Remove urine scale without chemicals: Two home remedies get rid of deposits in the toilet quickly and effectively

Cleaning the toilet and especially the question of how to remove urine scale and limescale stains is certainly one of the least glamorous household tasks. However, you still need to do them regularly to keep your bathroom clean and hygienic. We reveal how you can remove stubborn deposits and urine scale using simple home remedies.

What is urine stone?

When you're in the toilet bowl,am Toilettenrandor if you have noticed yellow-brownish spots at the bottom of the bend, then this is called urine stone. This can be a very unpleasant problem because the deposit is particularly stubborn and cannot be permanently removed using just any means. But how does urine stone actually form?

When the hard flushing water in the toilet comes into contact with human urine, a chemical reaction occurs that results in a brownish-yellow deposit. In addition to the unsightly discoloration of the toilet, there is also often aunpleasant smell, which is just as difficult to eliminate. This is caused by bacteria that spread quickly in the toilet bowl.

The dirt often occurs in hard-to-reach areas of the toilet. The most common reason for this is the hard water, which means that they will recur even if the toilet is cleaned regularly. This is why it is so important to know how to effectively remove urine scale and clean the toilet thoroughly.

It is also important to note that the older the urine stone, the harder it is to remove. Therefore, if a deposit occurs, you should act as quickly as possible and clean the toilet regularly with the right cleaning products.

The golden rule for removing stubborn urine stone

The golden rule for theCleaning urine stone stainsin the toilet bowl is the use of non-alkaline products. This means that you should not use cleaning products with a pH value above 7, e.g. E.g., soap, all-purpose cleaner, bleach, etc. When combined with any of these products, the urine scale will become even more solid and harder to remove.

Why bleach is not a good solution for urine stone

Bleaching agents do not work against urine stone. They only make the limescale invisible by simply matching the color of the toilet bowl, but they cannot eliminate it. The result: the spots will come back shortly because they never really disappeared.

So, you should use an acid-based product such as limescale remover to remove the stubborn urine scale. However, it works even better with a few simple home remedies.

Remove urine stone with a powerful home remedy duo

If you want to remove urine scale from your toilet quickly and, above all, effectively, then you probably already have the necessary weapons in your closet. The combination of two of the most well-known household remedies can really work wonders. Here we are of course talking about the all-rounders baking soda and vinegar.

Household vinegar is perfect for an alkaline-free cleaning solution. In combination with baking soda, a powerful solution against stubborn urine stone is created. When used correctly, the two common home remedies attack the deposit and get rid of it effectively.

Here's how:

Pour 1/2 cup baking soda (or 3-4 packets of baking soda) into and around the toilet bowl and let sit for 15 minutes. Then add one to two cups of white vinegar on top. This creates a hissing reaction that activates the acid and breaks up the stubborn limescale deposits. Use the toilet brush to distribute the home remedy on all affected areas.

After about 10 - 15 minutes of exposure time, scrub the toilet bowl thoroughly with the brush and rinse thoroughly. If the urine stone is very old, you may want to repeat the process again.

Tipp:To clean the toilet without scrubbing, let the cleaning solution sit overnight.

There are also other suitable home remedies that remove urine stone. These are non-alkaline agents that attack the limescale and remove it from the toilet. Here are the most famous of them.

You've probably heard that one beforeclean with colacan. This soft drink contains phosphates, which can also remove urine stone. You can choose another powerful duo against the depositsCola and baking powderdo it Yourself. Pour 250 ml of cola into the toilet and sprinkle three packets of baking soda on top. Use the toilet brush to spread the bubbling mixture into all dirty areas and leave for at least 1 hour. Then scrub off the remaining cleaning agent, rinse and the urine stone should be gone.

The stains in the toilet bowl can also be removed with a homemade cleaning powderCitric acid and baking sodaeliminate. To do this, mix two tablespoons of baking soda with one tablespoon of citric acid and add some essential tea tree oil if desired (it has an antibacterial effect and spreads a pleasant scent). Sprinkle the resulting powder into the toilet and let it sit for about 20 minutes before flushing, and then the stains will disappear. This method is ideal for regular cleaning of light urine scale.

Withhydrochloric acidyou can remove even very strong urine stone. However, their use is not always recommended as it can damage the surface of the toilet bowl and make it more susceptible to deposits. Since the acid is very harsh, it can still irritate the eyes, skin and respiratory tract if you don't wear protection. Therefore, you should avoid using hydrochloric acid in the household.