You may have heard that it is important to clean your toaster regularly. After all, we use these kitchen appliances almost every day. If you're wondering how to clean a toaster quickly and efficiently, you've come to the right place. We can help you get rid of crumbs, leftover food, and other contaminants that may be lurking in your kitchen appliances. Cleaning the toaster in the kitchen might not be the most important thing on your to-do list. But it's very simple, doesn't take too long and is important to prevent germs from accumulating inside the device. Learn how to clean your toaster below!
Why should you clean your toaster?
Toasters can get pretty dirty. A lot of dust, dirt, leftover bread and even insects collect in them. Unlike other appliances you use at home, these don't have doors to keep these nasty contaminants out. If you use a dirty toaster, not only will your bread taste unpleasant, but you could also get food poisoning if the contaminants progress to the point where they contaminate an otherwise healthy bread.
If you don't clean your toaster, it can build up debris over time - a combination of dust and food. These deposits then dry out and the kitchen appliance itself can become a fire hazard. The next time you toast your bread, you may notice a burning smell and your appliance could even catch fire.
How often to clean a toaster
We recommend cleaning the toaster every week if you have a large family that uses it frequently. If you live alone, you should clean your device a few times a month.
Use chemical-free products: dishwashing liquid
You want your toaster to look great on the countertop, so cleaning the outside is important. Unplug the device before you begin. In a small bowl or sink, mix warm water with a few drops of dish soap. Dampen your cloth in the solution and wring it out well. Rub the toaster in gentle movements to remove any residue and dirt. For stubborn stains and dirt, you may need to use a little more force.
Baking soda paste as a home remedy for easy cleaning
If you have stained areas, put a little baking soda in a bowl. Wet an old toothbrush with water and then dip it into the baking soda. Rub this onto the stained areas of the toaster and scrub them with gentle movementsdistribute the baking powder. Leave it on for up to 30 minutes and then wipe it off with a cloth. The baking soda paste should have loosened the stains so they are easy to remove.
Dip your toothbrush in a dish soap solution and clean the rest of the device. Concentrate on hard-to-reach places and small spaces, such as around the knobs and toaster handles. Wipe the outside with a dry cloth to remove any remaining moisture.
Make stainless steel toasters shine again with vinegar
If you are wondering how to clean a stainless steel toaster, using vinegar is the best option. You canvinegar with waterand a tiny drop of detergent, spray the mixture onto a cloth and wipe your device with it.
Get the toaster clean again easily with toothpaste
This method can get you a shiny toaster in just a few minutes and with a little scrubbing. You'll need a toothbrush and some toothpaste to scrub off the dark brown stains on the top of your stainless steel toaster. Apply the pasta to the kitchen appliance and let it sit for 5 minutes. Afterwards, use a wet, old toothbrush to scrub off the paste. The end result is a shiny device that looks as good as new.
Cleaning the inside of a toaster – helpful tips and tricks
Clever trick with a hairdryer
No, it's not a matter of simply turning the toaster upside down and shaking it over the sink. This is not real cleaning. Unplug your device from the wall outlet to ensure it is not damaged. First, take a dry microfiber cloth and use it to loosen the larger particles that are in the toaster slots. The goal is to apply enough pressure so that the crumbs fall onto the tray below. Remove the crumb tray from the toaster, wash it in the sink, and set it aside to dry.
Then take your hair dryer and simply blow out the stuck-on debris from inside the toaster that would otherwise be difficult to remove.
Clean toaster with white vinegar: Remove cheese
Use a toothbrush to clean the inside of each toaster slot. Simply dip the toothbrush in white vinegar and then shake it to remove the excess. Clean each toaster slot from top to bottom. This will loosen debris and crumbs. These then fall to the bottom of the device.
To remove crumbs if your toaster doesn't have a crumb tray, hold it upside down over a trash can and shake it gently. Allow the kitchen appliance to air dry thoroughly overnight.
Pro tip:If your toaster has made an enemy of a slice of cheese (or there's grease on the inside), here's how to clean it. Use a wooden spatula to scrape the cheese from the toaster. Afterwards you will need your old toothbrush againand vinegarto remove the leftover food.