How to get yellowed laundry white again? Here are the best tips and home remedies to make white clothes shine!

Be it bed linen, towels, summer dresses or T-shirts – white radiates a special freshness and purity. But we all know the problem - after some time in the closet or a few washes, our clothes gradually lose their beautiful white color and take on a slight yellow haze. This is not only very annoying, but also looks pretty unkempt. Products such as bleach, color removers, etc. are a quick solution to make our yellowed laundry white again. Unfortunately, these are overpriced and not particularly environmentally friendly. The good news is that there are quite a few home remedies that work just as effectively. What are these and what should you pay attention to when washing white clothes? Why does white laundry turn yellow? We'll tell you all this and many other useful tips in our article!

Why does white laundry turn yellow?

Why does laundry turn yellow? Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question and the reasons for this vary widely. In most cases, the yellow spots indicate incorrect care. Sometimes soap residue that settles in the fibers can discolor our clothing. Using too much or the wrong detergent can also be the reason for the unsightly yellow cast. To ensure that your white laundry stays beautifully shiny, you should always pay attention to the dosage on the package instructions. The laundry is yellowing in the closet and you don't know why? If the cabinet is in a damp place, such as near an outside wall or in the bathroom, moisture will also get into it. If you store the white laundry in it for a longer period of time, it will yellow over time. If you smoke in the apartment, you should think again. The nicotine residue actually settles everywhere and also gets into the inside of the cupboard - this could also be a reason for yellowed laundry.

If white towels, bed linen, etc. are often washed or left unused in the closet for a longer period of time, they are damaged by oneannoying gray hazeor yellow tint. To make them shine again, you don't need the overpriced products from the drugstore. Here you will find the best home remedies to make yellowed laundry white again - and all without chemicals!

Soda for yellowed laundry

Treating yellowed laundry with soda is a real insider tip that we already know from our grandmothers. Since baking soda has a bleaching effect and is alkaline, the home remedy makes our white clothes shine again after the first treatment. However, you should not treat fabrics such as silk or wool with this as it can damage them. However, you can easily wash yellowed laundry made of cotton or synthetic fibers with baking soda. To do this, add 1-2 tablespoons of soda to a liter of water and soak the laundry for 1-2 hours. Then rinse with lukewarm water and then wash as usual. Depending on how severe the yellow cast is, you may need to repeat the process several times.

Remove yellowness from clothing with vinegar

Whether for descaling, disinfecting or cleaning – vinegar is a real all-rounder in the household and can be used in a variety of ways. So it's no wonder that we can use it to make yellowed laundry white again. Vinegar works wonders, especially for very stubborn discolorations, and makes our white laundry shine again. For best results, soak clothing in a vinegar and water mixture for 1 hour before washing. To do this, fill the sink with warm water and add 100-150 ml of white vinegar. It is important to ensure that the water temperature does not exceed the recommended maximum temperature on the label. Mix well and soak the yellowed white laundry for 30-60 minutes. Then rinse briefly with warm water and wash in the washing machine with a heavy-duty detergent.

Treat yellowed laundry with citric acid

Similar to vinegar, lemon is also an excellent home remedy for making yellowed white laundry white again. With this method you have two options to choose from. To remove yellowness, place the clothing with several lemon slices in a large pot and fill it with water. Then bring the water to the boil, remove the pot from the heat and soak the laundry for at least 1 hour. Then wash in the washing machine as usual - without the lemon slices. Alternatively, you can treat yellowed laundry with citric acid. To do this, squeeze the juice from 2 to 3 lemons and mix it with water in a large bucket. Soak the yellowed clothing in it for 1-2 hours, rinse with lukewarm water and wash in the washing machine.

Milk for yellowed laundry

Milk is not just for drinking and our grandmothers have already treated yellowed laundry with the drink. In contrast to citric acid and baking soda, milk is much gentler and therefore perfect for delicate fabrics such as silk. Depending on how strong the yellow tint is, mix milk and water in a ratio of 2:1 and soak the laundry in it for 1-2 hours. If there are stubborn discolorations, it is best to leave the clothing in the milk bath overnight. Then rinse briefly and wash in the washing machine. However, this method requires quite large amounts of milk, which you then have to dispose of, which is unfortunately neither cheap nor sustainable.

Let yellowed laundry dry outside

No matter which home remedy you want to use to treat yellowed laundry, we have another really great tip for you. Use the power of the sun and, if possible, always hang your white laundry out to dry in the fresh air. The oxygen and UV rays naturally brighten white clothing and make it shine again.

How to wash white laundry correctly?

Prevention is always better than cure - this of course also applies to yellowed laundry. To prevent the yellow castthe right carethe be-all and end-all. And to prevent this from happening, we have a few helpful tips that you should know.

  • Never wash white laundry with colored clothing.
  • If the laundry turns yellow, you should first treat it with one of the home remedies above and only then wash it in the washing machine.
  • A good heavy-duty detergent is the best possible choice for white laundry.
  • Make sure you use the right dosage – too much detergent can actually cause yellowish discoloration.
  • Also note the washing instructions on the care labels.
  • Never overfill the washing machine, otherwise it will turn yellowLaundry no longer works properlywashed.