Reduce electricity costs: With these tips and tricks you can reduce your electricity consumption and save money!

Electricity is an indispensable part of our everyday life. Whether the television, the refrigerator or the coffee machine - almost all of the devices that we use in the household every day are powered by electricity. We don't know about you, but we're already starting to feel sick thinking about the next electric bill. After the mortgage, the monthly utility bill is the second largest expense for most of us and the electricity price spiral continues to spiral.Lower power consumptionnot only keeps the budget in check, but is also good for the environment. And that's why we've done some research for you and will tell you in our article how you can do it with a few simple stepsTips and tricksreduce electricity costs and save money!

Reduce electricity costs: Check the seals

Everyone has their own unique energy profile and there are various factors that affect our electricity bills. Luckily, there are plenty of universal tips on how we can successfully reduce electricity costs, no matter how we live. To optimize the energy efficiency of your home and reduce electricity consumption, you should first check all seals on windows, doors and appliances and repair them if necessary.

Set the thermostat correctly and reduce electricity consumption

One of the easiest ways to reduce electricity costs over time is to take control of themthe temperature in the house. Whether programmed automatically or turned by hand – a thermostat on the radiator prevents unnecessary heating. This allows you to save a lot of energy and therefore prevent high electricity bills. With a thermostat you can also determine which rooms should be heated and which should not. The biggest mistake most of us make on very cold days is setting the heating to a higher temperature. But unfortunately that doesn't help and a lot of energy is used unnecessarily. The optimal room temperature in winter is between 19 and 21 degrees - anything above that can increase electricity costs by as much as 10 percent. With newer models you also have the option of conveniently controlling the heating remotely using your cell phone or tablet.

Invest in energy efficient appliances

When it comes time to replace some home appliances, we recommend investing in energy-efficient models. Even though these are usually a little more expensive, you can reduce your electricity costs in the long run and save a lot of money. The mandatory ratings range from A to G, with A being considered the most efficient. When purchasing washing machines and dishwashers, you should also pay attention to the actual amount of electricity used per hour or cycle. Some models complete a charge for less than 2 units of electricity, or about 40 cents. So if you do one charge a day, you can save around 60-80 euros a year. When purchasing, also take a look at the standby consumption of the devices - this should not be higher than 1 watt.

Reduce electricity costs: turn off devices in standby mode

Even if some household appliances are turned off and you are not using them, they can still draw power. This is still called “standby power” and in some cases can account for 15 percent or even more of total power consumption. The worst offenders include televisions, game consoles, laptops, digital radios, mobile chargers and coffee machines. To reduce electricity costs, it is best to use power strips that can be switched off for all of these devices and turn them off in the evening. Another option would be to unplug the devices. This simple trick can save you around 130 euros a year.

Cook efficiently and reduce electricity costs

The coffee machine, the oven, the microwave, etc. – a lot of energy is usually used in the kitchen. Luckily, there are a few small changes we could make to reduce electricity costs andto save money. Here, too, it is best to use energy-efficient devices. Or how about getting a few pressure cookers? These usually heat up much faster and require up to 50 percent less electricity. You should also make sure that you use the right hotplate when cooking. If the pots are too small for the plate, you waste unnecessary energy.

Even if you use little water for cooking or cover the pot, you can reduce electricity consumption in the kitchen in the long term. Remember – slightly tilted lids can actually triple the energy used. If your oven has a circulating air function, it is best to use it.

It would also be helpful if you forgo preheating when baking. If some dishes take longer than 40 minutes to bake, you can switch off the oven 10 minutes earlier. And just like when cooking, the oven door should always be closed when baking. Every time you open it, there is a loss of heat that can only be compensated for by higher energy consumption.

Adjust the refrigerator correctly to reduce energy consumption

The lower the refrigerator temperature, the less energy is used. Sounds logical, right? Unfortunately, this is not the case and you should never set the refrigerator and freezer compartment too cold. The optimal temperature for the refrigerator is 7 degrees, and in the freezer – at -18 degrees. Another way to prevent the refrigerator from working too hard is to allow foods and dishes to cool before placing them in it. The reason for this is that warm food increases the internal temperature and the refrigerator has to run at full speed to regulate it again.

We all know that the refrigerator door must always be closed. But did you know that a full refrigerator can also help reduce electricity costs? Multiple foods serve as insulation of some sort, greatly reducing the amount of time the refrigerator has to run. To avoid higher electricity bills, you should also pay attention to the correct location of the devices. Refrigerators do not belong next to heaters, stoves, ovens, dishwashers or washing machines. Since these devices give off more heat, the refrigerator has to work with more power.

Use your washing machine and dryer cleverly

There are also a few simple tips to reduce electricity costs when doing laundry. If you want to reduce power consumption, you should only use the washing machine when it is well filled. A half-full machine wastes unnecessary energy and money. Do you always wash your laundry with hot water? Well, that can also be a reason for the higher electricity bills. To protect your wallet, set the washing machine to a maximum of 40 degrees. Anything above that is actually unnecessary and just by making this small change you can reduce power consumption by up to 30 percent. In most cases, pre-washing is also unnecessary and not a must. If the device has energy saving programs, it is best to use them.

Tumble dryers are among the biggest energy guzzlers and you should use them very sparingly. Set up a clothesline in the garden and let Mother Nature dry your laundry. If this is not possible, you can dry your clothes on a drying rack on the balcony or next to the radiator. With this simple tip you can save around 100-120 euros a year. Another way to reduce electricity costs is to spin the laundry in the washing machine on the highest setting beforehand.