Get rid of spiders: With these home remedies you can effectively get rid of the creepy crawlies from your house!

Most people know that spiders are beneficial to our homes and gardens because they eat insects such as mosquitoes, flies and ants that would otherwise be left uncontrolled. There are some of us who can't help but have free-roaming arachnids under our roofs while we sleep. The good news is that there are many ways to get rid of spiders naturally. Although arachnids are stubborn pests that won't give up without a fight, it's worth trying the spider control methods described below. With a little effort you can drive away the spiders!

Keep spiders away: clean up

Get rid of spiders – use the vacuum cleaner

Vacuum the entire apartment from top to bottom, including under the living room sofa and in the corners of the closets. As you do this, vacuum up any cobwebs or spiders you come across and immediately dispose of the contents of the vacuum cleaner bag or container in the outdoor trash can.

Regular dusting

Spiders like to stay in dusty rooms with lots of cobwebs. Keeping your home clean and tidy will make it seem less inviting. Regular dusting also keeps the insects from making themselves comfortable.

Organize your home

Spiders are attracted to dark, messy spaces. Try stacking, organizing, and sealing your storage spaces while dusting and vacuuming. Also, make sure you regularly dispose of your recyclable trash and remove the piles of empty boxes you have accumulated. Spiders love to nest in stacks of cardboard, boxes, plywood, and firewood.

Drive away spiders – clean up leftover food immediately

When dinner is over, clean up immediately. Leftover food, crumbs and other debris in the kitchen attract pests such as ants and beetles, which in turn attract spiders that eat them. Wipe down your counters and tables regularlyand rinseall dirty plates within a few hours.

Prevent re-invasion of arachnids

Seal all openings in your home, from cracks in the foundation to drafty windows.

How to successfully get rid of creepy crawlies

The light itself doesn't attract spiders, but the insects do.from which spiders emergefeed. In most cases, web spiders actively invade your home to look for food. So, turn off the outside lights to prevent spiders from approaching the house.

Get rid of spiders with home remedies without chemicals

Use peppermint oil

If you want to get rid of spiders without chemicals, there are many home remedies to choose from. One of the best is peppermint oil. Because it gives off a strong scent, peppermint oil has a deterrent effect on web spiders. For best results, add 15-20 drops of the essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water and spray wherever you have noticed spider activity. Use the oil regularly.

Make DIY spider repellent

You can easily make your own spider repellent as many essential oils - including rosemary, lavender and peppermint - are considered effective.

Mix in a spray bottle:

  • 5 to 7 drops of an essential oil
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 drop of dishwashing liquid

Now spray all areas where a spider could enter, for example window frames or the cracks of external doors. You may need to experiment a bit to find which scent works best.

Arachnids hate the smell of cinnamon

These creepy crawlies don't like the smell of cinnamon. It comes in the form of dried sticks used in cooking, cinnamon oil, or cinnamon-scented candles.

Get rid of spiders – use vinegar

If you want to get rid of spiders without killing them and without using pesticides, vinegar is an excellent, natural spider repellent. Fill a spray bottle half with white vinegar and half with water and spray the mixture in the corners of your home or bedroom to repel spiders. Reapply this spider spray every few days.

The scent of cedar gets rid of the creepy crawlies

Cedar wood chips scattered around and in your home will repel spiders and other bugs. An added bonus is a pleasant wood scent in your home.

Plants that repel spiders

You may like the smell of eucalyptus, but spiders are believed to dislike it. Consider growing eucalyptus (mint and lavender are the other good options) as a houseplant or outdoors to deter the arachnids from taking up residence in your home. This is a wonderful, natural way to get rid of creepy crawliesget rid of in the house.

Citrus scent as a repellent

Spiders don't like citrus fruits any more than they like vinegar. A bowl of citrus fruits on the kitchen counter is a great way to keep spiders away (and encourage your family's healthy diet). You can tooleftover citrus peelsRub on window sills and door openings. To tone down the smell of vinegar, you can try soaking some orange peels in 8 ounces of vinegar overnight. Add the soaked vinegar to a spray bottle mixed with water. It can be used as a cleaning agent or sprayed on areas with high insect populations.

Horse chestnuts on your windowsill

Horse chestnuts are known to repel spiders. Placing a few of these on your window sills or along the baseboards will deter the creepy crawlies from hanging out there. Chestnuts have a long shelf life before spoiling, making them a good choice.