So you have bed bugs - unfortunately these pests are very widespread. That's not bad. These insects have been part of human society since the beginning. They have been found in Egyptian tombs and mentioned in texts dating back to the time of Aristotle. But in the fight against bed bugs, you have something Aristotle didn't have: the Internet! In this article, you'll discover some of the best tips on how to get rid of bed bugs - on your own and of course - without an exterminator.
Bed bugs (scientific name:Cimex lectularius) are small, flat, invasive insects whose only source of food is the blood of sleeping people and animals. Wondering how to identify bed bugs?These unattractive insectsare reddish-brown in color and are about 1 mm to 7 mm long. Although they rely on blood to keep themselves alive, they can go several months without a meal.
Since a healthy female can lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime, a severe infestation can occur within a few weeks.
What attracts these insects to your home?
Many people believe that bed bugs love dirty conditions and that they are attracted to dirt. That's why many people believe that sleeping in a cheap hotel is a surefire way to catch the pests. However, as it turns out, this is a common misconception. These insects are not attracted to dirt. In fact, they can live in any environment as long as they have access to what they need to survive: enough blood.
Unlike mosquitoes and ticks, which are also blood-feeding insects, bed bugs cannot fly or live on their hosts. Instead, they must hide near their food source and wait for a meal to become available to them. These insects are therefore very adaptable. They can live anywhere, from the cushions of a sofa to the carpet in a library, as long as they have access to regular blood meals.
The main causes of bed bugs are:
- Buying used furniture and bringing it into your home: Bed bugs can get into your home through luggage, handbags, backpacks, used sofas and much more.
- Cross-contamination in a multi-unit environment: The pests can move from one room to another in apartment complexes and hotels.
- Contamination from a hotel, resort or hostel: Bed bugs can get into your clothes or luggage and come home with you.
- New people staying at your home: Guests may come to your home and bring these insects with them without knowing it.
How to avoid bringing bed bugs into your home?
If you're staying in a hotel, place your bag on a suitcase rack rather than on the bed or floor. Keep the stand away from walls or furniture. When you return home, wash the clothes from your trip and put them in a hot dryer.
Inspect new and used furniture before bringing it into the house. Look in the seams and under the padding.
Fighting bed bugs – signs of an infestation in your home
Bed bugs are tiny, usually no larger than the tip of a ballpoint pen, so they can be difficult to spot at first. If you think you have a bed bug infestation, look out for these signs:
- Remains of molt or black feces in mattress seams or other objects.
- Bites, welts, or bumps on your body in the morning after getting out of bed.
- Tiny blood stains on your sheets or pillowcases.
- An offensive, musty smell in your room or around your bed that reminds some people of the smell of locker rooms.
- While discovering that you have bed bugs can be unsettling, identifying the bugs is the first step toward treatment.
Fight bed bugs: the natural way
Now is the time to get rid of bed bugs once and for all. That's how it works!
Get rid of bed bugs naturally, with heat or cold
Temperature is an effective way to get rid of these insects in a mattress or other important area. Therefore, collect infected bedding or clothing and wash them in very hot water for 30 minutes. After washing, tumble dry the garments on the highest possible setting for at least 30 minutes.
Alternatively, you can place the affected clothing in a freezer with a temperature of at least -18 degrees. Leave them there for four days to ensure all pests are dead.
Destroy the bugs yourself with a steam cleaner
How to get rid of bed bugs without an exterminator: Use a steam cleaner on mattresses, couches, and other places where the insects hide.
Fight bed bugs: cover mattresses
Purchase bed bug protection covers to place around your mattress. When the zipper is fully closed, these covers prevent pests from enteringdestroy the insects trapped inside. They also form a protective barrier that prevents you from being bitten while you sleep.
What to do about bed bugs?
A simple and accessible way to get rid of bed bugsget rid of it naturally, is your vacuum cleaner. Vacuum cracks and crevices, such as seams, zippers, and trim on beds and upholstered furniture, where insects can hide. Discard the vacuum bag outside to avoid spreading pests to other areas of the home.
Also read:Prevent & get rid of bed bugs with these important tips