Washing white socks: How to do it right! Clever hacks on how to get the garment white again!

There's nothing like new white socks - bright and fresh - until you've worn them once. The garment can become dirty and unsightly and will not come out of the wash much cleaner. Over time, pairs of socks can turn gray or yellow and are no longer even close to the white color they originally were. If you add some secret ingredients to the water when washing, you can get the real color. In this article you will learn how to wash white socks so that they are sparkling white again.

Wash and properly care for white socks

Tips and tricks for caring for socks

You should first familiarize yourself with the most important aspects of caring for your socks. We will briefly tell you what the most important points are. Do not wear a pair of white socks for more than 1 day and wash them very often. Choosea washing method, which depends on the material of the socks. Soaking them with soap before washing increases the chance that they will come out of the washing machine pure white. Also, always wash white clothing separately from colored items.

Wash white socks in the washing machine

If you want to wash your pairs of socks in the washing machine, do the following. Always turn them inside out before putting them in the wash. This is a thorough way to clean white socks, as most odor-causing bacteria accumulate inside the sock. Plus, turning them inside out will keep them lint-free. With a laundry net you can prevent the pairs of socks from breaking or breaking in the washing machinein the laundry drumdisappear.

With white sports socks you have a little more leeway. You can simply throw them in the machine along with a load of white towels. To keep them their original bright white, add a capful of bleach to the load and wash in hot water.

Get your white socks sparkling white again

Dirt and white don't mix. While it's easy to keep dirt off white clothes, it's not so easy with socks. They get dirty and gross. You will have no problem getting your garment white againa few home remedies– for example white vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, etc.

Baking soda – magical whitening agent

Instead of the strongdirty white socksTo throw your child's clothes in the trash, soak them in baking soda. Fill your sink with warm water and sprinkle in a good amount of baking soda. Then put the garment inside and let it soak for a few hours. Wring out the socks and throw them in the washing machine. Add a cup of baking soda to your regular laundry detergent and a cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle to soften the pair of socks.

Vinegar – a real miracle cure

The acetic acidin white vinegaror cleaning vinegar is great for washing white socks and removing stains. Boil a few liters of water in a large container and add your dirty pair of socks. After that, add a cup of white vinegar and let it soak overnight.

Boiling water helps with this

The old method of boiling can help remove dirt from white socks. Pour water into a saucepan and add a quarter of a lemon and a bar of laundry soap or a little detergent. Place the pair of socks inside and let them cook for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, you can wash the garment in the washing machine. Please note that wool socks cannot survive boiling. They are better washed in lukewarm water with shampoo.

Wash white socks - with a detergent tablet

Some people think that dish soap tabs are only suitable for the dishwasher, but they can whiten your pairs of socks amazingly well. Fill a sink or bucket with warm water. Add your socks and dip in a dishwasher tablet. Let them soak for a few hours to overnight. Then take them out and wash them as usual.

Aspirin tablets for yellowing white socks

Place the yellowed pair of socks in a bucket and fill it with water. Then add one or two aspirin tablets: Use more aspirin if you want to bleach more clothes at once. Let the whole thing take effect for several hours.

Chlorine will also help you

Products containing chlorine (bleach or liquid toilet cleaners) help remove gray or yellow stains at home. These products can only be used for cotton items. Dissolve a few spoons of the chlorine agent in 2 liters of water, add 100 g of washing powder. Leave the socks in the solution overnight. In the morning, wash them as usual. After this treatment, do not dry the garment in direct sunlight, otherwise the yellow color may return and it will become impossible to wash it out. Good ventilation is often required after using such products, so it is best to dry the pair of socks outdoors.

Remove yellow stains with toothpaste

A pair of white socks that have yellow spots can be treated with a little toothpaste. Take white toothpaste and rub it into the stain before washing. Then rub it with a soft brush and wash the garment with clean water.