It is one of the most used appliances in the household: the dishwasher. It's all the more annoying when dishes and dishwashers suddenly smell unpleasant. Why is this and what can you do about it? And what helps if the dishwasher still stinks despite cleaning? We give useful tips.
Dishwasher stinks, what to do? Here's how to remove the rotten egg smell
For now: There are several possible reasons why the dishwasher stinks. Food scraps often accumulate in filters and inaccessible corners. Over time, oil and grease can also build up inside the dishwasher. This combination offers the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. Just like the washing machine, the dishwasher can also get moldy. In addition, water can remain in valves and clogged drain pipesalso smells unpleasant. Especially in summer, when temperatures are high, germs can multiply quickly and this creates unpleasant smells. The most common smell is of rotten eggs - this is a sure sign that food residue has accumulated.
1. Dishwasher smells bad despite cleaning? Remove food residue from the filter
Sometimes you can quickly see the deposits in the dishwasher, but sometimes the dishwasher looks clean and still smells unpleasant. That's why you should follow five simple steps every time you clean to neutralize odors.
1. Carefully unscrew the dishwasher filter and clean it thoroughly with hot water and mild detergent. One of the most common reasons for unpleasant odors is that food residue accumulates in the filter and begins to rot. You should therefore regularly clean the filter (follow the manufacturer's instructions) and remove grease, food residue and other deposits.
If the filter becomes clogged too quickly, you can wipe off the food residue from the dishes and only then put them in the dishwasher.
2. Dishwasher dishes stink? Clean the spray arm!
2. Next, check the dishwasher spray arm for debris. Blockages can cause it to stop working properly. If mold forms in the spray arm or if rot occurs, then not only the dishwasher will stink, but also the “clean” dishes. Use a baby bottle brush or even toothpicks to remove the leftover food.
Tipp:If the dishwasher is connected directly to the kitchen sink, you should also clean the drain there.
Next, you should gently wipe down the inside of the dishwasher using a soft sponge, mild dish soap, and 1/3 teaspoon vinegar. Food residue can go unnoticed, especially in the door seals and door lock.
Also clean all sieves thoroughly. Unless the manufacturer specifies otherwise, you can place them in a vinegar solution and leave them there for about thirty minutes. Then take them out and wash them with mild dish soap. Allow them to dry completely before replacing the screens in the dishwasher.
By the way: Thorough cleaning is significantly more effective against unpleasant odors than standard dishwasher cleaners.
3. Dishwasher smells like a wet dog? Remove standing water!
If the dishwasher smells like a wet dog, this could be a sign of mold growth. It is often caused by standing water in the pipes or in the seals. You can also tryConstipation with mild home remediesto solve.
If it doesn't work, it's best to call a professional.
4. Dishwasher doesn't clean properly: These home remedies can help!
If after cleaning the dishwasher still does not clean properly, you can start an empty cycle at high temperature.
Use vinegar OR baking soda
You can put a vinegar solution or 1 - 2 teaspoons of baking soda in the dishwasher (but under no circumstances use vinegar and baking soda together!). The combination of hot water and vinegar is very effective against unpleasant odors, and vinegar can also remove limescale deposits.
Lemon juice against unpleasant odors
Alternatively, you can dissolve 100 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice in 500 ml of water and use the solution to clean the dishwasher. Afterwards you should definitely start an idle cycle at high temperature.
What you definitely shouldn't do: Use bleach. Bleach promotes corrosion of metal parts and can damage the dishwasher.
5. Dishwasher stinks in summer: Leave the flap open
Especially in summer, when it is hot, unpleasant smells are more common. If the dishwasher stinks in the summer, it's usually because you rarely use it and always run cycles at low temperatures. Although this is sustainable, at temperatures below 40 degrees bacteria cannot be killed and unpleasant odors arise.
Another reason why the dishwasher stinks in summer is the closed dishwasher door. Open the flap immediately after the rinse cycle is finished to allow the steam to escape. It's best to leave the dishwasher door open overnight so that the appliance can dry completely. Moisture in the dishwasher can collect on the walls and soon arisesharmful mold. You can also wipe seals after rinsing if necessary.
The dishwasher is a reliable helper in the household. Clean them regularly to prevent mold and unpleasant odors. You can use certain home remedies for this purpose, but always follow the manufacturer's instructions.