Your laundry smells after washing: what are the causes and how can you remove the smell

Your laundry smells after washing – what should you do? Does your laundry smell less like fresh cotton and more like a stagnant swamp of despair? This guide should help you. We'll explain the different reasons why your clothes smell and (more importantly) how to remove the smell.

Laundry stinks after washing - causes and solutions

Why does laundry smell after washing – A possible reason is that theWashing machine needs cleaning. These have the unpleasant habit of storing stagnant water in which lime, bacteria or mold accumulate and clog the filters.

You used too much (or too little) detergent

Do you carefully measure the amount of detergent you use, or do you just pour a sip and hope for the best? Excess detergent cannot be rinsed out properly and can remain trapped in the fabric, which promotes waterlogging and mold formation. On the other hand, too little detergent means you won't get the laundry clean. Pay attention to the dosage instructions on the detergent package or bottle. They often refer to a load of 6 or 7 kg. So if you have a larger machine, you may need to add a little more soap powder or liquid. And if you're only doing light laundry, you may not need as much detergent.

Some detergent brands offer practical dosing balls. If your brand doesn't do this, it's worth investing in a measuring cup (you can often find these on the bakery aisle). Or you can switch to capsules to make your life easier. Choosing a scented detergent or adding fabric softener will also help keep your clothes smelling fresher for longer.

Laundry stinks after washing despite the new machine

Your washing machine is making your clothes smell because you have overloaded the machine. We expect you to move around a bit while showering to ensure you get nice and clean. They don't curl up into a ball. Clothes also need space to move around, otherwise they won't get clean properly. So it's not like thatWashing machine makes clothes stink, you just don't let them work properly. We know it's tempting to stuff the machine as full as possible to do less laundry, but resist the temptation (unless you want to smell like spoiled milk).

Your laundry smells after washing because it was in the machine for too long

If your clothes smell damp after washing, that might just mean you should take them out of the machine more quickly. The longer you leave it in the machine, the staler it smells. Try using your washing machine's delay start feature to finish the wash at a more convenient time.

It takes too long to dry your laundry

Wondering how to get the damp smell out of your clothes? Make sure you dry the laundry within a few hours. If you let the laundry dry naturally and there isn't enough heat, it may take longer to dry and end up smelling damp and musty.

If yourWash after dryingIf your home smells bad, you may want to invest in a dehumidifier to speed up the process. It also prevents all the water from getting into the air, which can cause moisture problems and make your home colder. And if you use a tumble dryer, don't overload it and try to dry similarly heavy laundry together.

They don't allow clothes to dry properly

Make sure laundry is completely dry before removing it from the line or tumble dryer. This could mean choosing the “extra dry” setting on your dryer. If you prefer to iron your clothes while they are still damp, you should do so immediately to avoid piling up the ironing pile.

Your laundry was kept damp:Here again, the laundry must dry quickly. If you keep sheets, clothes, and towels even slightly damp, they will smell pretty bad when you try to use them.

Washing machine stinks – what home remedies can remove the bad smells? Thefind out here!

Clothes need room to breathe

If air cannot circulate around clothing, it will smell musty more quickly. Hang them instead of folding them if you can. And leave space between each item of clothing. If you have to fold them, try not to stuff your drawers to overflowing - that might mean you have to do a little decluttering.

The clothes were stored for too long

If you haven't worn your clothes for a while, they may start to smell stale. Try hanging them on the line outside for a few hours to give them new life. Often the combination of sunlight and wind is enough to eliminate the smell of mold. Even if it's not sunny, some fresh air can do you a lot of good. If that doesn't help, put the laundry in the washing machine and give it a quick rinse with a little fabric softener. The next time you store your clothes for a long time (e.g. because you...Wash winter clothing such as winter jacketsand store it in the attic over the summer), add a scented sachet with lavender.

Your things need a hotter wash

Your laundry smells like sweat after washing? If you've followed the tips above and are still wondering why your laundry smells after washing, it could be that it needs a deep clean. Lower temperatures protect the textiles, but are not as suitableEliminate the smell of sweat. Try to wash your clothes on a long cycle at the highest temperature the label allows. You can also add a few teaspoons of white vinegar to the detergent drawer. Don't worry, this will help deodorize the clothes so they don't smell like the fish and chip shop near you.