • First, soak a sponge in warm water and use it to wipe off any remaining dust.
  • Pour a small amount of mineral oil onto a soft cloth and rub it into the area that was sanded to restore its shine and natural dark color.
  • Sanding removes the mineral oil and makes the color lighter, so you may need to apply the mineral oil several times to even out the color of the scratched and sanded area.

Additional tips and advice on soapstone maintenance

  • If the soapstone surface is new, you can expect it to darken over time. This is a natural process as the stone oxidizes and actually adds to the beauty of the surface. Most soapstone darkens to a charcoal gray, although some remain lighter and retain a greenish hue.
  • Unlike marble or granite, soapstone is naturally non-porous, hence its natural stain resistance, and does not require sealing.
  • To make oiling even easier, store your oiled cloth in a zip-top bag. Over time, the cloth absorbs the oil and spreads it more easily and evenly on the soapstone surface.
  • Because soapstone is prone to scratches, it is not recommended to use steel wool on it.
  • Daily cleaning can be done with any household cleaner and water.