Tips for spring cleaning: decluttering, tidying up, putting things away

Like every year, spring is traditionally the time for big cleaning. Afterwards, the apartment should look as sparkling clean as possible again. But it's often not that easy to figure out where to start and how best to do it. A good place to start is decluttering. What is important is the right strategy for getting rid of the old and not necessarily making room for the new. Howyou create proper order, so that the apartment or house is sparkling clean and comfortable again at the end? Because order is now really in vogue again, as you can see from various tidying formats on television or online, such as Marie Kondo. We give you useful tips for spring cleaning.

Tips for spring cleaning: Don't be afraid of the trash can

Often when the urge to declutter arises, you simply have too much of one thing. But what's the best way to go about it, especially if throwing it away is already so difficult for you?! The best place to start is with theThings you sort outwant to put in a pile. These can be items of clothing, but also documents, dishes, jewelry or other things such as make-up.

It's probably easiest with clothes and dishes. In doing so, you place theThings you use frequently, about at least once a month, aside. You keep this stack. Then start a new pile and assign to it the things that you use or wear at least once a year. It continues like this until you end up with things that you no longer need. These items should definitely be thrown away. As for the other things, you should decide individually how much your heart is attached to them.

Cupboards that are too full are just unnecessary ballast that we can get rid of when clearing out. If you throw things away or give them to people, it can also relieve the burden on the soul and not just on the cupboards.
Many people find it very difficult to part with certain items because of the various memories and emotions associated with them. However, this is more the exception than the rule.

Tips for spring cleaning: Be careful with important documents

Of course, decluttering shouldn't stop at important letters and documents. However, you should be careful and pay particular attention when sorting out documents. First you should get rid of the envelopes. It is best to tear them up or, even better, “run them” straight through the shredder.

You should then check each document very carefully. That means: pick up every single piece of paper and check whether it is somehow relevant or could be at some point. Unimportant documents are disposed of, ideally they also go through the shredder, important papers should be stored carefully. For example, folders, folders or others can be used hereOffice supplieshelp to keep order and not lose track.
Even though most photos these days can only be found on the memory of our smartphone, many of us still have printed pictures lying in drawers that don't have a specific place. You can either stick them in a suitable album or give them a place in a picture frame on the wall if you don't want them to be thrown away.

Tips for spring cleaning: Take enough time, but not too much

The most important thing when tidying up is that you don't take on too much at once, but at the same time you still get something done. It all depends on you. For example, take a day off or schedule about four hours each on Saturday and Sunday next weekend to divide the work. A fixed appointment that you set for yourself appears more binding and motivating.
During the cleanup, make sure that you are doing well and that you are not missing anything. Drink a glass of wine, put on your favorite music and you're ready to go. Very quickly you will notice that this is the casea positive feelingsets with you.

Tips for spring cleaning: Don't throw everything in the trash

Decluttering doesn't mean throwing things away. Often you find items that you just can't be sure about or that are just too good to throw away. You can remedy this with special boxes or boxes. For example, a box is only filled with items that are to be donated. Another is intended for the flea market. The third part goes into garbage bags. These would be things that are broken, no longer usable or outdated. Whatever is left at the end can stay. So you can be sure that everything will end up where you want it.

Tips for spring cleaning: This is what happens to the things that are sorted out

Old and broken socks can easily end up in the trash. You can turn clothes that you no longer wear but are still in great shape into cash, for example online, via classifieds exchanges, Ebay or Kleiderkreisel. Furniture or other objects are sold at the flea market or simply donated to a furniture exchange.
To avoid accumulating items again, you should do this sort of clearing out at least once a year. The best times are either between the years to start the new year without baggage or as a basisfor the upcoming spring cleaning.

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