Would you like to use an alternative remedy such as alcohol to combat mold in your home? Below you can find out more about its effects and application.
The use of commercial preparations containing chlorine against mold spores can cause respiratory problems in some people, most of which are due to this. The use of such products containing chlorine compounds can also be hazardous to the health of pregnant women, small children and the elderly. This is because every organism has different sensitivity to the fumes and could react allergically to them. To prevent such health risks, you can alternatively use alcohol against mold. Although this is not the optimal option, it is suitable for surfaces that are more susceptible to damage from traditional cleaning products. Here is some useful information and cleaning tips to help you use the substitute correctly in your home.
What should you know before using alcohol against mold?
In the fight against mold formation, alcohol can be used in diluted form as a drying agent or as an emulsifier. In this way it acts as an aid and supports theElimination of mold spores, and the substance even kills some of them. However, in contrast to traditional disinfectants such as bleach, the success rate is lower. However, products such as isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) or denatured alcohol and spirits such as vodka may prove effective against this. The following factors must also be taken into account when using:
- An advantage of some spirits is that they contain more congeners such as acetaldehyde. The latter are significantly more effective against fungal spores than ethyl alcohol against mold. In addition, the ingredients of alcohol such as vodka have an antifungal effect and can be a reliable basis for fungicides.
- Alcohol can be particularly beneficial for soft objects and surfaces such as bags or clothing made of leather, upholstered furniture or books.
- Another advantage of this approach is that the alcohol dries quickly, making it suitable for moisture-sensitive surfaces. Its smell is also bearable and can disappear within minutes.
- Furthermore, spirits such as vodka can be used effectively on porous or non-porous surfaces and are available almost everywhere.
- However, the main advantage from a health perspective is that the alcohol vapors inhaled generally do not cause allergic reactions.
- As for the downsides of rubbing alcohol against mold, children or pets could get to it unnoticed, and it is also flammable.
- The main disadvantage is that alcohol cannot eliminate all types of mold spores and only renders most of them inactive. For example, the mycotoxins, which are almost always present in mold, are resistant to this. The stuff evaporates too quickly on hard surfaces to counteract these fungal spores.
How can you remove mold with alcohol?
Taking these factors into account, you can still successfully use alcohol to combat mold in the refrigerator, under wallpaper or on joints. Follow the steps and instructions according to the methods described below to get the best possible results from it. So alcohol would be a reasonable substitute for mildew and mold removal when dealing with sensitive surfaces or allergies.
- For this purpose, you can make a homemade alcohol solution if you adhere to the correct mixing ratio for the alcohol against mold. This can be used to combat fungal spores on various leather goods or upholstered furniture and mattresses.
- Of course, you can also use it to treat your ceilings or walls, although it is advisable to first carry out an inconspicuously placed test. The reason for this is that alcohol could damage materials such as acrylic fibers.
- However, please also note that porous materials such as paper are difficult to remove mold from. It would be easier to disinfect metal or glass with alcohol than hard surfaces.
- If you are preparing the mixture with rubbing alcohol, you can dilute 150 ml of it with an equal amount of distilled water.
- Then fill a spray bottle with it and spray the affected area and then let the stuff work for about 15 minutes.
- Spray the area again and then use an old toothbrush or sponge as a cleaning tool to scrub the moldy surface.
- Finally, wipe off the residue with a damp cloth and allow the surface to dry thoroughly.
When using rubbing alcohol, it should be highly concentrated, although rubbing alcohol is well suited for this. In addition, the concentration of the diluted alcohol solution should not be less than 60%, otherwise the effectiveness will be reduced. Reduce the amount of water if using a weaker spirit against mold. You can also use vodka according to the same principle, although you should leave it on for longer.
How can you prevent mold with less alcohol?
Since alcohol alone is not as effective, you can combine it as an ingredient with other proven home remedies such as distilled white vinegar. Another natural product that has proven to be effective against mold spores is tea tree oil. Here are some steps you can take to respond to mildew or mold in a timely manner:
- First, mix 1 cup of vinegar with water and 2 tablespoons of tea tree oil.
- To help the tea tree oil dissolve better, you can add some vodka or fuel alcohol or rubbing alcohol beforehand.
- Again, fill a spray bottle with this and shake the homemade fungicide well before using it to treat the problem areas.
- The concentrated acetic acid destroys almost 80% of the mold-causing microorganisms, and the smell of vinegar disappears in about an hour.
- In addition, when using bleach or alcohol against mold, it is very important to wear protective equipment such as rubber gloves and respiratory protection.