Plants against spiders: 7 natural ways to ward off annoying insects

Spiders are unpleasant insects. Indoor conditions are perfect for these animals to reproduce, which is why it is important to find a way to get rid of them. You can find out which plants can be used against spiders in this article.

Natural remedies are the best ways to ward off insects. And what's better than plants? They create a fresh atmosphere at home and help get rid of the insects at the same time.

Grow lemongrass in a pot to combat spiders

Foto: duskbabe / envato elements

Lemongrass contains an oil that is often used in natural insect repellents. It is easy to grow in a pot or in the garden in a sunny spot. Its leaves are used as an herb in the kitchen or as a healthy tea. Rub some leaves in your hands or use lemongrass oil –

Famous for its lemon-scented leaves and bright purple flowers in summer, this bushy perennial is a member of the mint family. If you're struggling with spiders in the fall, consider placing a potted lemon balm on a sunny windowsill (it needs about six hours of sunlight per day). It's easy to grow from seed and is great for repelling insects like fruit flies and spiders.

Lemons prevent spider infestations

Photo: rosereihan / envato elements

A little known fact is that lemon is also a favorite repellent for keeping spiders away from your home. The insects are disturbed by the characteristic smell of citrus fruits and therefore avoid approaching them. You can also use citrus oils to keep the spiders away.

For example, you can mix a few lemon leaves with water and hamamelis to make a sophisticated spray. Simply spray all areas to prevent spiders.

Citronella plantsare also very effective in controlling spiders and are known to be an effective insect repellent. They grow well in many different soils. If you want to keep these great-smelling plants indoors, be sure to give them as much sunlight as possible to keep them bushy and sturdy.

Home remedies for spiders: peppermint

Peppermint is a plant with many benefits, both for health and for the garden. The plant is an effective tool for controlling various insects and especially spiders. It has antispasmodic, analgesic and even digestive properties, but it is also an excellent natural repellent against many insects. The insects don't like the smell at all. Both fresh plants and peppermint oils can help against spiders.

A simple repellent against insects can be prepared quickly. To prepare it, mix about thirty drops of peppermint oil in a bottle with a teaspoon of dishwashing liquid and a liter of water. Spray the areas to be treated with this mixture and get rid of spiders.

Eucalyptus is an effective repellent against spiders

Photo: NataliaRuedisueli / envato elements

Eucalyptus is a plant that not only gives your home a wonderful exotic scent and sight all year round. Thanks to the distinctive aroma of its oil, eucalyptus is also an excellent repellent for spiders. How to use eucalyptus against spiders? You can grow the plant in a pot or simply spread a few fresh branches around the house where you have seen spiders. Of course, household hygiene is essential to keep your home clean and save yourself the trouble of having to fight the insects.

Also interesting:Houseplants for dark locations: These beautiful plants will transform your home into an oasis!

Which plants against spiders: marigolds

Marigolds are colorful and easy-to-grow flowers that can also repel insects. They contain a natural insecticide called pyrethrum, which is toxic to many insects. You can plant marigolds in your garden or in containers around your house or on the balcony around your houseto protect against insects. The flowers bloom until late autumn and also give your balcony a beautiful and bright atmosphere.

Fight insects with basil

Basil is not just an herb used as a cooking ingredient in our kitchens. What's interesting is that almost all varieties of basil release aromatic essential oils that repel spiders and various other insects.

You can place some pots of basil plants near your doors or windows to discourage these little arachnids from entering your home. How do you care for the popular plants? Basil is generally easy to care for. It generally needs regular watering, sunlight and slightly acidic or neutral soil to thrive.

Growing chrysanthemums on the balcony

Photo: FabrikaPhoto / envato elements

Chrysanthemums have been proven to be a natural insect repellent. Plant chrysanthemums in pots on your balcony or in front of your front door. This way you have a colorful view and the spiders stay away. Keep plants well watered so they bloom profusely until late fall. Don't put them in a spot that's too sunny or they'll stop blooming.

Also read:What do spiders not like: with these 10 natural remedies you can get rid of the pests immediately!