Many of us have yellowed plastic in the house, be it the shower curtain in the bathroom, old toys or even kitchen appliances. You may want to throw away these household items, but you don't have to because it's incredibly wasteful and environmentally damaging considering the plastic is still functional. But don't worry: We've collected the best tips and tricks for you here that you can use to clean yellowed plastic - very easily and naturally.
No more refreshing white plastic
White plastic yellows over time due to a chemical reaction that occurs when exposed to light, oils, etc. There are various methods to get rid of this discoloration, ranging from easy to difficult. Check out the methods to find one that works best for your specific project. Some are more suitable for larger projects, while others are ideal for smaller parts. If your plastic has turned yellow from bleach or food coloring, these are dye stains.
Clean yellowed plastic: with hydrogen peroxide
This method is particularly suitable for small items. For this cleaning methodyou need hydrogen peroxideand a container. Pour pure peroxide into the container and place the plastic inside: it must be completely covered. Allow the plastic to soak in sunlight for three to four hours until the stain disappears. Rinse off the solution with clean water and allow the part to dry.
Effervescent tablets as cleaning agents
If you have white plastic containers that have become stained from repeated use, you can easily reduce the discoloration by soaking the containers in a mixture of hot water and acetylsalicylic acid tablets. Add a few effervescent tablets to a bowl of hot water to dissolve. Once dissolved, pour the mixture onto the discolored containers and let it sit for about half an hour. Rinse the containers with soap and water. Make sure that no soap residue remains on the item.
Whiten plastic: bleach method
You will need chlorine bleach, water, a bucket or large bowl, gloves, and a spray bottle. Fill the bucket or large bowl with one part bleach and one part water. Add enough water to cover the yellowed parts when submerged. If the items cannot be submerged in the container, put on gloves, soak a few paper towels with the bleach solution, and cover the items with it. Press the wet paper towels onto the surface of the plastic and let it sit until it turns white. Re-wet them with the bleach solution if necessary. To do this, you can simply pour the solution into a spray bottle. Just be careful not to spray the solution onto surrounding surfaces.
If the items can be submerged, place them in the bucket or bowl. Let them soak until they are backoriginal white colorreceive. When they have reached the desired level of whiteness, remove them from the solution and rinse them with clean water. Wash the pieces with a mild detergent and allow them to air dry completely.
Clean yellowed plastic – with baking soda
One of the best ways to clean yellowed plastic is thisUsing a baking soda paste. Mix water and baking soda in a cup or similar container until the solution forms a paste, then apply to the plastic. Leave it on for several hours.
Scrub the paste off with a sponge and then rinse well. Dry the item with a towel.
Use salt to turn yellowed plastic white again
Apply some salt to the stain with a damp cloth and start rubbing the stain. Rub the salt into the plastic along the stain to remove it until you see the stain disappear.
Lemon juice and sunlight for cleaning plastic
Sunlight is just as good as a lemon for removing the yellow from objects. Take firsta fresh lemonand cut them in half. Then rub both halves over the affected plastic so that the juice can work its magic. Place the item outside for several hours, or preferably a whole day, to allow the sun to remove the yellow spots and brighten it. Wash the plastic with warm water and soap or use an all-purpose cleaner to completely remove any residue.
If you cannot remove the stains using these instructions, try using a gentle abrasive cleaner and water to make them disappear.
How to clean yellowed plastic containers with vinegar
If you have some containers that are yellowed from food or stains, you canthe white vinegarget out. You will also need a soft-bristled brush and dish soap. Add one tablespoon of dish soap, two cups of vinegar, and water to the sink. Allow the plastic containers to soak for 15-30 minutes and then use the brush to scrub the containers. Then rinse them with water and let them dry.