What can you make from tangerine peels? Never throw them away

The peels contain an abundance of important minerals and vitamins as well as aromatic oils and an antioxidant-rich pulp. They can also enhance the flavor. Thanks to this surprise hero of the fruit bowl, old recipes and cooking methods can be improved or simplified. You can also be really creative with a whole tangerine – peel and all! What can you make from tangerine peels? Keep scrolling to discover more about it!

What can you make from tangerine peels? Simplify cleaning

Foto: Agave Studio/ Shutterstock

Do not throw away the tangerine peels, use them to wipe the stove and kitchen utensils. There will even be some juice left in the peel that you can use to clean the stovetop, silverware, and other things. After rubbing the item with the peel, dry it with a microfiber towel.

Make your own natural cleaner

You will need: 120g baking soda, 70g salt, 120g washing soda and 1 to 2 tablespoons ground dried tangerine, lemon, orange, grapefruit or lime peels or a combination of citrus fruits.

Place the ingredients in a jar, seal and shake the contents to mix well. Sprinkle the scouring powder onto dirty surfaces, scrub with a damp sponge or rag, and rinse.

Fight pests successfully

The agents in the bowls not only kill ants and aphids, but also drive them out of the garden. To deter aphids, either scatter the peels around infected plants or cut them into small pieces and hang them on nearby stems.

Sprinkle over compost

The nitrogen content of tangerine peels is similar to that of other vegetable and fruit scraps when composted. To speed up their breakdown, you should cut them into smaller pieces.

A change for your herbal tea – tea with tangerines

Foto: wuming123/ Shutterstock

The relaxing, invigorating and warming effect of a hot cup of tea is comparable to that of a warm hug. The nutritional value of herbal tea can be further enhanced by adding dried tangerine peels to your personal blend.

Candied tangerine peels

The peels of four to six citrus fruits should be removed as much as possible. Place them in a pot of boiling water and cook the shells for about 20-25 minutes. Then drain. Bring 120 ml of water to the boil and dissolve 50 g of sugar in it. Bring the mixture back to a boil and add the peels. Let everything simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. To dry, you should spread the shells out on a metal grid.

Also interesting:Citrus Dessert Recipes: Make delicious desserts with lemons, oranges and tangerines!

Cocktails mit Whisky

An orange spiral is an old tradition that has proven itself as a standard garnish for whiskey cocktails. The peel and juice of an orange give the drink its distinctive taste. Add a tangerine peel to the drink in a sophisticated way and you will impress even the most experienced whiskey drinkers. Tangerines are like oranges' artsy, eccentric cousin - they have a similar flavor profile, but are more intense.

@fercullenwhiskeyA simple twist of orange peel can make all the difference // elevate your at home cocktail skills with an orange garnish // the perfect addition to an old-fashioned or whiskey cocktail creation // Step one – peel a strip from the orange and trim the sides // Step two – hold the peel pith side up and release essential oils which enhance the flavour of the cocktail // Step three – rub the orange around the rim of the glass which will give it an aromatic citrus flavour // Step four – twist the peel, place it onto the rim of the glass, and enjoy#CocktailGarnish #CocktailRecipes #OrangeGarnish #OrangeTwist #FercullenFalls #IrishWhiskey #CocktailsForBeginners #CocktailHacks #Mixology #homebartenderlife #HPRadicalReuse ♬ Sunrise – BCD Studio

Prepare tangerine jam

Putting tangerine jam on your toast gives you a modern twist on traditional toast. When making tangerine jam, you can use the pulp and peel of the fruit.

Discover 3 recipes for jam with or without peel here!

@fcsimplefood #fcsimplefood #simplefood ♬ original sound – FC Simple Food

Save the citrus peels

Efficiently remove the peel from these citrus fruits before juicing or eating them. Store the peel in the freezer. Even when citrus is not in season, you can use the peel in baking, salad dressings, oatmeal, fresh fruit, and other recipes.

Also read:Why tangerines get moldy and how to store the citrus fruits correctly: tips and storage materials

Remedy for bronchitis

If you suffer from bronchitis, take three teaspoons of tangerine peel, add 500ml of very hot water, simmer for 30 minutes and then leave for a few hours and strain if bronchitis bothers you. You can sweeten this infusion with honey and drink it throughout the day.

For dry cough

If you suffer from a dry cough, you can make a tincture of tangerine peels. Mix a glass of vodka with the peel of a tangerine and store the solution in the cellar for at least a week. Drink 20 drops three times a day, just before meals.

Peeling for body and face

Photo: Valeriya Pavlova/ Shutterstock

A gentle scrub for the body and face can be easily made by drying some tangerine peels and chopping them finely in a food processor. When ground into granules, they can be used together with sugar, oat flakes and white yogurt to make a mild peeling for the body and face.

Clean face

The peels of tangerines are excellent for cleansing the face as they contain pectin, which cleanses the skin thoroughly. The chopped peel can be turned into a natural cleaning agent by boiling it until it is completely melted. Once cooled, apply to damp skin using a cotton pad.

Decorate with bowls – make DIY garlands for Christmas and New Year’s Eve

Foto: Elena Chevalier/ Shutterstock

Read here how you can make the garland yourself!

For another interesting DIY project using bowls, check out this TikTok video!

@girlandthewordLOTS of DIY mushroom content coming up this Fall! Leave a “❤️” in the comments if you loved this DIY! Inspired by @sibster’s ingenious tangerine peel mushrooms!♬ original sound – Anh Lin (GirlandTheWord)

Make cool candles yourself with olive oil and tangerine peel

@healthy_eating_fitness #fruitslovers #learnontiktok #wellnesstips #FruitTikTok #naturalremedies #Lemongivesyoulife #contentcreator #lifelessons #PerfectMango #orange #orangecat #orangejuice #FruitRecipes #reallyjuicyorange #light #candle #candlemaking #aroma #makeuptutorial #make ♬ original sound – healthy living809lifestyle

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