Tips against fruit flies and their eggs: Fruit fly traps and sprays without vinegar to eliminate Drosophila

If fruit flies suddenly start swarming in the kitchen, then it's time to take action. The insects are actually harmless, but many people are disgusted by the members of the Drosophila genus. And to be honest: no one wants to be disturbed while eating or suddenly find drowned flies in the juice. So that this doesn't happen to you, we have put together several tips against fruit flies.

Tips against fruit flies: What helps and why you shouldn't use vinegar

The fruit fly trap with vinegar is perhaps the most well-known method available for eliminating insects. And admittedly, thatHome remedies for fruit fliesworks well. However, there are also counterarguments:

  • Vinegar works perfectly, but perhaps even too perfectly: because it can not only attract the fruit flies in the room, but also new fruit flies from the garden or the nearby apple tree.
  • The smell of vinegar magically attracts fruit flies, but people find it unpleasant. A strong smell can be disruptive, especially when cooking and eating.
  • Fruit fly traps with vinegar are only effective against adult Drosophila. You then have to fight the larvae differently - for example by thoroughly washing all fruits and fruit peels.

Make your own fruit fly traps: Two ideas you can use to catch the insects

Make your own sticky trap with honey against fruit flies

Not only vinegar can attract fruit flies, a sticky trap with honey can also prove effective. If the houseplantsinfested with small fliesthen you can use it to eliminate them. But you can also hang the fruit fly trap in the kitchen. You need:

  • colored paper
  • Honig
  • Wooden popsicle sticks
  • Glue
  • a pair of scissors

Cut several rectangles out of colored paper and glue a popsicle stick to each piece of paper. Liberally coat both sides of the colored paper. Then stick the popsicle sticks into the ground or hang the trap from a ceiling light to attract the fruit flies and keep them away from the table and food. They will stick to the honey.

Glue trap with maple syrup and brown sugar

You don't need vinegar for your next fruit fly trap. You can use brown sugar and maple syrup instead. We explain how you can make the trap yourself. You need:

  • Tonkarton
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp brown sugar

Warm the maple syrup. Pour all the ingredients into a small bowl and mix everything very well until the sugar has dissolved. Coat the cardboard with the syrup mixture on both sides. Hang the sticky trap in the kitchen.

Alternatively: Pour 400 ml of warm water into a bowl, add the maple mixture to the water and stir well. Leave the trap in the kitchen overnight and dispose of the drowned fruit flies along with the maple syrup and water the next morning.

Tips against fruit flies Eliminate the plague in the kitchen with cinnamon powder spray

Cinnamon is known for its antibacterial properties. The insects don't like it at all - so you can make your own protective spray and spray the outside of the fruit bowl with it. Pour 200 ml of water into a small pot and bring it to the boil. Remove the pot from the heat and add 2 tablespoons of cinnamon powder to the water. Stir well until the powder has completely dissolved. Then pour the solution into a spray bottle.

Make your own fruit fly trap with milk and pepper

An idea for fruit fly traps with milk and pepper from England. You need:

  • 110g sugar
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 60 g pepper, ground

Pour the milk into a saucepan, add the sugar and pepper and let the mixture simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then pour the milk into several bowls and place them where the fruit flies are.

Tips against fruit fly eggs? Spray with baking soda and soap

These tips helpagainst fruit fly eggs:

  • Wash fruit thoroughly and if there is an infestation in the kitchen, store the fresh fruit in the refrigerator.
  • Dispose of spoiled food immediately. Also dispose of garbage in the morning and evening.
  • Treat surfaces with a solution of baking soda and dish soap. For the spray you need: 4 teaspoons baking soda, 2.5 liters water and 1/2 teaspoon dishwashing liquid. Pour the water into a bottle, add the baking soda and dish soap to the water, gently shake the bottle until the dish soap is dissolved in the water. Then pour the solution into a spray bottle.

Get rid of fruit flies and prevent a second infestation: lavender oil balls

Lavender oil gives off a scent that people find relaxing and pleasant, but which keeps fruit flies away.

A good idea is to bring cotton ballsDrizzle with lavender oiland then place it on windows, on the garden table or next to the fruit bowl.